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>> No.15381740 [View]
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wait, earth isn't flat?

I know there is 0 chance in changing the minds of pretty much anyone that posts this dribble - but if someone oriented to reality, or someone who is on the fence, or someone who is already in support of human rights reads my reply and find something that useful... maybe something to help them in a future discussion where they actually have a chance to change a mind/make someone second guess their bad stances... well, then it is worth posting things like that from time to time.

>> No.15365811 [View]
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Before you so boldly try to figure out what the entire planet is... you should probably first learn what 'air' and 'light' are - and how they interact + how temperature inversions/differentials change that interaction.

After you have a functional understanding of that (I know you wont do that) but when you decide to pretend like you understand it, come back and we can discuss other reasons why you are wrong. And by that I mean, go get a vasectomy and never vote. there is nothing to discuss with your kind, I have already wasted too much time on you.

>> No.15326959 [View]
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Yeah. Makes flat earth look smart. For the sake of humanity, I hope they are trolling. Sadly, I think there are plenty of them that actually believe it. It is unfortunate that so many public schools have gone down the shitter.

>> No.15305758 [View]
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I didn't say that EVERY TIME someone eats raw chicken they get diarrhea from a foodborne pathogen. You can derive this by:

A. Common sense

B. Not being a disingenuous/bad-faith retard who is never going to care what I say because 0 amount of clear, obvious proof will matter to you

C. That part where I chose to specifically word my post with the following (in anticipation of another retarded response like yours that I am responding to)

"...chicken to be cooked at a high enough temp for a long enough time... to kill any of the non-existent pathogenic bacteria that might be present?"

See that whole "might be present" part? That means that I agree and recognize that NOT ALL CHICKEN CONTAINS PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. Jesus fuck, I shouldn't have to hold your hand on this - I already went out of my way to phrase it that way to help your ass/try to save my time having to respond to another retarded post... and it still didn't get through to you.

Come on. If we are going to have a back and forth here, I really would appreciate it if you are actually going to think. Like I said, I can pretty much guarantee that no amount of proof/evidence will change your mind, so I guess I am also a retard to continue trying to explain basic 2+2 = 4 level shit to you. My only hope is that someone else will read something I've said and they will claw themselves back from the precipice of falling into full retardation.

If you are actually wanting to learn about this, completely different story. If one of you guys post something that makes me somehow question my understanding of pathogenic organisms/infectious disease - I will genuinely read into it. Everything so far has been the usual babble that makes it obvious the poster lacks a functional understanding of the topic at hand, & is just repeating things they've heard that align with their existing incorrect conclusions. If I see something that isn't that/isn't obviously wrong, I'll give it consideration that it deserves.

>> No.15272239 [View]
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is this the next 'flat earth theory' level retardation we're gonna have to deal with?

>> No.15253135 [View]
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>Date Published: 1991

Good god. So you're saying the mRNA vaccines now travel through time and destroy the gifted youth of our past? Maybe the vaccines are trying to destroy their creators to save the future. Kinda like terminator, but infinitely more retarded.

>> No.15238231 [View]
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Sea level used to be lower than it is now. There ya go, I solved it. Was a hell of a lot of water locked up in glaciers during the ice age(s) - we're talking continents worth of ice a couple miles thick.

I think in the South Pacific alone (think from like India, through all the current islands, down to Australia) there was an entire Europe's worth of exposed land there during the last ice age that is now under ze sea. India and Sri Lanka used to not have ocean separating them, I think they've found signs of a road/of civilization underwater there - not sure if that is any of the India stuff you were referencing or if you were meaning some of other the city ruins they've found elsewhere off the coast.

Also, another fun thing with that all this - the only source for the basalt moai statues on Easter Island is a basalt quarry that is now underwater. I have a feeling they weren't doing underwater rock quarrying... just a hunch.

Plenty of good stuff to be found a little off the coasts of the Mediterranean, too. Hell, even in the middle of Lake Huron we've found evidence of Native American hunting back before the lake existed, which is pretty crazy.

>> No.15230338 [View]
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The most recent, key lowest point in science is when we started treating it like religion. The general public & many scientists/academics now deal in logical fallacies/biases rather than using the scientific method to re-evaluate long-accepted conclusions when new data is found.

It is hard for many to understand that science is ever-evolving. All available data may support Conclusion X today but if a ton of valid data comes out in 2 years to disprove, modify, & replace Conclusion X - that doesn't mean that Conclusion X was a lie... but now, much of the public will say '2 years ago you said X - now you say Y - why should we trust you?'

On the other side of that, the problem with many scientists/academics who made careers, believed in, and taught X for years - dig in their heels & blindly oppose even the idea that X could be wrong. We MUST be humble and accept reality if Conclusion Y now has better evidence than X. It has become an ego thing - people hate to feel like they were wrong. They weren't "wrong" to believe & teach X - they were right - according to the best available data at the time. If the preponderance of data now says Y is correct, well, you are wrong if you stubbornly cling to X without valid justification.

We are TOO SLOW to change and to embrace & foster new frameworks/paradigms. It is embarrassing. Yes, ideas/theories can be so dumb they should be dismissed & ignored (ie flat earth). But we cannot be so close-minded & ego-driven to assume that anything that questions a long-accepted theory/paradigm is wrong. If the data is valid - it must be given proper attention, we cannot let ego & bias be a roadblock to discovery and improvement.

We have to do better. We are doing a disservice to ourselves, to our fields, to the public, and to the academics/scientists of the past who suffered for challenging convention but still made those personal sacrifices to get us to where we are today.

>> No.10496863 [View]
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to nearly the Earths orbit near its death? How is that possible?

How is it suddenly generating so much more energy to overcome gravitational pressure so much?

How the fuck would the Sun increase its radius nearly 200 fold??

Explain yourselves, physicians.

>> No.9448995 [View]
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the truth came out

>> No.8680876 [View]
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Who said it wasn't flat?

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