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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11768894 [DELETED]  [View]
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do they clamp, /sci/?

>> No.11753650 [View]
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The end of clamp posting

I'm not sure if I've done the right things, but I've decided this is the final clamp post. I apologize for any harm caused, it was not my intention. There will be a New Normal, and the Old World will continue to fade more rapidly than ever. We need to get back to recognizing and actually valuing each other. And reject the script, to find and build the New World that should have been all along.

>> No.11752182 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm not sure if I've done the right things, but I've decided this is the final clamp post. I apologize for any harm caused, it was not my intention. There will be a New Normal, and the Old World will continue to fade more rapidly than ever. We need to get back to recognizing and actually valuing each other. And reject the script, to find and build the New World that should have been all along.

>> No.11751542 [DELETED]  [View]
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We have CRISPR And LOCKR, soon we'll be able to perform circumcisions before the child is even conceived. Agenesis of the foreskin happens occasionally, it will be easy to figure out. Ultimately, after a period where the population is brought before a board periodically to justify their existence (taking into account their Social Credit), the entire population will be sterilized as we move to artificial wombs. They wombs will be draw from a massive database of genetic material, and will be managed by an AI. People will only be created when they have a reason to exist, every aspect of their composition, every step of their development, will be meticulously controlled. In this, we can and perhaps should clamp the umbilical cord prenatally, like the epsilons in Brave New World.

Vaccinations will be a thing of the past, the pseudoscientific quasireligious pretext of preventing disease no longer being necessary to have access to a population's bloodstream. In the early days, they'll use electorporation to put genes in you which will guarantee a constant immune response, for example, against your own sex hormones. No sexy fun time for you, slave. It is bad for social stability. You will not even know such things ever existed. We see this in The Giver. When you reach this level though, where sexuality is now more a liability than an instrument of control, it would be best if everyone was just androgynous. Now, even undeveloped from lack of sex hormones, over a lifetime a single penis, pair of ovaries, breasts, etc will take some number of calories to maintain. If you take that number times a billion+, that's a lot of wasted calories. No, it will not do. The concept of a body needs to be slimmed down. No more genitals. We can reduce and modulate brain function as well, for example, through microwave radiation and insertion of "magneto protein" expressing genes.

An EMF/EMR responsive nanomachine network will control bodily processes not unlike a parallel nervous system.

>> No.11736449 [View]
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They clamp.

>> No.11715875 [View]
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In the "New Normal" of the New World we should cease to clamp until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating, turned white, and lies flat. Even then, if hospital birth is to continue, whether it's clamped at all should be at the mother's discretion. A doctor does not deliver a baby, the mother does. They are not there to manage nor run things.

Clamping early will be malpractice and assault.

>> No.11705414 [DELETED]  [View]
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They clamp, vaccinate, and circumcise.

An allegory for modern society.

That is all.

>> No.11705052 [DELETED]  [View]
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Clamped and bluepilled.
Unclamp and transcend pills.

>> No.11698721 [DELETED]  [View]
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Clamped and bluepilled.

>> No.11673611 [View]
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They vaccinate during pregnancy.
They ultrasound.
They induce with pitocin.
They clamp.
They inject vitamin K.
They put vaseline and silver nitrate in the eyes.
They wash under cold water.
They circumcise.
They inject a hepatitis B vaccine at 12 hours old, causing immunogenic brain damage.
They formula feed (due to failure to produce breast milk from pitocin)
They fluoridate.
They chlorinate.
They chlorimate.
They replace the iodine in flour with bromine.
They glyphosate.
They atrazine.
They s-o-y.
They make the entire food supply poison.
The child is subjected to early childhood traumatic conditioning.
The child is raised by the television.
The child is brainwashed under fluorescent lights which cause brain damage.
The child is irradiated with brain damaging and sterilizing microwaves. The females in particular will be sterile
The child has cone beam CT used on it at the dentist office.
The child is even given fluoride tablets to swallow.
The child is drugged.

The individual is the raped product of a Brave New World assembly line. And none of these elements occur in a vacuum, there are synergistic effects.

Doctors know not what they do.

>> No.11669632 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They vaccinate during pregnancy.
They ultrasound.
They induce with pitocin.
They clamp.
They inject vitamin K.
They put vaseline and silver nitrate in the eyes.
They wash under cold water.
They circumcise.
They inject a hepatitis B vaccine at 12 hours old, causing immunogenic brain damage.
They formula feed (due to failure to produce breast milk from pitocin)
They fluoridate.
They chlorinate.
They chlorimate.
They replace the iodine in flour with bromine.
They glyphosate.
They atrazine.
They s-o-y.
They make the entire food supply poison.
The child is subjected to early childhood traumatic conditioning.
The child is raised by the television.
The child is brainwashed under fluorescent lights which cause brain damage.
The child is irradiated with brain damaging and sterilizing microwaves. The females in particular will be sterile
The child has cone beam CT used on it at the dentist office.
The child is even given fluoride tablets to swallow.
The child is drugged.

The individual is the raped product of a Brave New World assembly line. And none of these elements occur in a vacuum, there are synergistic effects.

Doctors know not what they do.

>> No.11661283 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They vaccinate during pregnancy.
They ultrasound.
They induce with pitocin.
They clamp.
They inject vitamin K.
They put vaseline and silver nitrate in the eyes.
They wash under cold water.
They circumcise.
They inject a hepatitis B vaccine at 12 hours old, causing immunogenic brain damage.
They formula feed (due to failure to produce breast milk from pitocin)
They fluoridate.
They chlorinate.
They chlorimate.
They replace the iodine in flour with bromine.
They glyphosate.
They atrazine.
They s-o-y.
They make the entire food supply poison.
The child is subjected to early childhood traumatic conditioning.
The child is raised by the television.
The child is brainwashed under fluorescent lights which cause brain damage.
The child is irradiated with brain damaging and sterilizing microwaves. The females in particular will be sterile
The child has cone beam CT used on it at the dentist office.
The child is even given fluoride tablets to swallow.
The child is drugged.

The individual is the raped product of a Brave New World assembly line. And none of these elements occur in a vacuum, there are synergistic effects.

Doctors know not what they do.

>> No.11646491 [View]
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Is this legitimate? Any clamped fellas willing to tell us if they feel retarded or not?

>> No.11637991 [DELETED]  [View]
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Everything in society is basically a serious of clamp traps, trying to clamp and contort you. It's a massive clamp made of smaller clamps. There is basically no level of organization where there isn't a clamp, a clamp trap, or a clamping going on. Everything is clamped. Everything is about control. Everything is about clamping, and if you refuse to clamp, you are thus rendered either trying to escape being clamped yet further or trying to wake up those who are clamped to help get rid of the overarching near omnipresent clamp force factor.

>> No.11637339 [View]
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Textbook example of being biologically, intellectually, existentially, clamped. Then vaxxed against divergent thinking and reason to create a lazy, intellectual eunuch.

>> No.11630427 [DELETED]  [View]
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They vaccinate prenatally.
They ultrasound.
They induce with pitocin.
They clamp.
They inject vitamin K.
They put vaseline in the eyes or wash them out with silver nitrate.
They vaccinate.
They circumcise.
They replace the iodine in flour with bromine.
They fluoridate.
They chlorinate.
They chlorimate.
They glyphosate.
They atrazine.
They irradiate.
They use cone beam CT on the child for routine dental exams.

They do all of these things, and more.

>> No.11623775 [DELETED]  [View]
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The closer to 4chan I become, the more clamped I feel. Therefore to become less clamped, that is, to unclamp, I should go away from 4chan.

How will you unclamp? Unclamp.

>> No.11623275 [View]
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It's my meme.

Many things can be clamped Clamped is a mindset. You need to realize, and in your newfound awareness, find the way to unclamp.

>> No.11620594 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.11617828 [DELETED]  [View]
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They clamp.

>> No.11615442 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.11605164 [View]
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They clamp.

>> No.11601383 [DELETED]  [View]
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They clamp.
Imagine all the nurses who get excited watching infant circumcisions. Others of course don't even see a problem, stone cold dissociated. It's their duty, they're strong, they're professionals.

US is gross. Gross people treated like normal people. Gross practices. Completely insane.

>> No.11595692 [DELETED]  [View]
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Guys, I'm just saying. Just like they think it's A-okay to cut off your foreskin at birth, they also think it's A-okay to clamp off your oxygen supply before your lungs are functional. Perhaps we should be more critical of all the other "settled science" and quasi-religious BS they tell us.

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