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>> No.16113588 [View]
File: 36 KB, 240x320, Retard in Chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump is incredibly stupid
Yes, I stand by this objectively accurate statement I made

>he is going to take over the world and become the next hitler
When the hell did I say anything like this? Which baseless accusations are you going to throw in my face next? Are you also going to claim I have some paranoia that Matt Damon is reincarnated Hitler too, plotting to rule the planet by 2030?

>trump is a danger to our democracy
I never said this ITT, but he's not exactly a forecast of sunny skies for the future of Democracy. He was never planning to give up presidential power from day one, Donald never in his life said anything along the lines of "Ok, you win, now that you've beaten me fair and square in the contest. I concede you are the victor and I am the loser...", but turns out the Biden admin are even more talented at cheating than the Trump admin

Either way I'd consider Biden an even bigger threat to democracy than Donald here though, what with how he constantly wipes his shitty asshole with the 1st Ammendment, including but not limiting to blatantly censoring political opponents. And surprise surprise, the reason Biden and all future presidents get away with so much whoreshit now is because of over 100 bajjillion enraged Americans semi-justifiably saying:
>"Whatever, idc, at least he's not Donald Trump. Jfc, anything is better than the constant humilation of that that whiney cretin manchild repeatedly schreeching 38 times every damn day he's the smartest American in history by a longshot."

What's silly about this Access Hollywood interview is how Billy Bush (the "good guy" in this conversation) was punished and fired for his job for merely quietly listening to Trump's boastful autistic rant about assaulting women's pussies. And Trump (the "bad guy" in this conversation) was rewarded by being made President of the whole country.

Interesting. Modern America must truly confuse the rest of the planet watching all of this hysterical nonsense

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