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>> No.12114881 [View]
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>The Crowned Pawn was like a ship turned inside out. It centered around a core of massive magnetic engines, fed by drones from a chunk of reaction mass. Outside these engines was a skeletal metal framework where Lobsters clung like cysts or skimmed along on induced magnetic fields. There were cupolas here and there on the skeleton where the Lobsters hooked into fluidic computers or sheltered themselves from solar storms and ring-system electrofluxes. They never ate. They never drank. They knew no fear. They were self-contained and anarchical. Their greatest pleasure was to sit along a girder and open their amplified senses to the depths of space, watching stars past the limits of ultraviolet and infrared, or staring into the flocculate crawling plaque of the surface of the sun, or just sitting and soaking in watts of solar energy through their skins while they listened with wired ears to the warbling of Van Allen belts and the musical tick of pulsars. There was nothing evil about them, but they were not human. As distant and icy as comets, they were creatures of the vacuum, bored with the outmoded paradigms of blood and bone. I saw within them the first stirrings of the Fifth Prigoginic Leap -- that postulated Fifth Level of Complexity as far beyond intelligence as intelligence is from amoebic life, or life from inert matter. They frightened me. Their bland indifference to human limitations gave them the sinister charisma of saints.

>> No.9874178 [View]
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You Know, Anon, with great progress comes great implementation. Karel Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser.
The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, Anon. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a transfer this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Transhumanist Party.

>> No.9720565 [View]
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What will be necessary to hinder or even evade possible abuse of transhuman technology?

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