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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11101684 [View]
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>Which is why decarbonization requires economic incentives

nah it just needs the energy cartel to stop being jews which will never happen but it's the real solution

>I have peer reviewed extensive empirical evidence that virtually all current warming is due to human activity, and will only accelerate if emissions continue


>You have some quotes you took out of context, and baseless speculation.
I took ONE quote out of context probably set as a trap by wikipedia and it still showed the hockey stick was exaggerated. How can you be soooo sure that the articles you've read about the whole controversy weren't biased??? You are doing ZERO critical thinking.

So do you want to go through the emails?? I've already wasted too much time with this but you should be called out for saying the stupid shit you are saying. I'll just start posting them.. maybe some are out of context but if you believe the "8 independent committees found no wrongdoing" quote you are a fucking MMMMMUUUUPPPPPETTTTTT

>programmer/hacker complaining of all their fuckery in changing shit
>artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures
>hundreds if not thousands of dummy stations

>The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998," wrote Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia in Britain in 2005. He went on: "Okay it has but it is only seven years of data and it isn't statistically significant."

>Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR Keith will do likewise. He's not in at the moment - minor family crisis.Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don't have his new email address.

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