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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15972833 [View]
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I unironically cannot grasp the concept of division. I know addition and subtraction and multiplication and how to go about it or start it. But not division. Like at fucking all lol. Like what do you even do, is it addition and subtraction mixed into one or something? Should I remain ignorant since ignorance is bliss? Will my brain get fucked up if I learn it now? Anyway where do I start
>Inb4 4th grade

>> No.15521685 [View]
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He'll never be a surgeon. Guess you'll have to go Stem Cell Guy

>> No.15496546 [View]
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will genetic engineering in the future cause everyone to become white Europeans since that is the beauty standard in most of the world?

>> No.15454779 [View]
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credentials check out

>> No.15441223 [View]
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Pond water, classic that can't be beat

>> No.14866671 [View]
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I am doing a Master in Big Data and Visual Analytics and now I need to find an idea for my final master thesis, and I would like it to be controversial. I would like to tackle topics like gender inequality (but not the one that feminists like to talk about), or <crime statistics>.
What kind of ideas do you have that I could use and research about?

>> No.14535064 [View]
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Hello, potential grad school chemist here.

In order to get into grad school, I have to select 3 or so faculty members whose work is interesting to me. The issue I'm running into is that every time I see what publications these people have published, it'll be something like "Behavior of 4,5-bromobullshitdienes atomic orbital thermodynamics" or some other jargon filled niche title talking about a subcategory of double bond bullshit molecules and they probably just irradiated it with UV light and got some NMR peaks to agree with them.

In otherwords, what the hell am I supposed to write? I think all of the modern research areas are garbage and too niche. I dont' give a damn about specific properties of molecules, I just need this damn degree so I can be a professor. Why do I have to grovel? I can't even begin bullshitting a personal statement because it seems boring and lame beyond belief. No wonder people want to kill themselves.

I've even wondered if this means that I should switch out of chemistry, since every time I go into any school's grad page it seems like absolute garbage.

>> No.12741170 [View]
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Talk about grad school, grad-level classes and research

>> No.11082625 [View]
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How the fuck do I complete all the assigned problems in all of the topics before the exams? What do you do stemanons?

>> No.11059943 [View]
File: 28 KB, 396x385, Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an integer between two and four, but it is not three, and its true name and nature are not to be revealed.

>> No.10926426 [View]
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I, Big brain professional gamer scientist made a epic big discovery today.

America is shit.

>> No.10661766 [View]
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Are there any cool engineering/tech/science outdoor/non desk bound jobs out there that are not super hard to get?i want to go back to uni so i'm wondering about possible options.(i live in a eastern european shithole,so after graduating i will have to move out).I don't care that much about money,as long as the job is overall rewarding everything is good.

>> No.10627442 [View]
File: 28 KB, 396x385, 1550404250926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots screencap this
I'll be back in a few months or so, and I will be shilling my published paper of a new antitumoral protein i have discovered as an undergrad.
And when the time will come you faggots will bend over and admit that even a biology undergrad is smarter and a better researcher that a medfag will ever possibly be

>> No.10598144 [View]
File: 28 KB, 396x385, Ct20JVMWAAEFtls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys

i have a 100mg tab of viagra i stole from my dad

if i have no heart conditions , a normal penis, get no pussy, and am 19, and i took all 100mg would it make my heart explode or something?

i hear its very intense and stimulating

thanks scientists

>> No.10526604 [View]
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Can you be interested in science without wanting to do research yourself?

>> No.10417430 [View]
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>that feel when you realize your crush is at least gravitationally attracted to you
>eventually, our atoms will find each other
>later virgins!

>> No.10394676 [View]
File: 28 KB, 396x385, 1525174823595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a cool country to move to to be a researcher/academic in?

>> No.10334953 [View]
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>in the university lab manipulating bacteriophage lambda with a type 2 restriction enzyme
>put my eppendorf tubes into the centrifuge
>slouch down on my stool and yell "YO THIS NIGGA BOUT TO SPIN FAST AS FUCK"
>everyone laughs
>lab technician sucks his teeth and says "You aight, white boy"
>hear "he cute" from one of the undergraduates

>> No.10198654 [View]
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I heard the universe is made of 1 electron that is jumping through time and space. So all the electrons that make up YOU is one from different time periods.

Maybe that's what happens when the electron and proton meets? Time travel? Also explains the big bang. Suddenly an infinite amount of electrons appear (travelling back from millisecond and 1 trillion trillion years from the future)

>> No.10132580 [View]
File: 27 KB, 396x385, scientist frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8, the only thing the A.I. has to do is figure out how to create negative energy density. If it can make a region of spacetime have that property, then it can travel back in time (Hawking has mentioned this as a possibility for time travel).

>> No.9872055 [View]
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>> No.9862390 [View]
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Climate change is a meme
Singles confirm

>> No.9858819 [View]
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This is the general for all things both healthcare and medicine related.

Any other fellow incoming MS1's shitting themselves?

Past thread: >>9846112

>> No.9850394 [View]
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I prefer this doctor

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