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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5338046 [View]
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When did people stop believing the Earth was flat? Surely they didn't believe that nonsense in Columbuses time?

>> No.4819260 [View]
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Astronomy isn't science. It's a whack ass hobby like stamp collecting. Try 420chan.

>> No.4815435 [View]
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What mental illness does this subject have:


>> No.4731813 [View]
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Over rated pop-sci icon that kids worship because they lack their own brains.

>> No.4678025 [View]
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So to the gents solving these problems:

How long do you work on each problem?
How many do you actually solve?
How many do you make zero progress with?
And what level is your mathematical education at?

As a non-Mathematician who cannot even begin solving these I was just wondering how hard they actually are.

>> No.4576773 [View]
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What are some 'space' related science experiments I can do with some year 3 kids? It only has to be vaguely related.

>Recreating thread because I'm a dumbass who got the theme wrong

>> No.4576681 [DELETED]  [View]
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What are some 'food' related science experiments I can do with some year 3 kids?

>> No.4331003 [View]
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Is the MIT OCW course any good? I'm thinking of doing it to gauge my ability to actually complete a Bachelor of Mathematics. Would it be a good indicator?


>> No.4218028 [View]
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Is there any question why the autism gene persists?

It should be obvious:

Mild levels of autism increase intelligence (Asperger's syndrome): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17980944 , but high levels of autism are crippling. I think it follows the same principle as sickle cell anemia (heterozygotes have a survival advantage, homozygotes die). Asperger's can be considered the "heterozygote" form of autism by analogy to sickle cell. Aspies passed on their genes because they were smart enough to survive. Full autists died without reproducing, but the net survival advantage weighed in favor of the aspies.


>> No.4044553 [View]
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There is a way to do this in R (a program).

>What is the best way to convert a 100 mean 15 ,deviation iq score, to a 10.5 mean 1.5 deviation score?

To convert DND IQ score to IRL IQ score:
qnorm(pnorm((dnd-10.5)/1.5), mean=100, sd=15)

To convert IRL IQ score to DND IQ score:
qnorm(pnorm((irl-100)/15), mean=10.5, sd=1.5)

Let "dnd" = whatever DND intelligence score you want to convert to IRL IQ score.
Let "irl" = whatever IRL IQ score you want to convert to DND intelligence score

R is a free program.

For instance:
Feynman's IQ --> DND IQ
qnorm(pnorm((125-100)/15), mean=10.5, sd=1.5)
yields: 13

14 DND IQ --> IRL
qnorm(pnorm((14-10.5)/1.5), mean=100, sd=15)
yields: 135

>> No.3926229 [View]
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The evidence is more important then the individual's claims, should be viewed independently from the individual bla bla bla etc.

>mfw people don't care and will just believe what he says because is affirms their beliefs.

I gave up caring a long time ago. Logic is surprisingly rare.

>> No.3918717 [View]
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>Does eating celery result in negative calories? ... Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

>> No.3884402 [View]
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>> No.3877969 [View]
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I hate it when people are overly wordy. You can slam their point of view down with a page of evidence, but you have to wait for them to finish impersonating some Professor from the 1800s before you get a chance.

>> No.3867935 [View]
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It's a joke.

Two possibilities: When shooting/filming the sauce material they changed games for whatever reason. Perhaps many photos were taken over a series of shoots featuring different games and spliced the best pics together to make it look seamless and a Mario Kart image was thrown in with the Zelda set or some shit. She's obviously coming 12th place because it's impractical to get her into first place, then try to quickly take the photo. They would have just sat the character there and took as many photos as needed.

Alternatively, it is from two separate sets and was deliberately put together incorrectly by same anon.

The text in the image accompanying it is obviously not implying that this is realistic. Instead, it is taking the absurdity of the situation and using it to play into the stereotype of models being posers and pretty pathetic at everything except shagging and looking good.

And it isn't funny. /b/ grade material right there.

>> No.3851344 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is this bullshit or not /sci/?


>> No.3836152 [View]
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>What's your major?
>Oh wow. What's 35235 times 4302062?

>> No.3827250 [View]
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I'm out.

>> No.3815389 [View]
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You probably shouldn't have proclaimed that you were "black." It doesn't fucking make you special, except that you have a 200% chance of being accepted (over whites and Asians) to top universities with rudimentary qualifications.

(They're basically rewarding you for not raping and killing.)

>> No.3812591 [View]
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>Dat image
>That feel when my debt is under 15,000 with no interest

Ausfag here. Our Government pays for the majority of our study fees, then you have a debt of about 3-8k a year (depending on which course) from there on out. There is no interest and you are only required to pay it back as a percentage of your tax (1-8% I think) and ONLY if you are earning over $40,000.

Until I came to this board I didn't realise some students got debts in the hundreds of thousands. Is this common practice in America or is it just the minority?

>> No.3801207 [DELETED]  [View]
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Mostly accurate. Pretty sure the real Tardis is a bit bigger.

Not as accurate as Star Trek though.

>> No.3773298 [View]
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Social segregation leads them to find people like minded.

They find other weeaboo fags. They take their hobbies and continue integrating them into every facet of their lives to make up for their inadequecies, then before you know it, anime everywhere. Anime DVD's taking up their income, anime shirts, anime games, anime themed bedrooms. Then they marry their anime girlfriends and it's like "dude, what?" but then you're like "poor guy... it's all he has."

That and aspburger's.

>> No.3735192 [View]
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I just think if you want to draw people in with Blackjack than you should also accept that it is a game people can potentially become good at.

Why should Casinos have the right to say "we want the games that bring people in AND the right to kick them out if they win"?

Frankly, I think there should be much stricter laws placed on casinos in terms of what they can get away with towards their customer base. It should be illegal to continue allowing someone to play for a certain number of hours and illegal to turn people away for doing well. And if it already is, it needs to be more harshly enforced.

Perhaps Casino security could be required by law to be handled by private firms that are personally liable for these things. That way they'd turn away problem gamblers and only kick out people who are addicted/an actual security risk. You know, their fucking job.

>> No.3721561 [View]
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Obviously, I need the working out.

Thanks if anyone can help.

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