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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5342613 [View]
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That feel when my psychiatrist called today and informed me that he finished scoring the IQ test I was administered last week and the result is 138. He said it was very high and that I should be very proud of such a high level of performance.

But I've been thinking about this all day: he's been treating me for months without finding a method to actually improve my condition, so is there any chance he may have faked the result to try and help my condition? Can he do that? How can I find out?

>> No.5129148 [View]
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Cognifit is a website that assess cognitive abilities of tens of thousands of participants from all around the internet, gauges their score against a normalized scale from 0-800, where the global mean is 407, and places them precisely on the global bell curve.

When you register, click on the Assessment tab and 'Start Assessment'. It should take around 15 minutes.

I wonder what's /sci/'s score as it is clearly the most intelligent board on 4chan.

Registration is free and you can just bullshit whatever information you'd like including email (no confirmation required), though it is recommended that you'll give your exact age so that you'll be given a precise comparison of your score to people within your age group.

So what's your score /sci/? Mine's 519.


>> No.4865662 [View]
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>The 12 Pillars of Wisdom consists of 12 tasks followed by a short questionnaire.
>Each task will take between 1 and 3 minutes so the whole trial should run in less than half an hour.
>After completing the questionnaire you will receive a summary showing how you performed relative to the population.

Link: http://cbstrials.com/Open/Default.aspx?B_ID=279

/sci/ always complains the a single IQ number cannot possibly cover all areas of human intelligence at once.
This is why this test is composed of 12 parts that deal with 12 facets of your intelligence and will give you scores in each accordingly.

So what are your scores?

Note: You must provide with an email and password but they don't check for validity.
Just type in something like dsfgsdf@gsdf.com in the email field and be done with it.

Make sure you save those email and password if you want to prove your scores to us in case no one believes you (to avoid claims of shooping, etc)

Good luck.

>> No.4645353 [View]
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How high are your mental planning skills /sci/?


Post scores.

>> No.4528683 [View]
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Have fun and don't forget to post a screen cap.

>> No.4457222 [View]
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I've accidentally shown off my eidetic memory by reciting a 24 digit number that was read forwards and now everyone at work thinks I'm a genius and looks at my with threatened eyes.

They're now distancing from me further with every passing day and before this incident I've had so many friends over there but there's no going back any more.

It has happened once before in high school when everyone found out that I could mentally extract square roots of 6 digit numbers. And now the pattern repeats as patterns often do. It's becoming so awkward that I'm going to have to quit.

>> No.4340774 [View]
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What's it like not being crazy smart?

I know, I know, that's a great question. This thread won't end well infa 1488%, but I'm too embarrassed to ask this question to anyone I know in, you know, real life, so I thought I'd try anonymous Internet strangers.

But seriously. I am, without exaggeration, probably in the top 99% of intelligence. I grew up the highest achiever in a house of achievers. I went to a school that's in the 95% of schools in the US, and I was in the top 95% there, scorewise. In general, I was probably one of the 3 smartest kids in my class of 500.

In the army, I was solicited by several top units.

In university, I went to one of the top 100 universities in the world, and graduated in the top 5% of my class - I had one of my professors tell me that I was the smartest students he'd seen in 30 years of teaching.

Anyway, all of this bragging has a point: I define myself by being really, really smart. I was never very athletic, but it was okay, I was always smart. I was never very attractive, but it was okay, I was really smart. I was always pretty lucky with the ladies, because some girls here are attracted to smart, high achieving boys. I tend to understand things the first time they're explained to me; if someone tells me something, I often remember it in complete detail, months later. The first time I had to try in school was in university (which sucked, but whatever).

So my question: what's it like NOT being ridiculously smart? I don't even know what I'm trying to ask.

>> No.4238785 [View]
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So there was this IQ test published here the other day and it seemed pretty good at first but then I tried it and got 104 when I usually score about 128.

Has anyone else tried it and could testify as to his score or just take it right now and report it, preferably in comparison to other tests you've taken in the past?

I have to know whether or not the test's legit or maybe I'm just getting dumber which is plausible yet frightening because the test appears to be the real deal as it's not as ridiculously easy as other ones you see going around the internet.

Here's the link: http://www.cerebrals.org/wp/tests/jcti/209-2/

>> No.4185226 [View]
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Has anyone here taken the Mensa Home Test in order to receive a somewhat accurate measurement of his IQ score?
I want to take a serious IQ test online as I have almost no time to be tested by a professional, and the web must contain some pro-grade IQ tests which are most probably at a cost.

Does anyone here have any experience with a professional paid-for online IQ test?

>> No.3940860 [View]
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>> No.3864660 [View]
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Any good IQ tests I can do online for free?
Don't feel like paying for those.

>> No.3831376 [View]
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Quantum immortality is based on the Multiverse-interpretation of Quantum-physics. Theory is that whatever can happen will happen because the Universe is constantly branching into all possible alternative states on the Quantum level, so EVERY state-transition possible on the lowest level of existence (quantum foam) will immediately create a parallel reality. This will have implications on the macro-level naturally. So let's consider this experiment:
1) Take a revolver with six bullets, well oiled and in excellent working condition
2) Play Russian Roulette
3) Have fun hearing the clicking noise cuz it will fail 100% of the time
What happens in such cases ? According to Quantum Immortality, this depends on the observer.
To an observer other than you, you will die in 99.9999999 of cases. It's not 100% because there is always a chance that you have a lucky escape due to malfunction of the weapon or you just blow a quarter of you brain out so you can live as a vegetable from then on. But you will be dead in most cases.
To you, it's quite different. The one option where you really die can't happen because it's part of the set of universes you can no longer observe as you are no longer part of it as a sentient being. But you can observe one of the universes you continue to live in, so you automatically land in one of these. No death, though invalidity is more likely than having a malfunctioning weapon. It's impossible for you NOT to exists, thought it's perfectly normal for other people to die from your perspective.

>> No.3667521 [View]
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Is all communication and language runnable code, /sci/?

Is what we consider "language" as distinct from program code merely a set of instructions for our brain to act, record, process, etc. certain elements of our memory?

>> No.3607454 [View]
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You spend 10 years "educating" yourself in a discipline until you finally acquire enough knowledge, accidentally, to start deprogramming all the bullshit you learnt from popular science, sensationalist/dishonest academics and plain old propaganda. Then you're capable of spotting intellectual dishonesty a mile away, but you've wasted your life already, and since you're only one out of millions of cattle and no one will listen to you, business goes on as usual.

Sorry, just my rant on modern "scientific" literature. I mainly blame Anglos for the current state of affairs by the way.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.3563685 [View]
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>The international team, led by Ian Deary of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Peter Visscher of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, Australia, compared the DNA of more than 3,500 people, middle aged and older, who also had taken intelligence tests. They calculated that more than 40% of the differences in intelligence among test subjects was associated with genetic variation.

>40% of the variation in crystallized intelligence and 51% of the variation in fluid intelligence is associated with genetic differences.

>The genome-wide association study, as such broad-sweep genetic studies are known, suggested that humans inherit much of their smarts, and a large number of genes are involved.

>We studied over 3,500 people. We looked at over 500,000 individual locations on the chromosomal DNA where people are known to differ. We looked at the association between those DNA differences and two types of intelligence. One type of intelligence was on-the-spot thinking (fluid intelligence) and the other was vocabulary (crystallized intelligence).

Yet another study proving that a large part of intelligence is determined by genes. I'm betting on good old liberal /sci/ to keep ignoring this info. Ignorance is bliss after all.

>> No.3551365 [View]
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I need that list we made a while ago of "/sci/ approved science and sci fi movies".

I lost the picture.

>> No.3527763 [View]
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Sorry guys, you just can't augment your own intelligence.



>> No.3495266 [View]
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>> No.3482324 [View]
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Ask a guy who just computed 86^8 in his head anything.

>> No.3421312 [View]
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I feel like this is the best place to ask this question

Is it possible, through mental training (or whatever else it would take outside of some type of surgery) to train your eyes/brain to be able to look at a written word and NOT read it? and I dont mean soft focusing on a word in a language you dont speak. look at a word, focus on the word, and have your brain NOT tell you what it says?

>> No.3162557 [View]
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6 24 59 118 205 330 495 ?

What's the next number in the series?

>> No.3153498 [View]
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William Tell and the Sheriff of Habsburg are engaged in an archery contest. Tell is allowed to shoot three arrows and the Sheriff gives himself an advantage by shooting seven arrows. If Tell and the Sheriff are equally matched (which means that each arrow has an equal chance of getting close to the bull's eye), what are the odds that the Sheriff has the closest arrow?

>> No.3147890 [View]
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What are some jobs/careers in the field of neuroscience that pay enough so one would be able to live comfortably? I don't need big houses or expensive cars. I just want to be able to sustain myself.

>> No.3012438 [View]
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Persons A and B both take an IQ test and an SAT.
Person A outscores person B on the IQ test, while person B outscores person A on the SAT.

In the rigorous sense, which is the more intelligent?

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