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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4749771 [View]
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If electrons and photons had some internal structure then their scattering patterns would be completely different.

As far as we can tell the scattering patters are that of a "point particle" (no bigger then 1/10 millionth the size of an atom). If they do have some internal structure smaller then this, then we will have to wait until we have more accurate machines/experiments.

So we can treat them as point particles for now, because even if they are not, our equipment/experiments are unable to detect such a small internal stucture. With out current technology they all end up looking like point particles anyway.

Get it?


>> No.3278631 [View]
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WOW, I FUCKING REMEMBER SEEING THAT ON THE NEWS (OR SOMESHIT). I was laughing my ass off. Then after the funniness, it actually started to make perfect sense to me.

Also, I remember someother study done, that actually observed primates in a turf war (killing eachother over land).

It is interesting that many "human" traits are actually primate "traits" in general.

>> No.3155679 [View]
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In classical mech, we have angular mometum. It can have values is any direction. We can say we have an x,y, and z components of angular mometum. We are able to measure all three componets (at the same time). Additionally, we can measure the total magnitude of the angular momentum.

In Quantum Mech, we are not able to measure all three componets of angular mometum at the same time, it if fucking impossible. This is because if we measure one component it will fuck up the values of the other two components. Hence, we can only measure the one component, we usually call this the "z" component (as we set the z-axis along the direction of our measurement). Additionally we can still measure the "magnitude".

Some reltionships between the magnitude and the z-component, are obvious. The z-component cant be greater then the maginidue, nor can the negative of the z-component be less then the negative of the magnitude. Essentially, the magintude will gives us "bounds" for the z-component.

>> No.3010807 [View]
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>> No.2738095 [View]
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Another example of Greedy Americans fucking over there own economy. America actually doesn't benifit from PC's or Mac's. It really don't help the US in any way, it doens't help the economy, nor does it help the work sector.

In fact it helps the Chinese and Japanese. It brings hightech jobs to those countries.



>> No.2703593 [View]
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It is obvious you are very very young.
It is nice you are trying to think about this shit. But you are wrong.

Matter can travel faster or slower then c, it is GR. What you are meaning to say is that matter cannot travel faster then c in a inertial system. This doesn't apply to all systems though. Not all systems are inertial.

The wikis are ok on these subjects. You should read up. Good luck.


>> No.2605116 [View]
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"The Futurama theorem is a real-life mathematical theorem invented by Futurama writer Ken Keeler, who holds a PhD in applied mathematics".


J. Stewart Burns graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University in 1992.

David S. Cohen (David X. Cohen) graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in physics from Harvard University in 1988.

Al Jean graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University in 1981.

Ken Keeler graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Harvard University in 1983.

Bill Odenkirk has a PhD in inorganic chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1995.

Jeff Westbrook majored in physics and the history of science at Harvard University and he received his Ph.D. in computer science from Princeton University in 1989.

Just type look up this shit in google dumbass. Do you not know how to do basic research?

>> No.2588956 [View]
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He was trying to explain the Quantum Zeno effect. You should buy your teacher a beer!


Ya'll are fucking retarded

>> No.2576955 [View]
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That proff is shit, and it only applicable under certain circumstances. It does not work in general.

>> No.2532740 [View]
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Example: We reduce everything to energy in particle physics.

We describe mass, momentum, time, space, and all other fundmental properties/objects in terms of energy. Energy is a first principle, and we use it to build physics. We use energy to build objects, and mathematics to build conservation laws/relations between them.

However, I couldn't use energy to describe itself fundementally. No matter how much fancy math I used. I cannot use "a" to describe "a". I could use mass to describe energy, but them my logic becomes nonsensical, as I used energy to describe mass as well.

>> No.2358272 [View]
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>sun is at the "centre of mass" of the Solar System


>according to relativity, it all depends on the reference "frame"


Yes, the reference frame is the center of mass


>> No.2243932 [View]
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I ment organization of adults. /sci/ is mostly little kids.

>> No.1910298 [View]
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They can go get a belt or a neck tie, to hang themselves by
Like David Carradine they can go fuck themselves and just die
And eat shit while they at it
He's fucking had it, he's mad at the whole world
So go to hell and build a snowman girl
The bullies become bullied, the pussies get pushed
Then they better pull me, take me back to 9th grade to school me
Cus I ain't looking back, only forward, this whole spot blowing
Who coulda known he'd grow to be a poet and not know it
And while I'm being poetic let me get a stoic and raise the bar
Higher than my opinion of these women's been lower'd
So bare witness to some biblical shit
As a cold wind blowing this world ain't gonna know what hit it
He did it, he made it, he's finally famous

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