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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16034521 [View]
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>nonwhites owe whites NOTHING.
I didnt say they did, that works both ways though kiddo and you pull a tiger by the tail you better have a plan for dealing with its teeth. Aryans could starve the entire 3rd world any time they want because they produce all the food, they produce everything, the rest of you are just parasites living off their good graces (except asians who are also quite industrious in their own right)

>> No.15939734 [View]
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cocoa was discovered in the new world and taken to africa by aryans moron. Do you seriously think being able to grow crops is some monumental achievement? Perhaps we should give them a nobel prize for being able to spell their names as well

>> No.15926055 [View]
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but yah , these idiots cant even feed themselves. If whites had just walled themselves off from the browns this planet would divided into parallel worlds. We were walking on the moon when most cultures on this planet were still in the stone age and would still be on the stone age to this day (perpetually in fact) without white inventions of travel and communication.

>> No.15798769 [View]
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>> No.15388796 [View]
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>It also strikes a blow to their collective ego by highlighting they aren't needed to build and maintain civilization
You had civilizations literally made for you and handed to by people who walked on the moon and if they left you alone for 10 years you would be cannibals eating each other like liberia and haiti. Nigger please

>> No.15301453 [View]
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>84 white men defeated 7000 monkeys
It isnt a country anymore because of political reasons not because they were defeated. This cope is funny though please, do go on

>> No.15229089 [View]
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that's whiteys fault too rayciss. They were literally handed a first wold country and turned into a third world country in less than 2 decades

>> No.12554251 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Sad that so many in /sci/ don't care or even approve censorship.


>> No.12361810 [View]
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>show me the evidence bit make it so I only have to spend 5 minutes looking at it while at the same not using a format designed to explain things to dummies like me in a quick and digestible way
wew lad, no thanks I have better things to than spend my time tutoring retards.

Here is all four alt hype skull Shaun vids coupled with the fiscal impact one as well on the end for anyone interested

you can also do it from there if you want using tubeoffline

>> No.12324348 [View]
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You must be 16 or you suffer from crippling Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Imagine thinking you should keep scientific data that effects political policies that directly lead to people's suffering and the collapse of insinuations and nations because you don't want a handful on anime forum board to be able to think and say things you don't like. You have serious fucking issues buddy and you need to get diagnosed and medicated because you are dangerously retarded

>> No.12316428 [View]
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>denying them the opportunity to turn the US into Rhodesia, Haiti or South Africa
Yah I have no problem with this

>> No.12294723 [View]
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if whites stopped feeding niggers, not just in the us but aid too, 3/4 of all niggers would die in the span of a year. doesn't matter how you feel about us, you will always be the white mans bitch. you were just apeoid creatures in the jungles who had never seen a wheel when we found you just a few hundred years ago top kek

>> No.12284182 [View]
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wanna functioning civilization? Can negroes even grow a banana?

>> No.12279541 [View]
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>it's your responsibility to fix black people
yah no, not into white man's burden school of thought go fuck yourself

>> No.12194363 [View]
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This would be interesting if it wasn't complete bullshit, you are cherry picking and not even doing good cherry picking because your narrative is such bullshit you cant cherry pick and make it tenable. No race given anything in this country and all of them were in poverty the first or even second generation. Only niggers never "escaped" it as demographic and none of this accounts for what has happened outside of the US most of all Haiti, Liberia and Rhodesia and soon to be South Africa if it continues the rate it is going. You are a fucking retard


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