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>> No.12488219 [View]
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Yeah, they've been doing this for decades. Basically brain damaging us all with aluminum, barium, strontium, etc nanoparticles.

They're called CHEMTRAILS.

>> No.12476991 [View]
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They stopped chemtrailing, basically. Here's how they facilitate (if not fake outright) "winter" today. They divert water away from other regions using ionsophere heaters and other methods, then they spray flat small aluminum particles along with an endothermic mix to forcibly nucleate and freeze water into snowflakes. Chemical ice nucleation, same way those instant icepacks in first aid work.

>inb4 schizo
No, shut the fuck up for just a second, and actually read.

Example of endothermic chemical ice nucleation (using barium hydroxide octahydrate and ammonium nitrate)
Artificial snow in China.

Yes, there is some snow that they hyped up, but once the endothermic reaction has ceased the temperature on the surface will no longer be low enough to keep it there. A lot of it will ultimately melt and release a gross odor as it does so. This also why it sticks to you and burns your skin very quickly, it is incredibly cold.

The reason for this is probably that they trashed the ozone layer with their incessant weather manipulation / climate geowarfare. Which is why being in direct sunlight is way too hot these days, UV-B and UV-C are reaching the surface.

>> No.12476629 [View]
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They stopped chemtrailing, basically. Here's how they make "winter". They divert water away from other regions using ionsophere heaters and other methods, then they spray flat small aluminum particles along with an endothermic mix to forcibly nucleate and freeze water into snowflakes. Chemical ice nucleation, same way those instant icepacks in first aid work.

>inb4 schizo
No, shut the fuck up for just a second, and actually read.

Example of endothermic chemical ice nucleation (using barium hydroxide octahydrate and ammonium nitrate)
Artificial snow in China.

Yes, there is some snow that they hyped up, but once the endothermic reaction has ceased the temperature on the surface will no longer be low enough to keep it there. A lot of it will ultimately melt and release a gross odor as it does so. This also why it sticks to you and burns your skin very quickly, it is incredibly cold.

The reason for this is probably that they trashed the ozone layer with their incessant weather manipulation / climate geowarfare. Which is why being in direct sunlight is way too hot these days, UV-B and UV-C are reaching the surface.

>> No.12115135 [View]
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>> No.11784886 [View]
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Also, Zizek mentioned the "proposal" for "geoengineering" (eg "Solar Radiation Management"). Sorry to tell everyone but they've been doing this for the last 20+ years, they're what we call "chemtrails". They already do it. That's what trashed our planet ecologically. That's where all the insects and birds went.

Don't respond to me to bitch either. Just take that and give it some thought.

>> No.11448345 [View]
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I already told you over and over again, they're spraying nano and micron sized aluminum embedded in nano-plastic polymers meant to mimic spider web and keep them in the air longer. Eventually all of this settles, along with chemical ice nucleation agents, and it damages their leaves and shuts down their root system. That's what happens when you change soil pH, that's what plants do when there;s aluminum and barium in the soil, they halt (or become unable) to traffic nutrients into their roots. This obviously doesn't lend itself well to fixing carbon, to the extent the rainforest is a net carbon sink to begin with.

These polymers and nano also settle on the surface of the ocean, where it's like putting a plastic bag over it. Ocean can't breathe or get proper light, plankton die. Marine life is rapid dying anyway.

You can call it geonegineering, strategic weather warfare, solar radiation management, or simply chemtrails (which did not come from "conspiracy theorists" confused about contrails, it was coined in a USAF document).

That's how it is. Microwave transmissions don't help either. It's clear that either the power structure is clinging on to the existing order in the face of changing solar activity, or that it's systematically destroying our life support systems. What I've just described is not just "woops", it's deliberately and quietly cutting the legs out from the world's biosphere and thus triggering ecological collapse. Some of what they're spraying could also be nanotechnology. We are the Borg, and all that.

People literally speculate on the climate and disasters and make a profit doing so. The incentive to manipulate exists at many levels. They've been at it for a long time. Since the German and later allied expeditions to Antarctica.
google weather modification history.

>> No.11355519 [View]
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Check out:
And the links in the OP.

Invisible third world war I just searched. I think this is the one.

Bees have very high aluminum levels in areas where there is no industrial cause. Colony collapse is connected with microwaves as a contributing or causative factor, but it's also occurring in areas with no industrial, agricultural, or probable radiofrequency cause. That leaves air or water, with air being the logical source.

There's a few independent groups investigating geoengineering and weather manipulation, I'm not sure which one to link in the case someone wants a single page, maybe 10 minute read, smoking gun. That just isn't feasible.
www.geoengineeringwatch.org has a lot of information.
https://weathermodificationhistory.com/ I've looked into less, but it's on the list.

I know people who have tested their rainwater, and between the aluminum findings and all thes eother lines, it makes sense. I know enough to see that the weather pattern makes no sense, trees are dying by rotting from the inside, and things just aren't right. The idea that a few jets can fly over in the course of an hour, and their water vapor trails can spread and turn a deep blue sky into a white haze... is just nonsense. Yet I see it happen frequently.

My focus is on RF regardless. Just telling OP what he's up against in his pursuit.

>> No.11344083 [View]
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Unless the plants are getting mangled by UV and the soil is full of aluminum, blocking their uptake of required nutrients, acidifying the soil, killing microbes[...]

Yes, I'm talking about chemtrails eg "solar radiation management".

>> No.11295239 [View]
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>> No.11279771 [DELETED]  [View]
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Though there's also a nanomachine component.
>ZOMG that's what I played in Deus Ex and saw in my sci-fi's, that stuff can't be real!
Consult the literature on synthetic biology and nanotechnology. All published, all right there.

>> No.10885924 [View]
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Yep, more clearly in view by the day.

Pic related, a "persistent contrail". :^)

>> No.10864444 [View]
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>Who plan
They've been doing it for the last 30+ years. All this talk is them trying to go legit and probably impose a global tax.

It's aluminum, barium, and strontium primarily, suspended in polymers.

>> No.10857387 [View]
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NATO countries (and Russia) have been doing it for the last 80 years. It started heavy in early 1990.

>Pic related
This shit isn't normal.

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