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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6206345 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi /b/. High schooler here and I am beginning to understand the basics of biology. Let me tell you my findings so far cause I am fucking interested. I have never liked science before until I just picked up my textbook and started reading.

Expect mistakes, I want to be corrected on what I don't understand.

So from what I understand atoms make molecules and molecules make matter and matter makes.. well.. everything. A element is a molecule made of only one thing, like oxygen or hydrogen. A compound is matter made up of two or more elements. These elements in a compound are made of bounds of molecules.

Tell me how right or wrong I am.

Pic describing my wonderment.

>> No.6055410 [View]
File: 476 KB, 500x500, hoffman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, I'd advise you to try to trip on entheogens (DMT, mushrooms). It has shown recovery from such ailments. BUT if you are on drugs now, I wouldn't risk it.

Tell your psychiatrist to get you out of such weird drugs, with time. It'll take some months. You have to notice that such drugs are way more dangerous to you than any psychedelic natural drugs (not the industrialized ones).

One month after getting out of that, get some mushrooms (I assume there's something to get such substances like the silk road website). Try to get some trustable person to help you with that.

Here you have instructions to take mushrooms : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrj1X6TzEXo
You should get some people you trust to stay in the house with you, and just that.

My experience is that you can get the same thing without mushrooms, and maybe just with breathing exercises ( Stan Grof have made a process to get to the same effects as LSD by only breathing, but needs training ). BUT, you can always get the substances. It's hard to put on a task like training meditation when you're down, I know.

tl;dr: get out of lab drugs, get mushrooms.

>> No.5669750 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 476 KB, 500x500, LSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Francis Crick was high on LSD when he discovered DNA structure?

Also LSD general

>> No.5647001 [View]
File: 476 KB, 500x500, LSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that LSD does to the brain? It seems to have widely divergent effects in every different person that takes it, even if the formula used is exactly the same in every instance.

Is this just a case of every person's brain and internal chemistry being different, or is it something else?

>> No.5097567 [View]
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is Psychology really a science?

>> No.4831974 [View]
File: 476 KB, 500x500, LSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so /sci/

What happens to the body and mind chemically during a psychedelic trip?

Let's say for example, someone ingests 200ug of LSD, what exactly happens to induce the psychedelic effects? Are receptors being activated, blocked? Which ones? Why would this particular chemical reaction cause such drastic changes in perception, and are these changes in perception reactions to external stimulus otherwise unperceived, or are all of the effects internal, or "post processing"?

>> No.4353603 [View]
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I've taken the concept of transiency from my trips.
I'm already synesthetic, but I understand it a lot better now.

I abandoned the little bits that weren't logical. It's a learning experience, and you're not going to just learn what's real: you're going to learn things you don't realize you understand yet.

>> No.4217713 [View]
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I am submitting a paper to an undergraduate philosophy conference and was hoping to get some opinions on the paper. I figured /sci/ was the only place with enough intelligence/self-control to both take the time to read this and give some kind of feedback.


pic related

>> No.3910481 [View]
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Do people involved in the sciences and medical-related fields have a greater propensity towards psychedelics?

>> No.3660691 [View]
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Are there any other species besides humans that take mind altering drugs recreationaly?
(I mean is this behavior found in nature anywhere other than in our species)

>> No.3246770 [View]
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Who can explain chemical potential to me? I'm reading these biophysics texts, and they keep throwing the word around and I feel like I only have a vague grasp of what it actually is. Anyone care to describe it in layman's terms?

>> No.3194867 [View]
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hypothetically, if I shit in my mouth and pooped in my mouth would I also come in my own shit and poop with my penis?

>> No.2177824 [View]
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Could I get a link to one of these experiments? I would really love you, this is exactly what I am looking for.

With such results, if LSD were legalized and it's consumption were encouraged, imagine the technological development & innovation that would ensue, it would be extremely exponential.

>> No.2163424 [View]
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Is this science?

>> No.2120378 [View]
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Artificial sentience within 50 years?

>> No.1013002 [View]
File: 476 KB, 500x500, LSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are /sci/'s thoughts on LSD, psyclobin mushrooms, DMT, and other psychedelics?

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