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>> No.15232635 [View]
File: 478 KB, 1627x1080, wip_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it took so long, I ended up teaching myself how to use Inkscape a bit. I also added a triangle & pentagon in the bottom-left for a naming convention.

Here are some key frames to consider, and you will have to imagine a smoother animated visualization yourself.
>(1) Facing away from lights sources
Neither light source triangle (TRI) or pentagon (PENT) are visible to an observer looking at the blue portal.
>(2) TRI appears
As we sweep towards TRI, we can notice TRI's lights can begin to appear. Note, I have not included any of the beam's light in this image because I am treating them as beams for the sake of the model. This is a simplification just to build intuition.
>(3) Full frontal TRI
The light source is now fully visible, and the parallel beams are now perceivable by an observer normal to the blue portal. Doppler/redshift effects are evident as the light paths near the black marker grow a little with time (causing "red"shift) and the paths opposite of the marker are shrinking (causing "UV"-shift). The light will appears as the source in the center because there is no change in traversal distance. With a more realistic model, you would of course begin to see non-parallel/-normal light begin to appear, but I'm not modeling light cones in a silly picture.
>(4) TRI leaving, PENT entering
Both beams are now traversing through the portal, but are not perceivable from the viewer because they are not entering normal to the portal. With three key frames you can see the motion of TRI's rays from frames 2, 3, and 4.
>(5) Full frontal PENT
An exact duplicate of frame 3 but with PENT instead.
>(6) PENT disappears
Similar to frame 2, except PENT's light can is now leaving the view rather than entering it
>(~) Return to frame 1 as we rotate looking at void

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