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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9160833 [View]
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There are two things every generation has claimed:

1) We've reached the peak of human understanding.

2) The end of the world is nigh.

How often have they been right?

We're in a position where our cosmology demands that the bulk of the universe be made up of stuff we've never managed to detect with properties unlike any sort of matter or energy we've ever seen. Where we've flipped our model of the universe on its head four times in the last century alone. We were, less than two decades ago, absolutely astonished to discover a fundamental fact about the nature of the universe that defied every expectation, namely that its expansion is accelerating. We're still using silicon chips with binary stacks despite having a dozen, magnitudes better, solutions on drawing boards and experimental scales for decades, yet we find outselves claiming we're nearing our maximum computing potential. We still don't have proper fusion, we still don't truly understand some of the core mechanics of our sun, we still don't have a handle on, well, nearly anything you can name, really - every single field of science is full of unsolved mysteries and conundrums, and every time we find a solution for one, it merely opens the door to a dozen more. ...and fucking CRISPR is on the table, just waiting to fundamentally change mankind itself.

Science, as we know it, has been around a handful of centuries. It's still in its infancy. It would take Carl Sagan to count all the billions and billions of miles we are away from reaching the end of that particular road...

Provided, of course, the second constant claim of every generation doesn't come true before then.

>> No.8872589 [View]
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I'm actually from /pol/ and I personally think, its not just /pol/. I see other boards complaining too like /v/, /r9k, /his/ and so on...

but in my opinion the posters in general just went more rightwing during the years. Now I don't want to start a political discussion here, but I think its quite clear that Obama didn't do a good job in america the last 8 years and the european union didn't do a good job either in Europe.

Its only logical that many turn to different point of views when current governments simply fail or harm their own people. That said if you have somebody who is obviously rightwing, its not necessarily a /pol/lack. Atleast in my opinion.

I mean I don't just go ahead and say that this thread was made by /leftypol/ or whatever.

>> No.8253707 [View]
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It would look like the universe.

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