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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15159050 [View]
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>How can these farmers raised on candle light and wheat diets be this smart? How? are they just built different? are we studying wrong?
Yes, I keep telling you the reason, but you people keep asking the same question over and over

I also give examples of this education

The same was the case for the people you mentioned
>His mother served as Galois' sole teacher until he was 12 years old. She taught him Greek, Latin and religion

>An uncle, William Ayscough, decided that Isaac should prepare for entering university and, having persuaded his mother that this was the right thing to do, Isaac was allowed to return to the Free Grammar School in Grantham in 1660 to complete his school education.

If you want to know more, translate these articles or learn Portuguese

>The Greeks called it apeirokalia. It simply means "lack of experience of the most beautiful things". Under this term, it was understood that the individual who was deprived, during the decisive stages of his formation, of certain inner experiences that awakened in him a longing for the beautiful, the good, and the true, would never be able to understand the conversations of the wise, no matter how well trained in the sciences, in letters, and in rhetoric.

This is very hard to do on an universal scale in a standardized way like government bureaucrats want, this only works in small communities, in homeschool or if at largue slace, very differing in standards, but it is a very simple four step process

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