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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5501380 [View]
File: 148 KB, 800x572, 800px-Gemini_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /sci/ help a fellow space enthusiast INTO SPACE on a SpaceX mission?

vote here-> https://www2.axeapollo.com/en_US/19282/trevor-roberts

>> No.5206426 [View]
File: 148 KB, 800x572, 800px-Gemini_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /sci/, I've fucked my life over.

I am a first year engineering student at a high-ranking eastern university in the United States. I am here on full academic scholarship. Currently, I am failing an introductory Chemistry class (the grade I achieved on the first exam was abysmal), and I my performance in Calculus 1 is mediocre at best. I have consulted the help of experts and professionals, but my performance has not shown significant improvement. Furthermore, I am receiving extremely low marks in my English Rhetoric course.

I feel completely overwhelmed at the moment, and my entire existence has becoming nothing but an attempt to succeed in my coursework. I get four hours of sleep, and the only times I stop studying and leave my room are to eat dinner.

The goal of anyone's life should be to achieve maximum utility to the society one lives in, and so far, I am failing miserably at this. Should I fail any of these classes, (or even achieve sub B, for that matter), I will have no choice but to drop out of college. Unable to better society through science & engineering, I would therefore be a drag and waste of Earth's resources. This is a proposition I will not accept.

As such, a possible solution I've noted is to commit suicide; a proposition that my girlfriend of three years expresses disagreement with. Is there something I have overlooked? I am willing to reconsider my course of action should there be another alternative, but as of this moment, I can see none other than dedication to self-elected eradication. My life is over.

>pic related: a vehicle designed by minds far superior to my own

>> No.5010682 [View]
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ITT: Ask a Engineering Graduate student who originally wanted to be a writer or architect anything.

I hate my life.

>> No.4955532 [View]
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CivilEngineeringFag here.

This idea physically hurts me.


>Fund It.

>> No.4629617 [View]
File: 148 KB, 800x572, 800px-Gemini_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm graduating in a month, and I have received a full-ride scholarship to Texas Tech University. I've chosen to major in Mechanical Engineering, though my passion is for Spacecraft Propulsion and Astronautical Engineering. Unfortunately, TTU doesn't offer an Aero. Engineering degree plan, so I'm curious if, by majoring in ME, I've set myself up for a life of HVAC Repair, Automobile maintenance or consumer product design.

The recent news of companies like SpaceX and Planetary resources have made me want to eventually work for a private space company, but I'm afraid they will only hire Aero. Engineers.

Any advice/experience from spacecraft/propulsion engineers out there?

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