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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9664441 [View]
File: 41 KB, 325x325, sun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, brainos, I have a question -- assume that we are delaing with a penny that doubles, then the both pennies double, then all pennies double, etc. Assume further that when the mass of pennies reach planetary proportions and they are crushed into a molten sphere of copper, that the mass of copper keeps doubling.

So we have an increasingly huge mass of copper.

At what point, if any does it collapse into a black hole?

At what point, if any, does it reach a mass where the internal pressure drives the heat in the core to the point where copper starts fusing? If that happens, do we get the universe's first sun made of copper?

Side question: would that be cool as fuck?

>> No.9130169 [View]
File: 41 KB, 325x325, sun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would tend to agree -- climate change happens all the time, and is real. Human impact on this is likely, given what we know about how climate and greenhouse gasses work.

But the scale of the problem has been blown completely out of proportion (if one scientist says the world my warm a few degrees in this century, and there will be some problems this will cause that we will have to solve, and another says that it might get so warm that millions will die in floods and famines and plagues, which one gets more time on the news? And the insane exaggerations of activists like Mr. Gore are well documented.)

Further, when the right went into denial mode, they abandoned the field of proposing solutions to the left, who are captive to green ideologues on this issue and will only accept solutions that do more to advance a political agenda than to combat any climate issue.

In an ideal world, the right would get in the fucking game, and the more insane wing of the left would calm the fuck down.

>> No.9111054 [View]
File: 41 KB, 325x325, sun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think at this point the mods would do as well to prune all the shit out of this thread, lock it, and leave the posts that give some info on eclipses and how to watch them for the off-worlders to read when they come here looking for advice on how to look at an eclipse. as well

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