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>> No.15066842 [View]
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Philo Judaeus affirmeth, that by this part of Magick or Astrologie, together with
the motions of the Stars and other heavenly bodies, Abraham found out the knowl-
edge of the true God while he lived in Caldea, Qui Contemplatione Creaturarum, cog-
novit Creatorem (saith Damascen) who knew the Creator by the contemplation of the
creature. Josephus reporteth of Abraham, that he instructed the Egyptians in Arith-
metic and Astronomy; who before Abraham’s coming unto them, knew none of these
Abraham sanctitate & sapientia omnium præstantissimus, primum Caldæos, deinde
Phoenices, demum Egyptios Sacerdotes, Astrologia & Divina docuerit. Abraham the holi-
est and wisest of men, did first teach the Caldeans, then the Phoenicians, lastly the
Egyptian Priests, Astrologie and Divine knowledge.
Without doubt, Hermes Trismegistus, that divine Magician and Philosopher,
who (as some say) lived long before Noah, attained to much Divine knowledge of the
Creator through the study of Magick and Astrologie; as his writings testifie.
The third kind of Magick containeth the whole Philosophy of Nature; which
bringeth to light the innermost virtues, and extracteth them out of Nature’s hidden
bosome to humane use: Virtutes in centro centri latentes; Virtues hidden in the centre
of the Centre, according to the Chymists: of this sort were Albertus, Arnoldus de villa
nova, Raymond, Bacon and others, &c.
The Magick these men professed, is thus defined. Magia est connexio a viro sapi-
ente agentium per naturam cum patientibus, sibi, congruenter respondentibus, ut inde
opera prodeant, non sine corum admiratione qui causam ignorant. Magick is the connex-
ion of natural agents and patients, answerable each to other, wrought by a wise man,
to the bringing forth of such effects as are wonderful to those that know not their

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