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>> No.8362582 [View]
File: 164 KB, 500x199, reactor-on-a-truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godless flaming liberal SJW feminist marxist pansexual commie here. I don't care what radiation exposure model we use, even with linear, nuclear still has less deaths per terawatt hour than any other energy source and it doesn't put more carbon in our atmosphere.

We fucking need nuclear. We need to build lots of nuclear, especially in Africa and underserved communities to empower people(literally) and fight climate change. As far as climate change goes, we need fucking everything at this point. Even if we have a couple more Chernobyls we still fucking need it.

Is that a picture of an SMR? SMRs are fucking great. With load following they defeat our classic liberal arguments of "nuclear is fundamentally incompatible with solar and wind because reactors have to run all the time while solar and wind are intermittent." We liberals love SMRs.

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