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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.2390584 [View]
File: 50 KB, 500x400, JimSmoke108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Morning after pill

You're such a fucking lying pig. We should DDoS all the prochoice just for being sociopaths and pathological liars...

Roe vs Wade was founded on PREJURY, but that isn't enough. No, you've got to lie about the medical semantics too. You're such a fucking scumbag. You should be the one with a coathanger jammed in your head. You make me sick.

For those who don't know. The morning after pill basically creates a coating in your oval, preventing fertilization. It's nothing more then a force field. It's not an abortion pill. Do not listen to these serial killers.

>> No.2390550 [View]
File: 114 KB, 582x427, JimSmoke47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing we don't have star gates. Pro choice be shooting aliens and people who they teleported into their house. Who cares it was their own damn fault for flipping the switch and allowing anything to come through the other transdimensional end? "It's my house HUUURRR!!!"

This is why we need to abolish property rights. The western whore has this tremendous narcissism like it's ENTITLED to being a dick to everyone.

>> No.2390519 [View]
File: 3 KB, 137x103, JimSmoke13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problems with abortion.

1: Why is it a "personal decision"? Why is life and death a fucking personal decision?! Most people can't even wipe their God damn ass. Who the fuck are they to decide if a baby can fully form or be aborted? Fuck their righteous bullshit. Only doctors, judges, or at least several men's signature (such as the woman's father and the man who impregnated her) should get to decide.

2: We can regulate smoking, but not abortion? You have to wear a seatbelt, jaywalking is illegal, but God forbid someone tell a bitch she can't murder her baby without some kind of practical opposition!!!

We should do abortion like in other successful countries. Women don't decide on it AT ALL, and the state does. Preferably, we use it as a eugenics program to control the female and gay population.

>> No.2389538 [View]
File: 7 KB, 259x194, PhysicsJimProfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Clone myself. Repeatedly have a hidden base of clones who have the more important memories and hormones that cause me to act the way I do.

>>Pray to the spirits of former selves much like avatar does in avatar: the last airbender.

>>Even if consciously aware am a clone, will feel and act the same, will understand WHY I clone, and forget all the non-important shit like names, anniversaries, and random shit that happened to me.

>>Basically Bioshock technology, wears outfits like the pic you see, but has a philosophy much closer to the anti-spirals.

>>Tenacious D's Kickapoo should be playing in your head right now.


>> No.2389504 [View]
File: 27 KB, 294x320, JimProfitSmoke5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I hope your kids become born agains, and torment and pester you for the rest of your miserable life.

Exactly how do Christians go about shoving their religion down your throats? Are they following you to work yelling Bible verses? Are they kidnapping your kids and brainwashing them? Do they control the media, the music, the video game industry?

No. No to all of those. You presume just because people believe in a view strange, impractical, and quite possibly impossible things. That somehow makes them very dangerous. MEANWHILE, if you ask me... Christians are too insane, trapped in their autistic little world of God to care enough about the real problems such as feminism, homosexuality, etc. Which ironically you and the Christian alike are contributing too. Just in different ways. Because you're both sadistic, selfish, morons. God would hate both of you.

>> No.2389452 [View]
File: 65 KB, 640x480, JimSmoke111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading? How does Alan Moore's beard reverse aging?

Protein synthesis? I'm expected to believe that this guy's beard can do what modern medicine couldn't? What makes him so special? Why isn't he in a laboratory somewhere? Why didn't you put up a link or something?

>> No.2385845 [View]
File: 184 KB, 1024x916, JimProfitObjectivist14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should expirement on humans. I'm not a particularly animal rights person. Couldn't give a fuck either way. I know WHY they use animals, because they're too afraid of the backlash of using people. Even consenting. Let alone non-consenting. Use prisoners first and foremost. Less people will argue with that then you think.

Then, just do it. Release chemicals into the atmosphere and shit in areas like San Fransisco with higher gay populations. Nothing of value will be loss. My point is, the pursuit of science should not be constrained by moralfags afraid of a couple deaths. Humans don't give a shit about eachother. They suppress eachother's opinion, they cheat and lie to eachother, they abort their fucking kids. Meanwhile we can't exploit them to advance our technology? Fuck that. Most people are so dumb and so lazy, they don't even want to know right from wrong, so fine, we'll treat them just like an animal.

>> No.2385821 [View]
File: 11 KB, 230x176, JimProfitObjectivist11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree, that means children should not learn quantamn physics, or anything beyond basic math and sciences in school either. Most sciences go well beyond the spectrum of experimenting.

But what a novel idea. That school should be teaching people more basic and practical skills that could help them find work rather then crap they're never going to use unless they specifically want to study that field further.

>> No.2385752 [View]
File: 10 KB, 480x360, JimProfitObjectivist18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you don't need a woman. Women are more trouble then they're worth, trust me. All they do is lie, whore around, and make noise. They're lucky to even exist in civilized society which they shouldn't. They should be viewed in the way we view a pet. You can have one, but you need to control that beast or we'll put it down.

Women are intillectually stunted, because they have a monopoly on reproduction. They didn't have to evolve any further then making babies. So it was the man stuck with being the artist, the architect, the farmer, the engineer, the physicist, the philosopher. Women genetically and socially do not know how to do shit besides spread their legs and talk out their ass. Therefore they should not have the same rights you or I do, or be viewed in the same regard. It isn't as simple as handing them a text book and educating them. You ever see a woman after she reads a book? Suddenly she thinks she can fly and is immune to all criticism and reality. Why should us hardworking men have to put up with that? Why would you WANT to put up with that?

So my advise? Stop giving a fuck about women. Remember how every woman on the fucking planet has probably had ten dicks inside them before you, and will have ten more after you. Remember that women are parasites, and contribute nothing to the advancement of our species besides pushing a couple out of their vagina. And even THAT they want to argue about, which is why we have abortion. Fuck women. I want to euthanize them and develop a way for men to reproduce asexually. Cloning vats and shit. Leave women as a desperate last resort.

>> No.2385725 [View]
File: 74 KB, 500x381, JimProfitObjectivist3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is someone a troll just because they disagree with you? You might be in a good mood, but I'm not. Fucking kill yourself, that's an order.

Consciousness cannot be measured, therefore we can assume it's an energy field that we have not yet fathomed or even bothered to try and fathom the frequincy of. Because if "thoughts" were merely a reaction between matter and biochemistry, we could be making anything think right now. We could create fully sentinent life in a laboratory, and yet we havn't. That means it's not merely the result of clashing compounds. But an independent entity all it's own. That means thoughts exist outside of matter. The brain does not think, the brain RECEIVES thought. Therefore, our thoughts were our own before we even had a brain to develop and share them with. Which is why trees and water does not think. Because the only importance of biology is that there are specifics to allow the thought energy to be receptive. But what pisses me off is you're such a pretencious cunt, that you just assume you're right, and everyone else is either stupid or a troll. Get off your high horse, or I will drag you off.

>> No.2384404 [View]
File: 22 KB, 500x363, JimProfitObjectivist12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm aware of that lol. The objectivst part of the image name is to piss off real randroids.

I wouldn't even consider capitalism at all if I wasn't so darn cynical. Capitalism keeps everyone but an elite few in poverty. That to me is good. What isn't good how homosexuality and women are rewarded under capitalism. There is always a demand for whores, viagra, abortion, and feminism. Women and fags go great with "free markets". Because they're just unthinking consumer hogs. So we need a capital that is fair, because it's completely unfair... especially to some undesirables.

>> No.2383864 [View]
File: 16 KB, 480x360, JimProfitObjectivist17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it because of EVERYTHING. School does not reward you for learning, discovery, curiosity, and hard work. It rewards complacecy, predictability, and never bringing attention to yourself even when you're the victim.

See, because I'm not indoctrinated...

Watch it buddy. I could easily find out where you live, kick down your door, break your fingers one by one, laugh in your face insanely while I do it, then we'll see who the idiot is when you can never type again and probably have to collect fucking food stamps because not having workable appendages tends to close a lot of doors. Don't fuck with me, and don't speak of me unless I give you permission too, got it clown?

I would appreciate it if just once, a class taught my kid how to have some self confidence, follow his dreams, and know how to defy the odds. THAT is what science is all about. The human will to power.

>> No.2383662 [View]
File: 31 KB, 240x320, JimProfitObjectivist4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because it was for grade and high school. That shit is fucking useless. It'd be more constructive to tie my kid to a chair in the library and give him a pile of books he can read to keep him from going insane and a piss bottle.

We assume college is to learn a trade or skill we can use to actually play a role in society. But education isn't for educating, it's for indoctrinating. That's why they get you when you're young.

>> No.2383630 [View]
File: 20 KB, 500x363, 1JimProfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need state capitalism if any kind of capitalism. We need to make educational facilities have the incentive to breed skilled workers, or be destroyed. If the state giveth, and the state taketh away... All colleges should have to meet a quota, and be required to teach their students so well that they find a job soon after graduation in a relatively simaler field they studied in. If they do not meet their criteria, they stop receiving state funding.

Or better yet... we could just put all education online. Grade school, college. It would be very cheap and far more effective for all children and adults to learn at their own pace. With far less man power required, wasting resources and land when we have the technology to teach at home.

But either way, we have to be a nationalist country interested in providing work and stability for OUR country before other countries. I don't give a flying fuck about other countries until they start abiding by simaler moral standards. Until then, to me they're just alive until we have the time and means to bomb them all...

>> No.2377217 [View]
File: 53 KB, 640x480, JimSmoke66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think wrong. I'd argue it's less evil to just kill someone randomly then premeditated. It's the difference between an unequal, unjust world, and an equal and... well, maybe not just, but at least "fair" one.

Would you rather die or have your house taken because someone didn't like you? Or because you just were stricken with bad luck? Lets go a step further... would you rather be arrested or foreclosed, or based off the complex system of chance, got arrested or foreclosed out of sheer probability factor?

I ask this because me? I'd rather shit happen because it happens, rather then shit happens because it's me. Whether or not it was my vice or their personal problems that started it. Individuals should not be a determining factor in right and wrong. Nature functions off that principle. Animals don't slaughter and eat each other because of some personal vendetta, they do it out of hunger, fear, territory, etc. It's never a personal matter.

>> No.2376837 [View]
File: 51 KB, 640x480, JimProfitScientist31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probability OP. It's not luck, it's not an act of God, it's just probability.

In all likelihood, if such a civilization existed. They'd be waging war with the nearest alien. Which probably isn't us. Or each other. Kind of like how we do constantly.

Attacking a type <1 civilization like our's would be the equivalent of me attacking an ant hill. Why would I bother? Maybe if the ants were collaborating in my yard, and they were growing bothersome, but I'm not going to go out of my way to destroy one ant hill. That's just a waste of my time. And as an advanced species, a waste of my resources and advancement.

>> No.2376730 [View]
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, JimProfitScientist38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH-8fzQechY <--I'd rather be this in 2012 then the forever alone faggots who will just treat it like any other year... lol!

>> No.2376698 [View]
File: 21 KB, 400x313, JimProfitScientist17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because The Aztecs predicted that our planetary alignment would shift so radically, that SOMETHING has to happen. What exactly that something is, no one is sure about. Could just spell doom for the modern world by creating massive blackouts when the magnetic forces are alien to our electronics. It could also mean new weather patterns which could also spell disaster.

I personally am hoping for something less bleak, and also less spiritual. I'm not waiting for the "age of enlightenment" or a catastrophe. I'm waiting for one day, we all wake up resembling The X-Men. That we find out physics as we know it is a lie. Or at least a very very narrow truth. And one day, the world is brought to it's knees not by storms of shifts in the planet, but man. Man suddenly awakens and resembles God. And what does he do with that power?

Well, you get your Magnetos and your Xaviers of course.

>> No.2374101 [View]
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The reason I don't believe in parallel universes, is because it's not really a "universe" in most theories touting it, but rather, an infinite spectrum of dimensions that are just like our own that vibrate on a different frequency. For example, in another parallel universe, I did not post in this topic. So an entire universe exists just for that one insignificant difference. I find that even more ridiculous then a lot of religious abnormalities!

I do however believe there can be other universes. Because what comes after our universe? What exists beyond nothing? Nothing cannot be measured, and therefore there can be countless other universes that possibly act entirely different then our's. But that is not parallel as most physicists view it. They view it in a more narcissistic way that they ripped off of that Sliders series.This IS the only universe. We will never travel to other universes, because it would be impossible to transcend beyond nothing.

>> No.2373498 [View]
File: 12 KB, 204x247, JimProfitScientist50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is exactly true OP. And nobody hates homosexuals more then I do. Retard genes get passed on too, I wouldn't call that optimal. DNA and evolution are not about what works. If anything, I'd say the universe runs on three core principles. The law of rationality, law of chaos, and law of evil.

Entropy basically touches on it, but does not suggest they conflict or contradict. My hypothesis does. That sometimes what's most evil, requires order, but cannot function and thus chaos is our "good", but sometimes chaos can make much worse scenarios, and thus the law of order prevents evil. But you can bet things are going to suck either way.

As far as I can tell from statistical evidence, and working in the LGBT for a few years. Fags are sociopaths. Organized, sexually oriented, sociopaths. You look up the symptoms of a clinical sociopath, and a fag will fit all of them. The only thing separating a sociopath from someone who bludgeons their wife to death with a golf club is a tight rope of limitations from social ramifications, and how they perceive the situation. All the same, the only thing separating fags from say, serial rapists and pedophiles, is that little extra. But they are totally unapalogetic for ruining people's lives, abandoning their families in pursuit of their "coming out" and spreading disease and suffering wherever they go. They just don't fucking care.

So I do think it's partially choice, but mostly genetic. Which is why I'm open to eugenics arguments.

>> No.2370461 [View]
File: 4 KB, 136x102, JimProfitScientist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Takes more calories to digest

Digestion doesn't work like that. The negative calorie diet is a myth. If it were true, everyone would just eat celery sticks and carrots for a week to lose a bunch of weight.

We're scientists, not nutritionists. What the fuck do we care how healthy something is, as long as it works? If you want health, go to /fit/. But I say you can eat nothing but twinkies and pizza rolls, and still be relatively okay as long as you're not obese or let your cholesterol get out of control.

>> No.2370453 [View]
File: 44 KB, 640x480, JimProfitScientist32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Vitamin A overdose

Beta Carotene's only real effect is you might get stomach cramps and your skin look orange. So people will just think you're from New Jersey.

>> No.2370180 [View]
File: 47 KB, 500x375, JimProfitScientist45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the surface, emotions just seem like a reflex. A more complicated fight or flight mechanism. But I think the origins of emotions go much deeper. Why is it only sentient creatures can "feel"? How DO we feel? We don't use our basic five senses to feel emotion, therefore there's a sixth sense.

The conscience mind has never been pursued by mainstream scientists because they're scared of the consequinces. That emotions are an independent force that we're simply subjected too at appropiate times. We don't have emotions, we ENCOUNTER emotions.

>> No.2370165 [View]
File: 4 KB, 137x103, JimProfitScientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't it make sense? Just because I said rapists and serial killers are more moral?

Look around you man. Not one of these motherfuckers has an ounce of integrity or honesty in them. Whether or not you want to admit it, the criminally insane are who they've always been. They don't have to put on an act, they don't have to adapt, they just ARE. They exist to exist.

Life should be about protecting the people love, slitting the throats of people who wrong you, and just living. The pursuit of a less stressful, more fulfilling life should hold paramount over image.

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