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Search: voltage gated

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>> No.16022959 [View]

Because you might have a hunch about what kinds of policies you'd like to have implemented.

I know for a fact you don't have a fucking clue how a voltage gated calcium channel works or what a gaba receptor is and what the negative consequences could be of taking a gaba receptor modulator from one doctor with another medication from a different doctor.

>> No.15837666 [View]
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Cell phones and cancer: the claim from the detractors of EMFs is not that these low energy waves have ionizing effects and therefore damage biological structures.
The claim is that the fields produced have influences on the voltage gated ion channels our cells use.
What does /sci/ think of this potential mechanism?

>> No.15732308 [View]

Oxycodone closes N-type voltage-gated calcium
channels and opens G-protein-coupled, inwardly rectifying
potassium channels

>> No.15202861 [View]

It's actually the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for
voltage gated ion channels.
This is in neurophysiology.

>> No.14497271 [View]
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>The ones I have seen proposed are that magnetic fields can reduce melatonin production or flood voltage gated ion channels in cells, leading to oxidative stress.

>> No.14496871 [View]
File: 276 KB, 3000x1688, wifi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any probable mechanisms for wifi causing cancer?

The ones I have seen proposed are that magnetic fields can reduce melatonin production or flood voltage gated ion channels in cells, leading to oxidative stress.

Both are conclusively proven to happen in humans and rats. The issue is whether prolonged melatonin reduction or oxidative stress are directly leading to cancer.

Rat studies further indicate increased all cause mortality.

"It's light and light doesn't cause cancer" is such a reductive argument it only passes as " science! " on Reddit. Please abstain from such comments, thanks.

>> No.12340920 [View]

Tissues don't work like batteries.

The membrane potential is nothing more than a signal. In addition to the transporters maintaining the shit at those charges, something stimulates gated ion channels to open and they let the sodium flow in and potassium to flow out, Because of this flow the inside of the cell returns to be negative and voltage sensitive sodium channels make the thing repeat across the entire membrane.

Now the stimulus can be anything from activated Gprotein linked receptors which will eventually go to open calcium channels, to automatic slow repolarization calcium channels such as those in the heart, an electric current or physical damage to the membrane.

>> No.12278291 [View]

hopefully im not doing your homework for you.

I have to start by explaining how action potentials work.
A neuron has a resting potential along its dendrites and axon
Once a neurotransmitter binds on a receptor of the dendrite, it opens a sodium ion channel, and sodium ions can enter the cell, causing the change in voltage in your picture.
Neurotransmitters are also broken down or re-uptaken, and so if the threshold voltage is not met before the NTs are removed, you get a failed initiation.
But if the threshold is reached, then voltage-gated sodium channels are opened further along the cell. So there is a chain reaction of sodium entering the cell at distance x from the synapse, and the voltage it produces causes ion channels to open at distance x+1, leading to a chain reaction.
But for the part of the cell at x, eventually it reaches a threshold for potassium ion channels to open, and potassium is higher in the cell than out it, so it leaves the cell. So that part of the cell at X has roughly equal sodium in it and out it, and roughly potassium out it and in it.
During the refractory period potassium-sodium pumps swap the ions, to restore more potassium in and more sodium out.

Now, say an action potential has made it so potassium and sodium levels are roughly equal in the cell at X and outside the cell. A second action potential could not pass that point, since it would have to open the sodium ion channels, but the levels of sodium in the cell and out it are roughly the same.

This also explains why point x+1 doesnt induce a chain reaction in x, then x-1, then x-2, and so on. Because they are in the refractory period.
By the time an action potential could spread again, the entire neuron is at resting potential again.

So a neuron can't fire rhythmically partly because of the refractory period. There is not time point where part of the cell x is at resting potential, and part x+1 of the cell is depolarized.

>> No.12217567 [View]

>I'm depressed/anxious/ocd/whatever
Of course there's a million reasons for these, but even with clinical disorders, do not rule out nutritional deficiencies

Neurotransmitter deficiencies and excess (glutamate mostly in the latter case - works in the opposite way of GABA which at the same time usually will be reduced) are also this case - notably zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C and D. These deficiencies can and will cause other ones creating a fucking mess

Furthermore the gut produces a shitton of neurotransmitters so gut health plays a huge part in this, and the chronic inflammation from said deficiencies/chronic stress depletes these vitamins/fucks up gut health creating a cycle. Zinc and magnesium specifically can very quickly (within hours) cut down on a ton of psychological symptoms depending on what specifically got fucked up, said inflammation and glutamate NMDA receptor over-activation being huge problems

L-tyrosine is also the precursor you'd take for dopamine, GABA has problems crossing the BBB and you're better off trying the mineral supplements in the next post and/or using positive allosteric GABA modulators, which basically are gabapentinoids (these are heavily anxiolytic due to their method of action being blocking voltage gated ion channels and [jargon/ramblings continue]

Gabapentinoids are basically gabapentin, Lyrica and phenibut, the latter being OTC and despite what idiots say, it has virtually no effect on GABA levels despite agonizing the GABA B receptors. Phenibut tolerance builds rapidly, dependence builds fast and withdrawals are horrible so don't use it more than once or twice a week. The other two aren't nearly as bad for this

Other positive modulators are basically benzos, which on an as-needed basis can at least be used for symptom management without causing any real problems. They're not addictive in the sense dopaminergic drugs are, it's more idiots chug 3mg kpin a day for a year and wtf y withdrawals

>> No.12088649 [View]

Basically electrical impulse near the sphagetthi that contain ionpumps and voltage gated stuff would cause it to fire and end up with stuff accepted by dendride as information, same way you can measure electrical pressure near axon to get information without actually getting in the way of it.

That's how neuralink is supposed to work.

However modulation like neurotransmitter provide is almost unreal to create artificially, but you could create pressure in synapse that releases neurotransmitter, due to information can get there only by voltage, or just inject neurotransmitters near synaptic space to commit infomation, but that would lead to possible reuptake, which you may not desire.

You can create independent neural loops in brain having access to axon precise implants.

>> No.11543028 [View]

That was me, and I think you're being pedantic. The problem is the exposure to EMFs has increased substantially over the last century. We know people are having problems with it, we know the cause, which is activation of the voltage-gated calcium channels increasing intracellular calcium and causing oxidative stress. Not only is 5G not well studied, but it's not going to replace 4G, it's going to essentially work on top of it, so we're simply increasing EMF exposure even further.

Also, too much light can wreck you, but you get out of the sun before you get burned (hopefully). Unfortunately it's not that simple when it comes to avoiding cell towers, wifi, power lines, etc.

>> No.11537206 [View]

Look up voltage-gated calcium channels and the effects of EMFs on them. Also look up calcium channel blockers. It's pretty well established that EMFs can affect our cells, the question becomes whether or not the issues are relatively benign, or can they become extremely detrimental.


>> No.11471829 [View]

Power not flowing at all... That's default state, but there's two charges being separated ... Look at picture which is gain.

Then you have this substrate, that's unpenetrated by electric flow until it's actually flowing, therefore once electricity is induced there, it flows from gated voltage.

When gating channel is turned of it doesn't work again because polarity of structure isn't fliped.

Metallic thing in semiconductor must be aligned and ... basically, allowing charge to pass, therefore charged, otherwise orbitals are not occupied and medium is isolant, if orbitals are occupied, medium is penetrable, having better conductance.

They cannot by occupied just by having drain volatage, because they need different substance to harvest overflow from regular transductance balanced flow to feed it with excess electrons to be conductive.

>> No.11364122 [View]

>Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects

Just take shitloads of magnesium to get the benefits of active calcium channels and to avoid your neurons being nuked by too much calcium

>> No.11363200 [View]

out by changes in transport of ions, which influence the membrane potential.

Unfortunately, we do not have at present data on the precise physicochemical nature of the processes leading to changes in ion transport across membranes of the irradiated cells. Undoubtedly, these processes would be worth studying in greater detail.

Consideration of the possibility of a selective absorption of microwave energy at interfaces of heterogeneous biologic systems led to the assumption that the single physical mechanism - a selective absorption of electromagnetic field energy at the surfaces of colloid molecules, membranes and other cell constituents - underlies the various "non-thermal" biologic effects of electromagnetic fields. This may be true since the surface conductivity is increased within the double electric layer at the interfaces of biologic objects. Biophysical studies aiming at experimental testing of this assumption are being planned."

By the mid 70's altered calcium flux, particularly the Work of Bawin and Adey showing Ca2+ efflux from brain tissue, and downstream signaling had emerged as a non-thermal mechanism. Later, in the 90's, aberrant calcium influx leading to chronically elevated intracellular calcium was shown to be a primary one.

Pall 2013 - Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects

Pall 2016 - Electromagnetic Fields Act Similarly in Plants as in Animals Probable Activation of Calcium Channels via Their Voltage Sensor

Pacher 2007 - Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in Health and Disease

>> No.11315593 [View]
File: 75 KB, 852x421, pathways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The autism that anti-vacciners scream about is likely caused by antibiotics and fluoridated water when given to children at a young age or during pregnancy.
Autism is a function of total toxic load, and it seems some types of toxicity act more readily as triggers to push it into a permanently pathological feedback loop. Wireless devices are also a factor.

Broom 2019 - Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6J Mice

Timothy Syndrome is a polymorphism of the gene that encodes the calcium channel and causes calcium channels to be overactive, leading to chronically elevated intracellular calcium and aberrant calcium signalling. Being genetic, this is occurring during prenatal development as well. Pulsed microwaves have a similar effect (described above).
People with Timothy syndrome almost always present with autism.

Martha Herbert, PhD. Pediatric neurology, Mass. General.

Pall 2013 - Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects

Pall 2016 - Electromagnetic Fields Act Similarly in Plants as in Animals Probable Activation of Calcium Channels via Their Voltage Sensor


>> No.11265691 [View]



tldr you're talking to a literally retarded tweaker who thinks he has all these rare diseases and unironically believes that electromagnetic hypersensitivity exists. He can't even understand the papers he posts, and most of his links are outright bullshit.

>> No.11263972 [View]



tldr you're talking to a literally retarded tweaker who thinks he has all these rare diseases and unironically believes that electromagnetic hypersensitivity exists. He can't even understand the papers he posts, and most of his links are outright bullshit.

>> No.11263967 [DELETED]  [View]



tldr you're talking to a literally retarded tweaker who thinks he has all these rare diseases and unironically believes that electromagnetic hypersensitivity exists. He can't even understand the papers he posts, and most of his links are outright bullshit

>> No.11263748 [View]

>their interaction with voltage gated calcium channels in vivo
and this interaction is useful because?

>> No.11259248 [View]

>voltage gated calcium channels

>> No.11258778 [View]

Non-thermal mechanisms for interaction with cells have been demonstrated, mainly their interaction with voltage gated calcium channels in vivo.

>> No.10960194 [View]

I don't know if Emotional Intelligence is really what's relevant to what I'm about to mention.

Computers are analogous to Brains, in many ways.

Many similarities can be drawn between Logic Gates and the combinations of Synapse junctions between Neurons.

Living things also have Voltage-Gated Ion Channels (in many places, not just the Brain), which act to amplify electrical signals, similar to the operation of Transistors.

I've recently come across concepts of "working memory" and "long term memory", which is sounds a lot like RAM and an HDD.

Maybe people with high emotional intelligence, or a high degree self awareness, are capable of greater control over certain aspects of their "hardware".

Fields which study the Brain could be analogous to how different programming languages interact at varying degrees with machine code. Perhaps Psychology is understanding and programming of the Brain using a "high-level language".

Emotions and psychology are important to understand, because they impact a lot outcomes in life for people. They also might play a role in "improving" certain aspects of mental/physical performance. But I get that a lot of studies in those kinds of areas are hard to replicate, and stuff like that.

>> No.10822198 [View]
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>it's a good idea to interfere with voltage gated calcium channels and the spin of molecules in human cells

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