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Search: chugging along

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>> No.16203540 [View]
File: 260 KB, 583x485, sl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 sats deployed. Nice. F9 chugging along just fine.


>> No.16126468 [View]

Tbf it feels like that for most up until like... trig? Even then most students just vaguely follow procedures that their teacher gives them, lol. Just keep chugging along and I'm sure you'll be fine. Even if you do have a learning disability I doubt you'd be the first to get an engineering degree.

>> No.16047419 [View]

The cool thing about mega death by super volcanism is that it will be agonizingly slow, in two respects. As a species and as individuals. Firstly, its a very slow process, a volcano will start chugging out toxic fumes over hundreds of years, and then another, then another, in a process that could take thousands of years to kill off most life on this planet.
And even if we are completely aware of what is happening there will be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do about it! *chuckle* Imagine that! Knowing your entire species is fucking doomed, along with anything else bigger than a single cell, and being utterly helpless to prevent it! *snorkle!*
Then secondly, when the toxins reach unbearable levels, after many generations of watching life expectancy and general quality of life decrease we will resort to all sorts of desperate measures, NONE OF WHICH WILL SAVE US! *guffaw!* People will watch their children die while they find it more difficult to breathe with every passing day, as the filtration systems fail and the last vestiges of civilization fall into savage barbarism before the last inevitable extinction! *lololol!*
I get hard just thinking about it!
Going to jerk it now.

>> No.15969735 [View]

>keep on going
lol, you think it's a little choo-choo train chugging along?
"0.999..." means infinite 9s, all infinite of them are there from the get go.
You just don't grok the difference between finite and infinite. Like a little child. Bless your heart.

>> No.15943286 [View]

(1.) No one cares what someone like you would accept. (2.) I didn't say a single word about assimilation. Try and show some reading comprehension. Shedding weaknesses is not the same as assimilating into a culture, you low-IQ accident. Now fuck off and disembowel along with the faggot whose dick you're chugging.

>> No.15774348 [View]

Model 3 refresh was supposed to be launched along with Cybertruck in a big press conference like event.
This didn’t happen yet so either the Cybertruck or NA M3 refresh got pushed back.
But the Shanghai factory kept chugging so that’s why we got this weird “quiet launch” of the m3 refresh.

Also it was released primarily for Euros since they have the consumer demand for it.
It is also available in China but consumer spending there is not that great.

>> No.15598493 [View]

This also explains why the BE-4 program has been chugging along at an oldspace pace, by the way

>> No.15563724 [View]

>confusing the ramp with the mountain
lnf just is what it is, it's not a growing living thing or a diesel engine chugging along

>> No.15547037 [View]

evolutionary speaking it would work out if some plant gave you a trip that would "set you straight" so you can keep chugging along and raping women.
whatever you get to see/feel during the trip, has to work so you quit whining like a little bitch, that life is hard and shit like that. might even give you eh purpoise in life. as long as it works it stays.

>> No.15417924 [View]
File: 669 KB, 1155x1139, __remilia_scarlet_and_tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_rokugou_daisuke__a18280e14672c395f3dfba6ec7dcce22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First one got abandoned 2 years ago and they started remaking it.
>Lost some soul but seems to be chugging along
I see, I'll let it remain in the oven for some more then.

>> No.15416939 [View]
File: 421 KB, 620x616, 1668451695523149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh that's sherwood anon
First one got abandoned 2 years ago and they started remaking it.
Lost some soul but seems to be chugging along

>> No.15376341 [View]

he should be. Just calculating what it could do in theory is one thing, seeing it perform a SEVERAL catastrophic failure scenarios (starting at the pad) in a row and still keep chugging along is simply boner inducsing. Any other rocket cant even handle a vertical position before crumbling like paper planes FFS >>15376202

>> No.15199444 [View]
File: 180 KB, 474x310, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build excess quantities of renewables that are appropriate to different localities
>hot sunny places, build plenty of solar
>windy places, wind turbines
>hydro where possible
>you get the idea
>use the excess production to power hydrogen production plants
>store the hydrogen and use it to run hydrogen power plants for the inevitable times when renewable production drops below demand
Easy peasy. Economies of scale suggest it would result in electricity prices no more expensive than today and it would help keep us chugging along until other sources come online, such as more nuclear power plants or (try not to laugh) fusion becomes feasible.
>b-b-but how do we store large quantities of hydrogen? muh hydrogen embrittlement
It's not like we've been storing industrial quantities of hydrogen for over a century now

In some places such as Australia or equatorial areas it could potentially be the final solution to energy needs. South Australia in particular stands out as a candidate due to massive adoption of household solar panels, resulting in the state frequently producing far more electricity than the grid actually requires during summer to the point of it causing potential grid stability issues. There's a few hydrogen pilot projects ongoing there as a result: https://www.energymining.sa.gov.au/industry/modern-energy/hydrogen-in-south-australia

>> No.15170166 [View]

That's the frightening thing about human-made systems, usually they go on chugging along without a hitch until they reach a threshold and suddenly stop working altogether.

>> No.15111474 [View]
File: 112 KB, 256x256, 1649342268344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my usual copypasta. I just got a job offer last month after having graduated Fall of 2021, so this worked for me. It took me like 40 interviews last year. I was like you, no experience, connections, only a degree. In fact, my degree was FOREIGN because I studied abroad, so I was even more fucked than you are now. Go on LinkedIn, type in all the keywords to get the jobs you want to show up in the search, make sure it's for your entire country, don't just do LinkedIn Easy Apply, right click new tab for each job you see, once you have like fifty tabs open, go to the gas station and get a couple red bulls (alternatively adderall), come back and turn a music on with a nice beat and start chugging away at those applications all day. take a break the next day and then repeat every other day. eventually you'll get fast at them. i have never had an interview for an internship as a graduate, so i wouldn't even bother wasting the time applying for them but you can try.

of course make sure your resume is good, leverage AS MUCH UNI PROJECT EXPERIENCE AS YOU CAN, no matter how fucking bullshit the project was. make something up. make sure your resume hits all the buzzwords (C/C++, MATLAB, whatever technical knowledge, etc) for the jobs you're applying for. If you can get references from a professor, put those on there to fill some empty space. every 6 months do a bullshit personal project and add that to your resume with the month you did it and what you learned from it. Since you got your degree a year ago, interviewers will start asking about that gap. Just tell the "truth" basically, that you've been searching the whole time and honestly you aren't that good at interviews and it's been a learning process to get better at them and so on. & get a part time job at a warehouse or barista or something & add that to your resume too (along with some hobby you have) so it looks like you're doing something in the meantime.

welcome to hell buddy, and remember, WAGMI

>> No.15066492 [View]

Honestly MRO is a workhorse lol. That little shit has been chugging along great since like 2005, and it has better fidelity than modern chink hardware

>> No.14886701 [View]
File: 46 KB, 800x444, IMG_1753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are you? burgerland? bongland? if so you're better off just applying to jobs in your own country because it's impossible to get a sponsor with no experience.
>What the heck should I do?
Go on LinkedIn, type in all the keywords to get the jobs you want to show up in the search, make sure it's for your entire country, don't just do LinkedIn Easy Apply, right click new tab for each job you see, once you have like fifty tabs open, go to the gas station and get a couple red bulls (alternatively adderall), come back and turn a music on with a nice beat and start chugging away at those applications all day. take a break the next day and then repeat every other day. eventually you'll get fast at them. i have never had an interview for an internship as a graduate, so i wouldn't even bother wasting the time applying for them but you can try.

of course make sure your resume is good, leverage AS MUCH UNI PROJECT EXPERIENCE AS YOU CAN, no matter how fucking bullshit the project was. make something up. make sure your resume hits all the buzzwords (C/C++, MATLAB, whatever technical knowledge, etc) for the jobs you're applying for. If you can get references from a professor, put those on there to fill some empty space. every 6 months do a bullshit personal project and add that to your resume with the month you did it and what you learned from it.

>I’m bored out of my mind at home.
get a part time job at a warehouse or barista or something, and add that to your resume too (along with some hobby you have) so it looks like you're doing something in the meantime.

welcome to hell buddy, and remember, WAGMI

>> No.14768219 [View]
File: 2.65 MB, 3029x2693, meatmachine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck does every meat machine make this god damn whinnying noise, all the time, and now they put it in symbols everywhere. Trying to pilot one of these meat machines is a fucking shitshow, literally just flying blind and pouring shit into the intake and hoping for the best. My meatbag feels so thick and heavy, like it's a rusted out jalopy just waiting to fall apart while I try to pilot this fucking thing, entirely to get more fucking fuel to keep this junker on the meat-roads and slapping the asses that shit money. I'm fucking winded, and my meathouse at the top is so thick with god damn blackness and sediment I can't hardly see for shit, can't even breathe in the pilot seat, like I'm just tied to this chair and being choked by a fucking belt, all while trying to pull the cranks and levers and shit to flail the damn limbs and whinny with the rest of the meatbags chooglin on down to whatever hellhole expects me to play the bongos on some of those money-shitting-asses. I don't even want any money, I don't want the things the money gives you, this shit doesn't make any fucking sense, but the rest of the meatbags are just so thick with some fetishization of their meatbags, jacking their fucking dicks in the pilot's chair just loving their meat machine without a single quesiton about what in the fuck is going on and for what purpose are so many of these rusted out jalopy motherfucking meatbags are still creaking like old houses and slapping the fucking money-shitting-asses with the most deranged and dysfunctional fear of death, just pleading with the bastards, suffering endless pain just to get enough meat-fuel to keep the damn beast chugging along for one more day, during which they return to the same deranged junkie craving for extra meatbag time and not dying. Animals, man, fucking animals.

>> No.14719533 [View]
File: 824 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (1769).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chugging along now

>> No.14638883 [View]

We need to discuss if hypergamy is good or not,
not that its happening or not because it is.

I think hypergamy is alright. Men are disposable and if they're kept under control using technology, then things will keep chugging along while the human race improves. The more people who don't reproduce, the more humans can evolve.
Men have to suffer but its for a good cause right?

>> No.14636127 [View]

it's not a process chugging along, it's the result
it's static

>> No.14635410 [View]

0.999... is static, the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even.

>> No.14605813 [View]

> 0.999... is static, the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
> Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even.
your decision to address how I said it rather than what I said is quite a bit worse.

>> No.14605796 [View]

>0.999... goes towards
0.999... is static, the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even.

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