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Search: Why the homophobia

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>> No.16152095 [View]

>Didn't I just say?
>Internalized homophobia
>A subset of gay men transition because of internalized homophobia during the least homophobic era in human history
Shouldn't they want to become straight men? Why want to be women?

>> No.16009891 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.15827612 [View]
File: 159 KB, 600x859, DSM-5_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the people who profit from insanity also the ones who define insanity? What are the qualifications to cast judgement on all people and officially name the unknowable mental states of humanity? On what basis do they judge a mental state as good or bad? Why do they judge it on this basis? Could it be that they are wrong? Do they ever face consequences for being wrong? Maybe they don't understand what is right, abd this they can not judge what is wrong. For example, homophilia used to be called bad and now homophobia is called bad, so much so that the word "homophilia" is no longer used to describe what is now called homosexuality. Soon, homophobia will probably be a mental illness and a crime. It only took 30 or so years for the science people worship as the path to truth about the nature of the universe. Science kinda sucks. It is used as a justification and stands in place of real religions as something we all supposedly have to get behind and trust in. Many scientists are weird autistic atheist nihilists who love fucking with shit they shouldn't be. Bioengineered warplague will be the death of us all. Try to remember not to eat the fruit of knowledge next time around, I guess.

>> No.15808825 [View]

It's repressed homosexuality. When they say they don't mind homosexuals so long as they stay out of sight, they mean it. Seeing homosexuals titillates them and creates intense cognitive dissonance between their sexual feelings and what they were taught is socially acceptable. They accuse homosexuals of being groomers because they want to put the blame on the other for "seducing" them rather than come to grips with their sexuality. This is why it's so common for notorious homophobes to be outed as homosexuals that it's become a cliche. Most transphobia also takes root in homophobia and by extension in hidden homosexuality as evidenced by it often being centered around the fear of accidentally having sex with the same gender.

>> No.15515191 [View]
File: 83 KB, 719x681, 1659129401479279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pupils were told they would be reported to a senior school leader for refusing to affirm their classmate’s preferred feline identity. The teacher said they had “really upset” the “cat” by telling them “you’re a girl”.

>After the pupils said they believed there are only two genders, the teacher said: “Why do you think we have so many problems in the world with homophobia?”

>The Telegraph can reveal that teaching assistants at other schools are taking children who identify as horses out cantering and feeding strips of meat to those who consider themselves to be dinosaurs.

>> No.15348319 [View]

See, you simply have no idea what the words you use mean. That was obvious when you thought "toxic femininity" was a clever comeback even though it's utterly meaningless, but you clearly have on idea what people mean by toxic masculinity in the first place. Toxic masculinity refers to the expectations placed upon men which lead to self-destructive and often contradictory behaviour. Toxic masculinity ties manhood to sexual conquests, a domineering attitude, misogyny and disdain for femininity, the shunning of emotional displays other than anger, and virulent homophobia, to name a few things. Of course incels are quite lacking in masculinity in a few key areas, but that is precisely their problem. They feel the pressure to be masculine, and so they overcompensate. They pile on the performative misogyny and fantasise about rape and violent revenge in an effort to attain some measure of masculinity. They are deeply, deeply concerned with convoluted made-up male hierarchies, with testosterone, with pick-up artistry, with putting down "feminine" displays, with a natural patriarchal order etc. All of this stems from their own warped sense of masculinity and their inability to live up to it, and that is why it is toxic.

Meanwhile "toxic femininity" as I gather from this thread just means "women are sluts and whores and they won't fuck me".

>> No.15265627 [View]
File: 80 KB, 960x540, sw6b9owh3at21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed through observation that the population of our species are infected with parasites that alter our behavior.
have you ever craved sugar for example? or have troubles with porn addiction? or struggle with degeneracy? maybe have a "brain fog"? perhaps you struggle with insomnia and laziness? also maybe you have thought yourself to be bisexual or gay? is it normal to you that you can almost think something is influencing you out of nowhere?.
I wonder why is that? could it be that something is trying to take over you and make you behave in a way that benefits it?.
I often have wondered what would happen if I gave some homos a ivermectin + turpentine treatment...would they get cured of their homosexuality? because there has to be a reason why people are often repulsed by them? could it be that they can sense the parasites in them and thus the hostility ergo "homophobia"? maybe there was something to be scared of after all...
if so, can NPC's also be under parasite control?...is that why humanity always fell short every single time? is that the great wall?.

>> No.14778487 [View]

Why are we using any data from the James Webb telescope at all? The name is a painful reminder of the rampant homophobia that used to exist in the astrophysics community and it should not reflect the current values of our understanding of science and the world around us. If we really want to understand the universe from the most objective perspective we need to make this process more inclusive to LGBTQ+ and BIPOC scientists and artists.

>> No.14763398 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.14736874 [View]

Of those who detransition there are numerous claimed reasons for initial transition

Using ones own body to explore sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Fear based. Probably early childhood trauma based on opposite parent sex pair bonding failures

>Internalised homophobia
Basically an emotional loophole to be gay whilst still getting to say no homo because you think ywbaw. Clearly cringe, fake and gay. But even then homosexuality is also a development disorder similar to these but it's for another post

Also general fear and trauma based development issues people don't know because they're not accessible. This is why counselling is important. Most doctors don't explore causes for tranny thoughts they just guide them towards trannyism. It could be you have sexual repression and hatred of the opposite sex, so you can only explore sexual urges with the same sex and so on. Its very complex and case by case. But I guarantee through counselling and non hrt style drugs you can actually help fix their internalised issues that cause their desire to Troon out.

>> No.14701597 [View]

Why the homophobia? Are you projecting?

>> No.14627087 [View]

>Irrational fear and hatred
Not, that's a made up meaning by a social engineer jew
Phobia is just fear and AFAIK only children are afraid of trannies and groomers in general

Greek already has a word for hate (miseo) and it is not phobia. Anyone should know that, that's why it was chosen for the social engineering

>> No.14623948 [View]

>There isn't a religion problem. The issue is that faggots who were religious strive to do everything against their previous religious out of spite, much like atheists from Catholic countries become iber degenerates.
RRriiiight, that's totally why the areas with the most religiosity and most homophobia, and unsurprisingly least same-sex marriage rates, have the most STI's among homosexuals. It has nothing at all to do with the bigotry, the stupidity, of your religion at all. Totally.


Oh no wait it's like I said it's your religion causing people to self-hate and refuse making long term monogamous attachments. The more homophobic the bible thumping the worse the effect. "No shit sherlock" - except you dipshits are so desperate to save your crumbling mythos you have to lie out your ass at every opportunity.

>> No.14520775 [View]

>Are you unironically defending racism and homophobia now? Wow, just wow.

Well, if one constellation of atoms should decide to cut the throat of another constellation of atoms for sodomy, why is it wrong?

I am not saying it is right/wrong, I am saying that that is a question outside of the scope of science. I think philosophy could provide one or two ideas about it, but you have suggested philosophy is all retarded babble.

So I am asking you which discipline is going to demonstrate/prove why it is wrong to execute ppl convicted of sodomy, let's say.

>> No.12802319 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12801649 [View]

i love the casual why the homophobia?

>> No.12801464 [View]

>Do you faggot
Why the homophobia?
>I am not american
Me neither.
>Go eat some flame burned, carsinogenic, brain melting, fatty burgers at the Burger King.
Go fuck yourself.
>Clearly I made a simple geometrical problem
No, it's neither simple nor geometric.
>you cannot answer it
I already did.

Electrons don't work like that. Also, which reference frame?

>> No.12793439 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12791569 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12791451 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12787770 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12786722 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12781219 [View]

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12778697 [View]

Why the homophobia?

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