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16243525 No.16243525 [Reply] [Original]

Is chocolate good for you?

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>> No.16245867

>Is chocolate good for you?
From most experimentation throughout the many decades of research, it seems to be, yes.

>> No.16245869

Sorry, I take it back: chocolate is not cocoa. I was talking about cocoa specifically. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

>> No.16246968

theres vanishingly little cocoa in either of those products.

>> No.16248051

This, cocoa is expensive, candy makers avoid using it as much as they can get away with. You'll find very little actual chocolate in the goyslop candybar aisle. Theres science jobs in the arena of figuring out how to make the submillimeter thin layer of chocolate like coating on those candy bars even thinner

>> No.16248052

yeah high quality sugar free cocoa is really really good for you

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16243505 No.16243505 [Reply] [Original]

why in the hell does this goofy ass dinosaur trigger you sciencetards so goddamn much?

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>> No.16245298

for many of the reason this anon mentioned:

And it's also not clear what type of feeding and lifestyle the animal had because it shares different characteristics with different extant animals that do not share the same lifestyles and feeding.
So, it's a big puzzle for now.

>> No.16245302

we're trying!:

>> No.16245321

>Have to dig paleontology threads out of archives
I see what you did there.

>> No.16245345

Because the modern reconstructions are so obviously retarded. Especially how everyone insists on giving it a Nessie back despite that clearly being unlikely and based on ONE spinal column.

>> No.16245351
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how timely, new video out:

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16243504 No.16243504 [Reply] [Original]

The science party (facts-based) was right again.

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>> No.16244258
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There will come a day when man become master geneticists able to manipulate every facet of our being gender or otherwise at will.
But until such a day the suicidal frankenstein the meds are chopping up right now for a quick buck is nothing short of butchered abominations of the emergent product of million years of evolution.
If you retards keep playing political word games and spread cope around ignoring simple biological facts the race will be long finished before we ever reach that day of promise.

>> No.16244281

>Weird, they're already doing quite well with what we got today.
After a century of advancements in urogynecological surgery we can still barely manage basic stricture repair in men and women without causing recurrent scarring and other complications in 75% of patients.

The suggestion that the crude fleshy facsimiles of genitals that barely-licensed plastic surgeons are crafting together out of inverted urethras, testicle sacks, labial scrapings, and arm grafts are indistinguishable from natural genitalia would be laughable if it weren't so utterly demented.

>> No.16244295

lol yea sure just like how they admitted racial integration was a mistake 20 years later when schools became filled with violence and drugs. oh wait...

>> No.16244306

An affirmative action hire "doctor" believes that a mentally ill man is a woman.

Okay. Checks out.

>> No.16244321
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>The transgender movement will continue until the parents that troon out their kids die from old age.
the "doctor" in op is one of these people, unsurprisingly

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16243495 No.16243495 [Reply] [Original]

How many publications do you have? Whats ur highest impact factor?

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>> No.16244186

5 first author papers and a smattering of co-authored papers that I don't count. Highest impact factor is 6.5 cause I'm in a field that Nature journals are too stupid to accept papers from.

>> No.16244829

Impact factor is a meaningless value. All these Jew-funded journals churn out nothing but chatGPT generated slop anyways

>> No.16244834

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

>> No.16244845

I have 10 paper published. Highest impact factor is: N/A. my field don't publish in journals.
>Impact factor
It's a bullshit metric used to legitimize junk quality journals that nobody will ever read. They even use the phrase "impact" to suggest that those useless junks contribute something to the sciences. There are so many impact factor 5 journals nowaday that are just paper mills.
to know what are good journals or conferences, only consider top 10, even top 5, top 3 most prestigious in your field. rest are quite low quality.

>> No.16244883

Goddamn it, is academia really this bad? what about in the 2nd world?

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16243493 No.16243493 [Reply] [Original]

No /pol/ stuff about Jews, please/"hard science" condescension/faggotry
How likely is it that we're going to look back on psychology like a farce or pseudoscience? Are there fundamental problems with the basis of modern psychology?
Bonus question: Why do /sci/ users only ever fixate on evopsych, one of the least rigorous fields of psychology?

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>> No.16245389

>shift from proactive "fixing the patient" mindset with actual solutions to defensive play
That's a good point. It's remarkable how little pushback there is against the idea that a psychologist's role is to only help you fix yourself. It seems that the government is going to take the proactive role, for example, if you are behind in payments than you get a call, a letter or even a visit from someone to ask if you're alright and need help managing your finances. This may be controversial but more helpful than talking about you felt this week and how these feelings are from a traumatic childhood.

>darker undercurrent
That's a good point as well. To be more politically correct: governments are organizing society in such a way that is not condusive to wellbeing but psychologists and doctors have the mentality that you should only look to what you can do because you can't change what others are doing. So you need to adapt to a sick society.

>Which may be compared to some 1800's factory spewing coal fumes straight into low income housing
It seems obvious to me that future society will consider our current society as horrifying as we consider past society. It's a crime against humanity that we know this yet continue to go on the wrong path.

>> No.16245390
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Understanding trauma and how it manifests in so many different ways in so much of what we do in our daily lives and how people are not even aware of it, be it in themselves, be it in others.
Here's a short explanation example of how trauma forms and affects one's entire life path.

>> No.16245406
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A bit pop-psych, to be honest, trauma is helpful to understand but people don't understand that we have highly variable ways of reacting to mostly similar distressing experiences, depending on traits that we lean towards. Why we lean towards certain traits is something people don't focus on, maybe because popular psychological discourse hasn't moved past the bare minimum.
>That's a good point. It's remarkable how little pushback there is against the idea that a psychologist's role is to only help you fix yourself
Therapy is a messy subject, but that problem is pretty much only present in CBT, which is a very common type of therapy since most people are normies without enough maladaptations to justify spending time "finding themselves".
This is a pretty narrow encounter we discuss, mostly with psychiatry. I don't really think I'm interested in anti-psychiatry as much as I'm interested in criticisms of things taken for granted as true in psychology that aren't actually true.
Right now I think the highest bullshit concentration in psychology is in the way we distinguish distinct disorders, subject to reification to no end and the question of precision.

>> No.16245523

>we have highly variable ways of reacting to mostly similar distressing experiences, depending on traits that we lean towards. Why we lean towards certain traits is something people don't focus on
Yes there's imprinting, railroading, snowballing and such causal chains but the focus on the origin of causal chains overlooks why right now at this very moment we make a particular choice. We can break down this dichotomy between past/future and psychology/medicine by seeing that psychology = mythology in the sense that the words we use (for example: ''I'm not motivated'') are highly inaccurate metaphors that like myths = memes = story-telling = social interaction replicate themselves and doing so sustain profound untruths that keep us confused and running in circles.

>highest bullshit concentration in psychology is in the way we distinguish distinct disorders
Yes because that also follows from the mythological approach to psychology.

>I'm interested in criticisms of things taken for granted as true in psychology that aren't actually true
It's so obvious that psychology has religious (christian and buddhist') assumptions yet no one in the public sphere calls them out on it. Even worse: public figures double down on the religious nature of psychology. For example:
>people suffer because they have learned ways of thinking and doing that cause suffering for themselves and others
>therefore, to reduce suffering, people must reflect on how they cause suffering for themselves and others and learn new ways of thinking and doing that cause less suffering / bring more joy.
There are many harmful flaws in this basic christian' and buddhist' reasoning yet this reasoning has been dominating the public sphere for a long time now and people don't want to hear anything else. It's almost blasphemous to cricticize this assumption because it seems so obviously true.

I would like to continue but maybe no one cares that much.

>> No.16245541

It's interesting. From le shientifac point of view, it's pure garbage, yet this psycho-analytic approach to the human psyche can often be incredibly helpful.

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16243446 No.16243446[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shh... he's sleeping

>> No.16243471
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16243300 No.16243300 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, everyone!

I just bought my first CRISPR DIY Bacterial Gene Engineering Kit for $179. My goal is simple: to create a semen-eating bacteria.

I am going to genetically engineer a bacteria that can consume semen and cannot survive outside of humans. It will be specifically designed to metabolize only semen, making it completely dependent on it. I will feed it my own semen to ensure its health, allowing it to evolve and reproduce.

It will be almost untraceable in humans without a very specific type of exam, but i do not plan to release this semen-eating bacteria to the public. However, I will be open to monetary offers from large governments interested in using it as a weapon for undercover population control warfare.

I will call it Cumibacter spermatophilus

>> No.16243304
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Omg double doubles, bumb

>> No.16243306

use your own genes for it and it will work incredibly well OP

>> No.16243312

You are absolutely right! It's an excellent idea to study how and why other organisms metabolize semen

>> No.16243342

Boring. Make a bacteria that makes the infected individual crave semen instead.

>> No.16243479

A more interesting choice is increasing semen output. Why just COOOM, when you can create a Cum Flood?

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16243251 No.16243251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


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16243239 No.16243239 [Reply] [Original]


In a detailed examination of the late winter months of 2023, researchers observed extreme cold temperatures across a broad region of Antarctica.

"Record cold temperatures were observed in our Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) network as well as other locations around the region," said Matthew A. Lazzara of the Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).

"These phases were marked by new record low temperatures recorded at both staffed and automatic weather stations, spanning East Antarctica, the Ross Ice Shelf, and West Antarctica to the Antarctic Peninsula."

"The highest point, Kunlun Station, recorded its lowest temperature ever observed at -79.4°C, which was about 5°C lower than the monthly average."

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>> No.16246890

how do you calculate albedo of organic systems that can store solar energy as mass in plant tissue sometimes for hundreds of millions of years at a time?

>> No.16246902

What's sad is you actually believe the retarded shit you're saying. You're actually fucking retarded enough to consciously ignore all evidence contrary to your position while insisting that the world is no simpler than the one dimensional models you can fit inside your congoloid head.

>> No.16248060
File: 41 KB, 594x690, clucking chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity, pic is what you look like.
Cognitive dissonance is the origin of your emotional distress

>> No.16248064

that means it is working

>> No.16248169

Why does it upset you so badly to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic? If you're truly concerned about global warming you should be happy to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic. Sure hope you didn't just glom on to the global warming narrative with ulterior motives.

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16243200 No.16243200 [Reply] [Original]

Does non-ionizing radiation cause cancer?

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>> No.16243426

Yes. If you don't believe me, crawl into an oven or stare at a really bright light for a while and report back

>> No.16244889

Your threads cause cancer

>> No.16244979
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>> No.16245455

if it doesn't have enough energy to make the electrons in your cells jump in random ways it should not cause cancer.

>> No.16247120

Nice larp

File: 129 KB, 3204x1668, pressure washer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16243132 No.16243132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a pressure washer that is rated for 1.4 GPM and 2000 psi. The hose's diameter is 4mm.

I want more GPM and ok with less psi. Would getting a bigger nozzle automatically give more GPM but less psi?

Is this the correct formula to use?

Flow rate = 1.4 GPM x 2000 psi,
flow rate is 2,800 (GPM x psi),

The new psi is 2,800 / 2, and therefore psi is 1400.

I think I did something wrong. It cannot be this simple, right? I think Bernoulli's equation only applies if the output diameter stays the same, but I want to increase the diameter to get more water out but ok with less psi.

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>> No.16243366

Max flow rate is limited by the max RPM of the motor.

>> No.16243369

PS. that probably is far higher than twice the normal speed

Power = pressure * volume (ignoring pump's limitations)

>> No.16243437

Ok, thank you!

>> No.16243639
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Can you not afford ChatGPT?

>> No.16244047

Yeah, that's how I know some of the equation. I figured I would check in with people who actually know stuff.

I think this person answered it >>16243366

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16243130 No.16243130 [Reply] [Original]

I did my undergrad in Computer Science, focussing on Computational Engineering and Data Science and then moved on to a Mechatronics M.Eng. which was mostly about Control Engineering and Robotics.
However, the more I learn about Physics the more I fall in love with it.

Can someone here give me advice on how to land a PhD position in Physics?
My Masters thesis deals a lot with particle physics and simulation - could that maybe be a jumping-off point for further research? Sadly I don’t really have the funds or motivation to “start all over” with yet another full-time BSc.

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>> No.16243160

Nah don't, grass is always greener on the other side.
Just stick to what field you're on rn.
I'm a Physics postdoc and I fucking hate it.

>> No.16243175

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

>> No.16243498



>> No.16243518

Physics is for autists who don't mind being poor. You're going to hate it as some engineer retard.

>> No.16244698

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/31479357

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16243108 No.16243108 [Reply] [Original]


i just uploaded a paper on academia.edu for the shit of it. anyone find it interesting?

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>> No.16243187

thank you for the criticism

>> No.16243188

Aside from what? THIS IS PESTILENCE.


>> No.16243189

No links. No code. Zero.

>> No.16243192



>> No.16243193

this is my first ever paper....

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16243085 No.16243085 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't look all that scary. Why all the fuss?

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>> No.16244217

>look up salvinorin
anon i'm pretty sure he was talking about explosives

>> No.16244406
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this, cyanides/cyanohydrins in general give me the heebie jeebies
pic is what centipedes fart to kill a mouse, also found in peaches

>> No.16244414
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pic rel looks like a freeze frame of someone in mid stride

>> No.16244416

Too many N's is never good.

>> No.16244439
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Let me guess, you need more

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16243021 No.16243021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the implications for the future for science of the reverse flynn effect occurring in western nations?

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>> No.16243084
File: 98 KB, 850x553, Fertility by intelligence and religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're highly intelligent, get religion.

>> No.16243163

There's an objective benefit to having kids which intelligent people can grasp but that doesn't negate the economic realities inherent to a dying civilization. In the end it's a balance, and really it's leading to a bimodal distribution where only very wealthy and very retarded/poor people reproduce above replacement. The former since they can actually afford to raise children, the latter because they don't think about anything. Midwits are being bred out by clown world.

>> No.16243485

Literally one of the finest pieces of bait I've seen in my life, you probably posted op too for the setup

>> No.16243702

The flyn effect has been a catastrophe.

This describes what actual high IQ looks like:https://www.raptitude.com/2024/06/nobody-knows-whats-going-on/

>> No.16243759
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Where is your evidence that it's reversing?

Except that's not true, the 2022 PISA exams basically put Whites at 102-105 and Blacks at 87-90 which maintains the 15IQ standard deviation gap but shows both demographics getting smarter.

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16242944 No.16242944 [Reply] [Original]

My dna has disapeared! I do not know what happened! This morning I was playing lol but it soon dawned on me that I had no dna! Hvae I always not had dna? where did it go? Please anyone I need my dna! my uncle told me to fuck off.

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>> No.16243144

What league does to a foo

>> No.16243165

>I live in a simulation in the sense that everything i say and do is pre-planned by government and corporate forces, but its not a literal simulation.
Do you actually believe yourself when you say this?

>> No.16243230
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is this scienticifaclly possible?

>> No.16244896

No its not stop lying

>> No.16246684

I lsot my geonosis eye cue after dy Bawss aksed me abut takneig Otzempic

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16242943 No.16242943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Happy Pascal's Birthday, /sci/

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>> No.16242995

Happy birthday, Pascal

>> No.16243016

Arithmetic triangle very useful in combinatorics.

>> No.16243051

pascal not only invented a design for his own calculator, he handcrafted it himself. very few people in the realm of theory have any hands on skills these days.

>> No.16243541
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break open the barrel, its time to celebrate

>> No.16243542

No, he isn't.

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16242934 No.16242934 [Reply] [Original]

any cool scientific advancements lately or is it just doom-tech that makes our lives worse ?

>> No.16244469

Haha blue cat

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16242929 No.16242929 [Reply] [Original]

Why did phrenology go out of fashion but not circumcision?

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>> No.16245246

People with a tall forehead tend to get agressive, because they think it means a big brain.

>> No.16246537

On the topic of circumcision I was circumcised as a baby and have never been able to orgasm even once in my life. Do you think circumcision could’ve caused my anorgasmia? While it makes sense as circumcision removes several thousand nerve endings at the same time I would expect anorgasmia to be much more common in men if circumcision could cause it. I also have autism which perhaps could be related as it’s a neurodevelopmental condition.

>> No.16246555

>literally shaking

>> No.16247723
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>> No.16248079

>americans cant comprehend that there are regions of the world that arent their shithole
Sad, 342000000 such cases.

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16242893 No.16242893 [Reply] [Original]

AI says it's real, but I wanted to hear opinions from mathematicians
Original thread from

>> No.16243229

>schizo/crypto thread
kys faggot