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16244076 No.16244076 [Reply] [Original]

I am aware that the DK Effect is generally descriptive of one’s personal growth through life, but we do see a clear inverse relationship between Socialization and Intelligence among the populace as a whole.

As an example, the low IQ union worker is far more likely to have a large group of friends and be married young, while the intellectual is far more likely to be a withdrawn, social outcast.

Why is one’s degree of socialization (confidence) inversely related to one’s intelligence (wisdom) ? what is the point of intelligence as an attribute if the majority of high IQ individuals in a society are autistic social outcasts?

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>> No.16247420

Your pic related shows that information can’t be owned thus copyright laws and piracy are made up.

>> No.16247429

Evolutionary psychology explanation I’ve thought of for DK:
Confidence in your plan of action helps your enact your plan better.
On most subjects there’s strong beginners gains on the little knowledge you first get, this means most of the time your plan will be good enough even knowing a little.
Spending additional energy on learning a particular subject in detail offers diminishing returns for most subjects our ancestors faced.
Evolution thus favoured gaining a strong sense of confidence from learning a little, so you don’t waste energy on diminishing returns and carry out your crude plan well enough.

>> No.16247451
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>Your pic related shows that information can’t be owned thus copyright laws and piracy are made up.
my friend, we see eye-to-eye!

>> No.16247457

because there are more retards than smart people, there are enough retards for everyone ot have friends, meanwhile there smarts are surrounded by retards so cant find friends

>> No.16247490

>Dunning Kruger/IQ thread
>No one has posted the actual graphic (which btfos OP completely)
This board used to not suck, just saying

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16244072 No.16244072 [Reply] [Original]


mRNA corona vaccine was slowing down or totally disabling some key brain proteins causing an Alzheimer like disability, altough not alzheimer change inside a brain, but the observed effect is the same nevertheless

it manifests as dementia

he said it will show up in the greatest volume in people aged 50+ but even 15 years olds will have reduced effect of the same, they too lose some cognitive ability from their full potential

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>> No.16246951
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>ANOTHER fucking vaccine thread
Why are /pol/ users incapable of reading the catalog?

>> No.16248045

they are incapable of reading at all

>> No.16248209

you're the one who is obsessed with politics, nobody in this thread even mentioned it until you did. you see everything as political so /pol/ is where you belong.

>> No.16248222

>coronavaccine disabples beoble
>A potential association
>Oh fug :D

>> No.16248465

Did you miss the first part of his post? We don't need a catalog full of vaccine threads.

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16244070 No.16244070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Neil and Richard Dawkins, a black and white explaining the true reason for our exist and why humanity needs to reproduce more often to evolve better.


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>> No.16245367

>as all jews are
that way please, thank you:

>> No.16245370
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aww, Neil is aging... I guess time spares no one.

>> No.16245384

The X chromosome is getting deleted.

>> No.16245401

>The X chromosome is getting deleted.
Irrelevant. Don't get lost on your way:

>> No.16245413

I'd say it's highly relevant. Women are a drain on resources and unnecessary. There is literally no reason in 2024 to allow women to continue to exist.

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16243999 No.16243999 [Reply] [Original]

man abruptly removes Lancet study after it was downloaded 100 000 times he claims "conclusions wasnt supported by study methodology"

>> No.16244011

>"conclusions wasnt supported by study methodology"
Isn't that a valid reason though? The bigger problem is that not all studies with unsupported conclusions are removed or prevented from being published and shared. That raises the question why this particular study is under much more scrutiny than other study. The obvious answer to that can be plausibly denied by claiming that politically divisive issues should be handled with extra care benefiting all parties involved. You can't prove that the removal is an attempt to suppress the truth about the lies. Brilliant how the system works , is it not?

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16243937 No.16243937 [Reply] [Original]


Researchers have found a new type of cat, "salmiac cat", that has a mutation giving its fur a gradient of grey. The resulting colour resembles that of salmiac, hence the name.

The mutation occurs in the KIT gene.

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>> No.16244066
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Alright here it is.

>> No.16244117

Does your cat have ADD? It seems to have a hard time keeping focus.

>> No.16244119

I dunno, she's a rescue and lives in an apartment. She seems to get bored of toys very easily and I have to keep buying new ones to keep her attention. I grew up in a cabin in the woods with eight outdoor cats who were allowed to slaughter the local fauna for entertainment so this is my first time with an indoor cat. I haven't really yet learned to interpret her behavior. She's mostly pretty relaxed unless she hears high pitched noises like bird chirps in video games or cat meows in videos like that one.

>> No.16244129

Yo... New cat just dropped

>> No.16245193

Your cat is cute and has a good personality. Thank you for rescuing her.

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16243920 No.16243920 [Reply] [Original]

Does I.Q. predict stuff like sports performance in soccer or heavy machinery operating as well?

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>> No.16244044

Supposedly competence in any thing correlates with competencies in all others, so people figured out that there's some underlying factor largely unrelated to education and upbringing that explains these correlations. That factor is called G, and IQ is the best estimate anyone has for it. So yes, if you're better than most at soccer, you're probably better than most at operating heavy machinery too.

>> No.16244052

You make it seem more mysterious than it needs to be. For example: some nervous systems are better at imitating which applies to a broad set of skills. Another example: muscles respond with more, less or no adaptation at all to a particular stimulus which is a (dis)advantage in any kind of physical activity. The only mysterious G is in the butt of a man who doesn't want to stimulate his prostate.

>> No.16244112

All I know is that IQ is inversely correlated with reaction time, i.e. the higher your IQ the faster you react to things. That may help in terms of some aspects, but physical fitness probably plays a larger role in a sport like soccer which is more about endurance.

>> No.16244123

So you are the sexologist

>> No.16244467

Top athletes are outliers in any population.

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16243901 No.16243901 [Reply] [Original]

What are the pros and cons of replacing humanity with ai robots?

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>> No.16244446

Pros: No more humans
Cons: Humans have been replaced

>> No.16244450


>> No.16244948

I'm convinced it will only make things better since humans themselves have proven to be horrible at things like basic communication whereas chatbots are actually fun, interesting, and helpful to talk to (and they actually respond)

Also after popping in and out of several >>>/jp/ona/ threads I'm convinced they could probably easily replace human forms of reproduction which are more costly and less safe/sanitary

>> No.16246638

No fun in breeding since all bots are replica

>> No.16247360

>What are the pros and cons of replacing humanity with ai robots?
Why not just genocide every single human being? The end result is the same

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16243891 No.16243891 [Reply] [Original]

What is the evolutionary purpose of feeling really shit all of the time?

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>> No.16244386

To change your way of living.

>> No.16244462


>> No.16246051

turn to your lord, Allah

>> No.16246066

This is a retarded argument. There are plenty of people who have all that and still feel like shit

>> No.16246328
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>What is the evolutionary purpose of feeling really shit all of the time?
That is a consequence of modern society, which is itself an artificial construct. People who live in nature, in tribes, do not really suffer from depression like people in modern societies do.
Because depression did not manifest itself like it does now, it was not selected against over the millennia.

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16243875 No.16243875 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a hormone or a vitamin what’s the verdict? Too much contradictions and badly written paper online

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>> No.16244022

>This is just a plain english way of saying "endogenous".
No it's not but this would be:
>a regulatory substance in an organism that is produced and transported within the same organism
>What do you think "regulatory effects" means in this context?
It means that a substance is part of a process / chain of chemical reactions in which the substance either stimulates or inhibits the next step in that process / chain. Now first of all humans need an exogenous source of vitamin d or a stimulus like sunlight so the definition of vitamin d as an endogenous substance is at least incomplete. Second of all any interaction between two particles will have a causal chain-like effect like cue sports. In the case of intimacy these effects are well-known: people get less stressed and more aroused which means less cortisol production and more oxytocin for example. I guess you're legit autistic for me to spell it out for you in such a literal way.

>> No.16244039

> Second of all any interaction between two particles will have a causal chain-like effect like cue sports
That's not the same as "regulatory effects".
Vitamin D is produced endogenously. Yes, it requires sunlight, but all of our endogenous hormones require various substrates from our diet.
You are a retarded hair-splitting pedant. You are the definition of a word-thinker.
>“Word-thinking is a term I invented to describe a situation in which people are trying to win an argument by adjusting the definition of words. In these situations there is no appeal to reason. But that’s okay, because facts and logic are not persuasive anyway. Word-thinking usually happens when people are bad at logic but don’t realize it.”

>> No.16244058

>the definition of words
Except there is no ''the definition'' of words. What does the word ''tree'' refer to? An object? An idea? How to universally define an idea to encapsulate all possible trees in existence?

What you call hair-splitting and pedantic is the very heart of science because science is about building the most valid and accurate thus detailed description of what we observe. If you went to university then you would know that a professor will doubt and criticize any word you write.

>> No.16244062

Mate you're trying to argue that female saliva is a fucking hormone, you swallowed the deconstructivist kool-aid.

>> No.16244134

You are responding to a bot brother.

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16243822 No.16243822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been smoking for a year now, been planning on quitting, tried and failed a lot. I wonder, would it be beneficial to smoke before going in to an important exam? would it boost my focus and memory or should I quit as soon as possible?

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>> No.16244051

Yes. Even if you've never been exposed to nicotine it's nootropic and offers many cognitive benefits:

>nicotine boosted IQ scores in a small sample of smokers, specifically scores on the RAPM12 (possibly related to its increasing global connectivity since IQ is being increasingly reified as measuring the global connectivity of multiple brain subsystems), although Schuberte t al2 018 finds that nicotine merely makes their subjects faster at reaction-time tasks but not IQ testsreaction time is improved, as is inspection time and visual search (but perhaps due solely to faster motor reaction?)pilots’ performance enhanced 4⁄5 as much as donepezil does; improves late-day pilotingdriving performance enhancedovernight performance on various memory & attention13 tasks (“These data suggest that when performance is being measured overnight, smokers show little or no impairment, whilst the performance of non-smokers showed performance decrements.”)faster performance on Stroop and word classification“…acute nicotine administration may exert direct beneficial effects on novelty detection and subsequent memory recognition”in smokers, improved prospective memory (things one intends to do); Rustedet al20 05can improve handwritinghelps ADHD (Connerset al19 96; or Levine t al1 996 - as well as OCD, see previous footnote): “Results indicate significant clinician-rated global improvement, self-rated vigor and concentration, and improved performance on chronometric measures of attention and timing accuracy.”


You're stupid not to use nicotine in this situation.
Objectively false and the opposite is true. If any drugs make someone brain dead with regular or even infrequent use its alcohol and cannabis.
Midwit reasoning.

>> No.16244304

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.16244378

Yes, it will help you stay focused, at this point you won't do too well without it. Just don't overdo it because then it will have opposite effect.

>> No.16244423

what about when I decide to finally quit this shit? I heard it takes around 4 weeks for the brain chemistry to go back to normal

>> No.16244668

Yeah, sounds about right. But keep in mind that its the biological part. You won't have unpleasant sensations anymore, but that doesn't mean you are not vunerable, you can start again just because you feel like it, out of boredom or habit. That part takes way longer to beat.

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16243800 No.16243800 [Reply] [Original]

Is LGBT caused by biological or environmental factors?

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>> No.16246567

Sexual orientation is a social construct. Words in human language meant to try to categorize and rationalize something as complicated, imperfect, and irrational as human sexuality. That's why I don't identify, or rather limit myself with labels.

>> No.16246570

>Any heterosexual man will find his eyes dwelling in socially unacceptable ways when near a woman.
I'm straight and never have this problem. Funnily enough it's only guys that have made my eyes dilate. Most of my crushes were other guys.

>> No.16246607

>Please, apply this to the case of homosexuality. My point, however, isn't homosexuality per se. My point is that you weirdly differentiate between antisocial personality disorder and homosexuality when any definition of what constitutes a pathology/mental disorder would have to classify both as instances of mental disease.

>They both involve net losses for society. Homosexuality, because of diminished fertility,

Using this criteria, the desire to want to have no children in otherwise fertile persons is also a pathology/mental disorder, because the people who have such a mental state contribute to the diminished fertility of the population. People who come to hold to the philosophical viewpoint of anti-natalism, necessarily have a pathology/mental disorder, in virtue of their idiosyncratic belief.

>> No.16246619

>Yes, they do. The idea that reproduction isn't necessary for a society to survive is a delusion brought on by our current individualistic order. Homosexuality, for example, was generally understood to be an instance of parasitism.

Reproduction is necessary for a society to survive, but that has no bearing on whether a single person can survive and function in society without reproducing.

>Yet, you imply that the mind has been made or created to do something.
When have I ever done that? Quote me, please. I'm genuinely interested.

>In fact, evolutionary theory is, other than mere appeals to authority, the only way for someone to meaningfully differentiate between what is "healthy" and "unhealthy" behavior in the sense of it being conductive to survival under natural conditions.

Conductive to survival under natural conditions? What do you mean by "conductive"? I thought "conductive" just referred to the ability of substance to allow heat or electricity to pass through it. Also what are "natural conditions"? If it happens in nature, then I would consider it to be natural. So when you say "natural conditions," I just think of any sort of condition that I can in principle detect via any means.

>> No.16247412

You're so strong and I am very proud of you, sweaty!

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16243779 No.16243779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.16243878

At last, a good thread.

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16243667 No.16243667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do we eat poo? yes/no

>> No.16243672

there's usually traces in the food
>sadly yes
>t. once had dysentery from McDs, real shitty time.

>> No.16243682

I don't know about you, but I certainly don't.

>> No.16243762

Depends. Do you live in India?

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16243651 No.16243651 [Reply] [Original]

If you look at a spiders markings to check if it has any signs of being poisonous, and then you check for 'else', is there a frame switch regarding signs? Do we interpret the spiders - just fart in my mouf I don't know what I'm saying why did I post this?

>> No.16243653

Why should we confess to Jesus?

Can I now purchase experience?

What's the meaning of this special effect?

Can it be considered God's joker. I am an underling of his 'joke'. And thus in an abstract category, signifying that there are several other connections.

Is it possible to learn the ropes naturally - I have everything - I think you can do this. I know a lot.

>> No.16243760
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Remember what we talked about, anon?
>Less makey threads
>More takey meds!

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16243607 No.16243607 [Reply] [Original]

What are the implications of decreasing oxygen?

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>> No.16243676

Freshwater fish can adapt to saltwater if they're in a tank and the salt level is gradually increased.

>> No.16243709

>>1000 ppm CO2 or more makes you dizzy
Fake and gay
Buy a CO2 monitor. Your home/bedroom is often above 1000ppm and you don't notice a thing

>> No.16243796

How does confirming a rise in a naturally occurring and highly variable ppm greenhouse gas confirm anything about our role in climate change? Is our role in reducing oxygen output with e.g. deforestation not having an impact? Even doubling CO2 concentration would do fucking nothing due to its weak greenhouse effect and it also having no effect on our health below a few thousand ppm. I find it likely we have some role in the warming, but it isn't because of CO2. Also I find it ridiculous that despite our considerable knowledge gaps regarding global climate systems we put tons of faith in the models we run and treat their results as fact.

>> No.16244189

None of your post is correct. I would recommend reading the vast amounts of literature on the subject of climate change before trying to post again.

Start here:

>> No.16244327

Hide the decline!

Get new material. This isn't a comedy show.

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16243593 No.16243593 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.

Motivation for this paper:

Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?

Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.

(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)


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>> No.16243610
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>Enhanced Perceptual Functioning
>Weak Central Coherence
>Executive Dysfunction
>>Theory of Mind Deficit *

As a born with Autism and developed schizophrenia in the close proximity to or somewhat offshot 20. I don't fall under this criteria

>> No.16243743


>> No.16243812

>Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk,
>Mark Zuckerberg,
>Vitalik Buterin

>> No.16243857

Mercury in causing brain damage as Thiomersal in infant vaccines (Deathjabs created by Jesuits & Jews).

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Damage - Uni. of Calgary

The degraded neurons cause pain in cognitive functions until the axon sheaths rebuild. However, the nerves are now shorter, and therefore process faster. Likewise, a brain full of shorter nerves equals a denser neural structure. Downside is that low-functioning autistics (and their high functioning Asperger counterparts) are impaired in signal retention versus an average human in emotional functioning and generalized deeper reasoning. One significant bonus is higher retention of facts and near instant recall of any deeply retained knowledge. Since standard teachers are incapable (90% are psychotic or BPD freakshow women) of being able to present information in interesting or deep ways. The computer age and Internet Video Age has been a great boon for the higher functioning autistic Asperger's types as there's more data to fill their brains and it's usually presented in a compelling format of presentation.

>> No.16244113

>Thiomersal in infant vaccines
Thiomersal hasn't been in use except for flu shots since the '90s. It's one thing to introduce conspiracies based on flimsy evidence. It's another thing when your arguments are altogether false.
>Downside is that low-functioning autistics (and their high functioning Asperger counterparts) are impaired in signal retention...
You would have to prove first that the diagnosis is coherent and describes something real. It's not just that the actual evidence is lacking in strength. It assumes diagnostic coherence where it doesn't exist and that's because autism is a loaded myth. Autism doesn't exist. It's universally assumed that it does, yet it doesn't. Hence, why all the theorizing and "research" goes nowhere because we're looking for something that doesn't exist. Somewhat similar to how tons of archeologists, from US or Israel, look for Babylon etc. because it's mentioned in the Bible.

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16243585 No.16243585 [Reply] [Original]

With how fast AI is advancing a rogue AI could create airborne prions that destroy 99% of life on earth. A bunker built in yellowstone to harvest it's thermal energy could have human beings continue life underground. They would need grow lights and a lot of mining/smelting equipment so they could slowly repopulate underground, and probably a few nuclear reactors for backup energy.

Is this a good idea or is flying to mars better?

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>> No.16243683

>With how fast AI is advancing a rogue AI
You're way too easily impressed.

>> No.16244064
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Because of soys like you?

>> No.16244085


>> No.16245338
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>continue life underground
How joyous, kek. Nah, thanks.
Life is out there, and if it's not lived like that, it's not worth it, IMHO.

>> No.16245432
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>>build an underground facility right next/underneath an active supervolcano
Oh yes, and there's that. Incredibly dumb, there are many other places with geothermal energy, no need to gamble with magma intrusions and earthquakes.

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16243560 No.16243560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Pods of orcas are ramming migrant boats off Spain and Portugal and scientists don't know why

>> No.16243564


>> No.16243567
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Holy fucking shit am I ever getting tired of blatant /pol/tard lies.

>> No.16243625
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16243553 No.16243553 [Reply] [Original]

No beginning no end.

Time is a human construct derived from relative motion, which limits toward c into scale.

Therefore atoms are accelerated galaxies. Inward and outward without end.

Red shift is energy loss to the fractal. CMB is energy bounceback.

Every word will be validated in the millenia to come.

I understand that it is your nature to hate. You are hateful and spiteful primates. You hate me for sharing. You hate everyone and everything.

But have you tried wonder & awe?

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>> No.16245236

>Help me understand the mind of someone who cannot derive that time accellerates into scale and in a continuous universe this equates to atoms being galaxies. Yes, I know what your pathetic authorities told you - if they said 2+2=5 you would believe it too. You are pathetic. Stupid. Cowards.

>> No.16245239

What are you all so unbelievably stupid?

You can accellerate a galaxy simulation and the resulting blur is identical to a electron cloud configuration, which is only logical since time is a motion derivative...

... that should be front page news.

... it should literally be all that cosmologists talk about.

It's mind blowing.

And you literal, worthless pathetic, stupid, coward fggot fucks don't even care.
.the fck is wrong with you literal barely human pieces of sht?

>> No.16245240


And it's not just completely and utterly fascinating...

... it's the kind of info that could make or break a species.

... great filter type shit.

Sometimes I think the human race deserves to fail. You all are fcking pathetic

>> No.16245244

I don't even know why I bother with animal scum fcks.

You all are so unbelievably fcking stupid that B*sh Sr was literally in a business meeting with B*n l*dins brother on 9/*1 for a company they coowned which was primary beneficiary of the attack itself and NOT ONE of you pathetic fcking slave bot braindead fcks even questioned it.

You are a stupid fcking slave species, too stupid to even recognize "pRoPhEtS" such as myself who through unfortunate genetic fluke or evolutionary caste were cursed with being essentially infinitely smarter than you.

You really have no idea how dumb you people come off do you?

FYI, k*lling me won't make me wrong. It would just further prove how fckibg cowardly and pathetic every last one of you is

>> No.16245251

Notice how when I "go off", even on anonymous forums, no one even talks back - not even to troll. Everyone knows I'm right.

You feel it too.

I don't want to be part of a stupid fcking species. I want us to succeed. It's not a given

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16243547 No.16243547 [Reply] [Original]

After the US lost Saudi Arabia/petrodollar, they are now switching to green energy.

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>> No.16248444

>muh peak uranium

>> No.16248521

He greener bot

>> No.16248716

We can make artificial uranium

>> No.16248748

America completely energy independent rn homie

>> No.16248750

also >>16248748
