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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12716983 [View]

Same retard who said adhd is meme, I had a 3 year scholarship, full ride, and money each month for food(beer). I straight up sympathize with you and was not trying to call you out or anything. I just don't believe the doctors, prolly cause I'm autistic.

>> No.12716968 [View]

Kinda feel like adhd is a meme diagnoses just to get a prescription for Amphetamines, mainly because I'm just a lazy retard sometimes and got fucked for it in higher education. The connection between stimulant meds and Parkinsons, heart disease, and all that shit kinda made me just give up on that front and start drinking 4 - 5 cups of coffee.
> 22 year old with "adhd" and a vyvanse prescription

>> No.12716865 [View]

I'm cool with masks, I just think locking down was the worst thing anyone could have ever done. The fact that "top level" scientists said it was a good idea, on top of being political tools, is what pisses me off. Anyone with a God damm brain can understand why wearing a mask is fine, but you have to be fucking brainless to sit there and defend year long lockdowns while the virus is coming back constantly and is nowhere near under control. All we've done now is ensure more people die when the price the dollar drops to fucking zero. The only people on this planet who are supposed to be above politics, did nothing but pander and suck cock to try and get either a. More funding for their organization or b. A nice promotion.

>> No.12714568 [View]

IB graduate here, I did it because my mom INSISTED I do it. Its a complete fucking joke of a program that consists of retards acting smart because they get an IB sash at graduation and they had to write more papers. As far as actual testing and knowledge goes, it's fucking easier than AP, has less useful classes, and involves more writing about retarded shit. Imagine taking a class, that makes you take an "inherent bias" test and then write a 1500 word paper. Oh and you get to do that on top of what's basically a retarded science fair, where you do a project and write 4k words about how stupid and useless your project is. I wrote a fucking autistic program where I stripped the code off of the internet for my CS project, and made up all the data and information on my EE while writing it the night before, and I still got a B. You also have to retarded service projects, that basically become you lying or feeding homeless people grool for 45 hours. I said I rebuilt some creek for 3 days and just took photos of myself looking dirty there. Then you get to do all this retarded shit and 95 percent of state schools view it as worst than AP/dual credit. My advice, drop the fuck out of the program and take a full AP course load instead, you'll have more hours worth of credit for college. Example, I got a 6 on both my history and English test (only two classes they took for credit at my uni) and I got 3 hours worth of credit, needed a perfect score to get English 1 credit. Fucking pisses me off so much that this stupid fucking program exists, and it soenss 90 percent of its time talking about retarded shit, surrounded by fuck wads who think they're smarter because "DURR IB CWEDIT GOOD FOR WHEN I GO TO OGZFORD DURRRR" it's a fucking embarrassment to see myself in graduation photos wearing that dog shit sash and retarded little head piece. Complete fucking scam.

>> No.12709959 [View]

Plague rat here, still not getting this cuckccine, and definetly not getting because some petulant mong on 4chan says to. Cope, seethe, and die you fucking scum faggot.

>> No.12709860 [View]

Well tbe virus only uses those spike proteins to imfect cells, kinda like a locksmith breaking a lock with a Bobby pin. Fucking idiot, if shit were that simple we wouldn't worry about the longterm affects of the virus or the vaccine.

>> No.12709567 [View]

>horrible man
>act like you wouldn't do the same
I'm sure you'd stand up to an entire country hell bent on doing those things, just to be shot, instead of get paid to pursue your dreams and push the boundary of science. Faggot.

>> No.12704466 [View]

B^y is means base b to the power of y, I forgot to explain that also my b.

>> No.12704458 [View]

Log base b (x) = b^y, Log base 2 (1024) = 10 thus 2^10=1024. Either you're younger, or jusf a complete fucking mong.

>> No.12507846 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 15 KB, 470x313, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ela começa em 1202.
Caminhe por ela até vc encontrar as crianças felizes. Esse é o caminho para encontrar a resposta para esta pergunta.

dz 2a ud
qs po t0
l2 gn 5f

Cuidado com os números!!!

Quando encontrar a resposta, mande-nos uma mensagem.

boa sorte.


>> No.12343763 [DELETED]  [View]

we might be kindred. lil_Pinion#5155 on discord.

>> No.12165998 [View]

Kek, you can answer this with just guessing. I mean it's so obvious.

>> No.12165975 [View]

Code monkey job.

>> No.11468683 [View]

What do you need PhD for?
Get pregnant and hopefully married?

>> No.11468672 [View]

No one needs you go to school, specially you by yourself. You just wasting money and time.
Everything you need, you can learn on line for free. But if you find 'Him' get pregnant and drop off for family, then it will be total worth it.

>> No.11366459 [View]
File: 348 KB, 1754x1240, 新型コロナ(semi-log) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I selected a wrong sheet, which is a semi-log graph.
This sheet is right.

>> No.11366448 [View]
File: 351 KB, 1754x1240, 新型コロナ(semi-log).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their scheme.

>> No.11366445 [View]
File: 257 KB, 1754x1240, 新型コロナ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows it more enough than she.

>> No.11366244 [View]
File: 303 KB, 1754x1240, 新型コロナ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows this.

>> No.11314976 [View]

>This website is about anonymity, so making yourself identifiable breaks that.

>> No.11286451 [View]

thanks duder peace

>> No.11286447 [View]

>summer gate
This must be sealed.

>> No.11286443 [View]

nevermind this one is the coolest but also the spookiest since i FUCKING hate ice

>> No.11286441 [View]

What that’s fucking lame. yet still really fucking cool it means there’s like 17 more continents to discover. Why are these ice walls there? and it’s basically an endless plane of water? How deep does it go?
I thought you meant this >>11286433
...but this is also pretty damn sweet
>tfw you will be a fucking technopirate on braving these new seas

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