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>> No.2059811 [View]

Care to elaborate?

>> No.2059792 [View]

It's not winter yet. You'll live the night if your in that bad of a situation; set up a small camp etc. if you absolutely must.

I recommended the greyhound, so as to give you a nice place to avoid the night though.

>> No.2059763 [View]


I chose 'disagree' on this choice. Purely for situations such as this:

The only jobs available are those hazardous to ones health.

>> No.2059753 [View]


I'm running with the impression that it's a dire situation and things have all gone to shit in the worst possible way.

Hitch a ride on the overnight greyhound and find yourself in a new city next morning. Fresh area, fresh start, etc.

>> No.2059728 [View]


It's 'never' too late.

I'd recommend making a short list of the different things you like to do, or are interested in. Then go on an internet search, using the list as a prioritizer, so as to focus down the various careers you might be interested in.

>> No.2059669 [View]
File: 3 KB, 480x400, pcgraphpng.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2057507 [View]

You see, that one wasn't me. The other one was. It's not nice to impersonate; though I can't tell whom you are. >_<

Why must this site be anonymous? It's not like it's a benefit; if anything the verification issue, and trolls, simply create a haven for stupidity.

/rant off to bed.

And here I ranted at someone posting a smile face under my alias, tired much; I'm sorry.

>> No.2057491 [View]


>> No.2057475 [View]


>> No.2057427 [View]
File: 269 KB, 1280x805, Tree_by_Andes_Sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message me on youtube:


Should you feel like having a more stable connection, than an anonymous site offers.

Bonne nuit.

>> No.2057401 [View]

Didn't you hear? Phylogenetic classification is how the new kids are doing it.

>> No.2057392 [View]


I don't really consider it being trolled, if I know s/he's trolling, and I decide to respond.


Sorry, guess it's a little too early in the morning now for me to have caught that. It was pretty good too, which is unfortunate. Ah well, just the same it did make me laugh some.

>> No.2057380 [View]

I usually divide gender in two types:

Biological gender, i.e. your body parts.


Intellectual gender, which, from what I've seen tends to be asexual fairly often.

In short though, when it comes to other people, I'll simply divide by physical appearance, unless they say otherwise.

>> No.2057365 [View]



>> No.2057356 [View]



Heh, that actually made me laugh some. Although it's still not a very nice thing to even go about posting, which does make one wonder as to the nature of the poster.

Ah well.

>> No.2057336 [View]

On second thought, I should probably tell you the truth. I use that emoticon because i'm a faggot ^_^

>> No.2057324 [View]


Only where I'm using it to inflect emotion. For instance, here I was actually laughing at the above posts.

Incidentally I'm 22. ^_^ <See that? Laughter on my end again.

>> No.2057317 [View]

Optimism is the most positive outlook on life.

>> No.2057312 [View]

Wow. What appears to be a legitimate attempt at trolling; with some foresight included.

>> No.2057296 [View]

If you make a back-up of yourself, and promptly die, then are restored, what has happened? Are you still you?

Well, your thoughts and memories and literally 'everything' are the same, for the sake of the conversation we'll say the bodies are the same as well.

So, the only thing that's happened, is that for a millisecond you've been 'out of it', from the 'new you' perspective.

What has just happened with the 'old you' though?

This is a 2:33 in the morning, up all night, version of the consciousness problem that I just referenced; developed over quite some time and thought.

What are your or anyone else's thoughts?

>> No.2057267 [View]

Lol ^_^

>> No.2057248 [View]

>"if my brain is cloned and then that digital brain is placed inside my body and becomes me I die right?"

I've mulled over similar thoughts in the past.

"If I have a perfect copy of 'me', with all my memories, etc., and it stands next to me and I decide to kill 'me', what just happened? Did I die?"

At the moment, I've tentatively agreed upon a permanent end of consciousness, as a means of determining death in such matters.

>> No.2057211 [View]

No. Welcome to a touch of infinity.

>> No.2057196 [View]


I assume you were the person asking before:

Alrighty, prepare for crudeness!

Trans-human~Simple enough, the idea in mind is to move beyond what it means to be human in todays age.

Technicism based~A heavily technologically focused mindset; wherein, it is basically viewed that science and the subsequent advances in technology will resolve 'problems'.

Anarcho~ anti government?

techno-primitivist~I'm sure you can figure this one out by now; which was why I was questioning it's inclusion earlier.

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