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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8929033 [View]

ummm except https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5drYkLiLI8

:) i've used my brain for passing exams and getting things i wanted. i didnt have to suck ! and other things seen eg in that porn...anyways

>> No.8929000 [View]

prob on porn hub at this point lmao

>> No.8928985 [View]

in section:other: write down- ''stealing meds and sci.papers from sick people is wrong.''
lets spam the college on every level possible with basically that message

>> No.8928982 [View]

spam this by applying me as much as u can via thor or whatever u like because its held by the same students that stole my meds and prof. are protecting those assholes

>> No.8928970 [View]

shake it off

shake it off


i'm on it, check it in an hour

>> No.8928922 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 38 KB, 300x300, blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was offline last week. wonder why? cuz when my path.paper got stolen (read:http://veekyforums.com/thread/8872008/science/plagiarism-shitpost-from-serbia.html))
students went in a damage control mode and got into my hotel room & took all my antiepileptics & booze i bought as gifts (about 100e of worth in total (all stuff)) cuz i was a ''danger to myself'' etc. when i came back from the congress i didnt get new meds cuz i made a stupid promise i wont take any meds except antiepileptics leftovers i had (so no hypnotics & anxiolitics) that almost cost me life. why? cuz on may 11th i started having seizure after seizure and i went to an ER and they just gave me iv & sent me home...where i continued having seizures the whole next day. on saturday i lost touch with reality and developed psychosis due to epi., insomnia, stress and prob because i cut my meds suddenly & completely... in psychosis, i cut & bit myself, i didnt feel people around me are people, i was eating grass and mud...dad let me do it cuz he's a p. aggressive troll, he likes things like that.. by the end of saturday i fell into status epilepticus and i was held on neurology until monday...slept the whole time in that state...and i was released on Wednesday but i got back the sense of reality on this saturday. my dad refuses to give me antipsychotics as a 7 day prophylaxis cuz he says they are cardiotoxic.. now i'm sitting alone, looking back at the whole thing... why the fuck i got into st.epilepticus and psychosis just cuz of 1 paper? nobody cares on my college about it...i leaked hundreds of nudes of students in the college parliament, leaked recipes how they use college money they get for their private parties, how they sell drugs and meds to students, i even leaked 1 porn from our female sci. section rep. does anybody care? No. and i'm a fucking idiot cuz science in serbia is a complete bullshit and i'll expose absolutely everybody tonight...so expect more nudes and info about my college.

>> No.8899633 [View]

i had a shit assistant and ever since i absolutely HATE the whole damn subject...everything, the whole place should burn down. except 1 person tho. but still i have traumas. radiology is not welcomed here

>> No.8899165 [View]
File: 60 KB, 540x524, motmotmotmot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8899131 [View]

he did it via students science section archive. they read papers/copies u are obligated to send them.
its easy to steal in sci in serbia.. they act like black people around cars

>> No.8899126 [View]

link for the live chatroom is in the details of the pic. open it!

>> No.8899103 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 115 KB, 400x400, Mot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help the mot in need with some good deeds. On may 18th my college will give the biggest hypocrites awards for their sci.works. i wont get one. why? because my paper got stolen by a disgusting thief.students defended him by accusing me of being suicidal, danger to myself, dramatized about it and i was tried to be stopped from posting here about it, read: >>8872008 for basic info.
so, tonight at 9pm & midnight i'm leaking all the basic info about the whole case (links, pics, screenshots. and one lucky anon gets to read my stolen sci pathology work + i'll leak students worst pics that they dont want their parents & professors to see) i've got hundreds of various proofs those students are hypocrites that caused the drama and stole my work + stole my antiepi meds and booze gifts in worth of +50 euros. so it's bullshit if they dont have 1 paper to give me as a signed award or something.
i want justice one last time. i wont be taken for granted even i was a suicidal troll as i was accused of. Tonight 9pm & midnight, serbian time, leaks for u & more. the more u push, more will leak.
help with some good deeds. sci.work shouldnt be stolen and thieves-anons should not be awarded for it. We have 7 days. leaks will come every day until may 18th. if i dont get an award or/and public apology, i'm exposing everything & everyone.
They will not divide us. cu

>> No.8898864 [View]

i like you because u're dragging radiology.. it deserves the shit out of it

>> No.8898836 [View]
File: 635 KB, 604x528, tay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tay tay cuz the queen spams /b
no one else

>> No.8897104 [View]

my dad tought me satan is inside of the earth where he chops off cocks of dumb people.

>> No.8897097 [View]

psychology, psychiatry..basically everything head related

>> No.8897084 [View]

suck some of it and tell us sis is he still a stoner faggeto

>> No.8896990 [View]

ur pic gave me cancer

sci should be cleaned from neuro fucking so called science jesus seklbldfkghdlgd

>> No.8896967 [View]

go to an exorcism and pray the shit out of urself so u can leave that bullshit science lmao
fun fact - i had an atrocious assistant for radiology class and now i hate the whole fucking subject and the whole department because of that faggot

>> No.8896965 [View]

i'm a girl and feminists disgust me...i'm anti feminist
i wish all girls just diaf...including me tho lol

>> No.8896958 [View]

u are missing all the fun while rotting in jail for stealing cars kanye!

>> No.8896954 [View]

no we are not
eg i'm a female and i have iq of 157...unbelievable and cant be noticed but like..ikfr!

>> No.8896945 [DELETED]  [View]

Neuroscience is the bullshit you want to spend your life on? u fucking idiot


its one of the most bullshit so called sciences i've ever see..radiology and neuroscience should be eradicated from the face of this goddamn earth
basically what i'm saying- dont study that shit

>> No.8894775 [View]
File: 34 KB, 460x305, Vladimir-Šeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is according to them...is noooooooooooooooot safe. so not safe i was in danger.
ask any croat about this guy and then ask them if you are endangered after 1 red bull and 1 drink :D

>> No.8894769 [View]

sorry for the grammar. i dont look at the keyboard at this point :D

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