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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.1590679 [View]
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"If we don't halt population growth with justice and compassion, it will be done for us by nature, brutally and without pity--and will leave a ravaged world."

What do you think, /sci/?

>> No.1461128 [View]

Well, their tissue wouldn't, at least.

>> No.1460082 [View]

Well, I see the domestication working out like this:

Dumb/friendly dogdeer: Food, small plows, hauling things

Average dogdeer: Watchdogs (if they make vocalizations; idk), ratters/pointers of some kind, herders

Smart/Agressive dogdeer: Hunters, battle dogs

>> No.1460028 [View]

Right-o. Well, I'll get started on that.

We'll have waggly-tailed, polka-dotted dogdeer in no time!


>> No.1460005 [View]

Time to domesticate some dog-deers!

Do any of them show signs of accepting human companionship/seeing us as a source of food and shelter?

>> No.1444439 [View]



>> No.1444167 [View]

Awesome. I'd let religion continue.

>> No.1444132 [View]

It's like we just keep birthing new people to make sure shit gets worried about

>> No.1443993 [View]

Well, my grandmother must be a special case, then. She's from rural wartime england...perhaps that's her problem?

>> No.1443923 [View]

I meet people who are Neil and Buzz's age who fear computers and microwave ovens, and then think that it is people from their age group who orchestrated the moon landing and my head is truly full of fuck.

Also, google "In Event of Moon Disaster"

>> No.1443899 [View]

you : silly :: this : patrick

>> No.1443883 [View]

I'm too lazy to read this whole thread, but OP has me intrigued. Can you melt wood or what?

>> No.1434250 [View]

Ages 5/6 through 11/12. 5/6 days per week (6th day is elective and akin to daycare).

Mandatory subjects would be: Native language, 1 foreign language, math, social studies, science, health, P.E.

Recess would include opportunities for free play and exercise, but also opportunities to work on supervised electives such as gardening (botany), cooking (chemistry/nutrition), music, art, and simple engineering projects. The playground would look more like a garden and soccer field than a prison yard, and the electives would be optional to the student, but rewards would be given for certain amounts of participation and skill.

P.E. would include the students' choice of team sports, individual exercise, and/or group exercise. "Exercise" would be: aerobics, dance, tai chi, track, and weights. (God, I would have killed to have tai chi rather than dodgeball...)

Health class would be for the older kids (11/12) and pull few punches in preparing them for the shit that is about to hit the fan puberty-wise. Mental, sexual, nutritional, social, and spiritual health all included. (inb4 spirituality should be eliminated. it's a concept they'll encounter in the "real world"--no reason to pretend it doesn't exist if they have questions).

School for older kids 4 days/week, heavy focus on useful, meaningful, elective apprenticeships. No honors classes. If a kid is at honors level in a subject, it should become an elective or the workload reduced only to what is necessary to retain some proficiency. P.E. remains the same and now includes off-campus activities, hopefully by now the kids see the use of some physical activity in their lives. I'd type more on this but I got other things to do!

>> No.1431412 [View]

Y'all should read "Everything I Want to do is Illegal."

It's written by a farmer and he makes a good case for small farms and against huge corporate farms. Mainly what he talks about is sanitation/health issues ignored in larger companies because they have the money for lawyers, therefore they can feed you all the bleached-in-a-shitbath eggs they want, while small farmers get shut down because they don't have the money for lawyers; current food regulations in the U.S. are ridiculous because they are geared toward ensuring sanitation in situations where people are assumed to have no integrity--namely in big business--but small farmers must obey the same rules. Apparently an egg is better protected against germs when it is unwashed and keeps a layer of its original coating, but food regulations consider this to be filth so all eggs must go into a chlorine bath, which in large companies ends up fulling with sulfer-smelling chicken crap, and nobody cares. The eggs are only one example of the various topics he covers...But anyone here who's into the big farms vs. small farms would probably get a kick out of all the information in that book.

>> No.1431303 [View]


>> No.1422890 [View]

I've also got a thread here >>>/r9k/10128937

it's faster-paced

>> No.1422866 [View]

No idea. I'm just want to know where the question of "how many people would it take?" goes when a sperm bank is considered, because so far I've never seen that option included in such a discussion.

Although I suppose she might wish to lay the foundations for a matriarchal society and be considered the creation deity of the new era.

>> No.1422847 [View]

Not necessarily...The woman could birth females and abort males (self-ultrasounding...how hard can it be?), and when the girls grow up they could propagate via sperm from the cryobank until there is reasonable genetic diversity in the population for males to be birthed and traditional breeding to begin.

>> No.1422823 [View]
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The last person on earth is a woman (an exceptionally bright, healthy, and handy woman). Everyone else that was alive has seemingly vanished--they've been abducted into space and then destroyed, something like that. It is modern times, in a half-city, half-country setting with an easy climate.

Say the woman has access to a sperm bank. How would she keep the sperm from being damaged (with no-one but herself to maintain the cryobank, and pending electricity issues), and could she be successful in repopulating her species to eventually be self-sustainable through normal reproduction again?

Say there's no risk of a power failure to endanger the sperm. Now, with a basically functioning sperm bank, what is she capable of and what does her future look like? (As well as the future of humanity, for anyone who cares to create a post-apocalyptic scifi culture...)

>> No.1247253 [View]

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: m/f?
You: moonpen
Stranger: wht?
Stranger: in english please
You: what happen if yuo drop a pen on the moon prease
Stranger: hmmm..
Stranger: i dont know..
You: does it froat away?
Stranger: wht do u mean?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

...i got tired of just asking...

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