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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.1486461 [View]
File: 80 KB, 655x428, 1270512315831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for no help,

after i figure out just what to mix i'll make it in to one of them picture how to thingies and post it on muslim image boards, ha ha! take that atheists

>> No.1486126 [View]
File: 1.25 MB, 693x628, TNT_vectorvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyclic eh.

>> No.1485939 [View]


i know, and i will to make shampoo and its also a great conditioner too.

suspended because of a low GPA, had some issues to deal with, the the sort of shit people baw all over 4chan, and a broken heart didn't help. Smoked/chopped weed everyday, didnt go to tutorials which accounted for 20% of the grade... and so on.

>> No.1485915 [View]


that i know, i got kicked out of university after two years or chemistry and life sciences...

>> No.1485909 [View]
File: 2.39 MB, 2816x2112, P1100763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i actually wanted to know about soap, having looked at the saponification reaction u a lot up, then someone brought up fight club, so i'm curious as to how easy it would be to make nitroglycerin. I could figure it out on my own, but i'd need to flip through some books first, since i'm reading psychology now i was wondering is /sci/ already knows.

pic unrelated, its my eggplant harvest

>> No.1485874 [View]


what about that one bacteria that's omnipresent in soil except near urban centers because it's afraid of pollution, and how it's symbiotic to humans and cures cancer.

>> No.1485859 [View]


that was very informative, so the soap molecules surround dirt on all sides and form a bubble around it, and then its washed away, because the outside of the bubble likes water.

>> No.1485842 [View]
File: 76 KB, 450x450, Sodium-Nitrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how from this or ammonia nitrate?

>> No.1485808 [View]
File: 33 KB, 632x599, 632px-Nitroglycerin-2D-skeletal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so glycerin is one of the components of soap as can be seen from hur


wonder how to nitrating?

>> No.1485775 [View]
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>> No.1485753 [View]
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get nitrogen from fertilizer i suppose.

>> No.1485698 [View]


also how does soap making lead to bomb making?

>> No.1485678 [View]


sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for solid soap
potassium hydroxide (KOH) for liquid

i know that much.

>> No.1485668 [View]
File: 545 KB, 2048x1360, P1100767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the science behind soap?

as someone having just made some following a recipe, but i want to know more.

>> No.1478586 [View]


tbh, its escaping reality and a form of radicalization.


and i felt kinda stupid ten minutes ago for putting alcohol/drugs on a pedestal because sober life is great too, but i dunno.

>> No.1478501 [View]
File: 215 KB, 792x1092, sir-mick-jagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i figure i can still build myself a turbine and trap methane from cow dung to power it and live on a farm and be rock n' roll

but that's so hedonistic

that i feel a bit guilty

>> No.1478460 [View]
File: 76 KB, 768x500, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devote my life to science or be a posh sob/connoisseur and bourgeo motherfucker?

because if i drink and smoke weed and still work in science, i'm not devoting my life to science.

>> No.1478383 [View]


meaningless if axis are undefined.

>> No.1477431 [View]


btw, when you hypothesis, you supposed to question, not statement.

>> No.1477406 [View]

how is this science related?

this thread is below my standards.

in b4 virgin

>> No.1477357 [View]
File: 154 KB, 497x352, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so anyone else second guessing GM foods?

have they even tested it on rats?


>> No.1477327 [View]


you would not only feel, but reason every slice :s

>> No.1477313 [View]


checked some hebrew boards, and they dismiss that it was intentional.

>> No.1477295 [View]
File: 38 KB, 427x256, cia_lsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


human tests are not that uncommon...

>20,000 Israeli individuals, particularly children, who were treated between 1948 and 1960 for ringworm with ionizing radiation to the head area.

>The treatment regime caused cancer and noncancerous growths (meningiomas) on the brain membrane

happens all the time, the ruling elite is testing stuff on you right now, you're just unaware. The Wikipedia article


mentions no deaths :D and that the radiation doses were at lethal or beyond lethal levels.

MK-ULTRA and shit like that, goes on all the time.

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