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Search: trans

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>> No.16155027 [View]

If a transwoman passes and you're attracted to her and enjoys her company and yet you're disgusted once you find out she's trans, aren't you literally being transphobic? You're rejecting somebody who embodies everything you want in a mate because they're trans

>> No.16155004 [View]

Some people date to find a potential life partner, with the ultimate goal of having their own kids. Obviously post-op trans are sterile and are more likely to have medical issues.

>> No.16154998 [View]

If she passes and you're attracted to her...why give a shit she might be trans?

>> No.16154320 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 16 KB, 300x168, diversityInTheSciences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, /sci/. I'm working at the diversity and inclusion department at a certain Big Ten University and we'd like to provide a more diverse environment for our STEM majors in particular. Specifically, we'd like Black and Trans perspectives as those groups are traditionally underrepresented in departments like math, physics and engineering. Anything is on the table including substituting "harder" science courses for diversity training and even alternative degree routes. Considering most of this board are trans STEM degree holders, what would your recommendations be for making the degree more accessible? Thanks a bunch!

>> No.16154151 [View]

do what >>16154129 said for peace of mind
other heuristics are finger lengths, adams apple, skull structure (they often obscure it with thick hair), etc
trans "women" obviously cant reproduce, does she take the pill? have you ever talked about having kids?

to elaborate on picrel >>16154108, hormone replacement therapy can change parts of the general structure of the brain
there are just some bits at its core that will always be male

>> No.16154119 [View]

>I don't know enough about other races but surgery will never replicate the real thing for anyone.
I would agree, but idk. maybe I'm not up to date with the latest advances in surgery...
I'm obviously not equating trans women with women, I'm just wondering if men could be fooled if they didn't look closely.
The Min Jun ones definitely look the best, but I can see that there is a scar going around the neo-labia and down from the neo-vagina to the anus. Is this also related to the penile raphe?

>> No.16154069 [View]
File: 52 KB, 649x365, 4a1f5e2e238d402fb866b6b86dad2738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious question
I have seen a lot of gore pics of neovaginas and I've seen a lot of pics of biological male transgender women that made me believe it would be obvious, but now I'm starting to be skeptical. I know there are trans-women from countries like the Thailand or the Philippines that look very close to the real thing, and if you search on the reddit, some of the surgeries look pretty close to a real pussy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/top/?t=all
Is it possible you could be fucking a post-op transgender and not know it? especially someone from a country where they already look more feminine like Thailand of the Phillippines
serious question

>> No.16153429 [View]

>What pronouns to use is a social convention. I can acknowledge that an AGP trans woman is quite different psychologically from natal females while still calling her "she" because that's the social convention.
I don't care about social conventions, I care about being right. AGPs and HSTS are not just different from women psychologically, they are men with male brains, they are different biologically too. She/her pronouns are for females
>Right- not exclusively.
AGPs who dress and identify as particular types of women is evidence to suspect they at least have a preference to particular types of women. They may be exclusively attracted to them.

>> No.16153396 [View]

What pronouns to use is a social convention. I can acknowledge that an AGP trans woman is quite different psychologically from natal females while still calling her "she" because that's the social convention.
>more strongly
Right- not exclusively.

>> No.16152200 [View]
File: 1.37 MB, 1x1, 1-s2.0-S240545772400038X-main.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conclusions: This MR study demonstrated no significant causal relationships between red/processed meat intake and the risk of the four CVD outcomes examined. Further investigation is warranted to confirm these findings.

>Eating beef staves off cancer, scientists discover

Eating red meat and dairy could help to fight cancer, a new study suggests.

Scientists have discovered that a specific fatty acid found in beef, lamb and dairy products improves the body’s ability to attack and kill tumours.

The study, published in the journal Nature, also shows that patients with higher levels of the fatty acid – known as trans-vaccenic acid (TVA) – in their blood responded better to immunotherapy, suggesting that it could work as a nutritional supplement to complement clinical cancer treatments.

‘There are many studies trying to decipher the link between diet and human health, and it’s very difficult to understand the underlying mechanisms because of the wide variety of foods people eat,’ said co-author Professor Jing Chen, of the University of Chicago.

‘But if we focus on just the nutrients and metabolites derived from food, we begin to see how they influence physiology and pathology.

‘By focusing on nutrients that can activate T cell [immune] responses, we found one that actually enhances anti-tumour immunity by activating an important immune pathway.’

For the study, the team started with a database of around 700 known metabolites, small molecules that come from food, and assembled a ‘blood nutrient’ library.

They then screened the compounds in this new library for their ability to influence anti-tumour immunity.

After the scientists evaluated the top six candidates in both human and mouse cells, they saw that TVA performed the best.

>> No.16149930 [View]

If artificial intelligences are intelligent, then trans women are women.

>> No.16147702 [View]

Then what is this thread even about, according to you? Since trans people don't exist.

>> No.16146550 [View]

>the body of existing evidence supports giving trans teens HRT
no it doesn't

>> No.16145336 [View]
File: 63 KB, 623x476, Screenshot 2024-04-25 184109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I'm trans idk if that matters

>> No.16144910 [View]
File: 421 KB, 2560x1280, 2560px-TheTransneptunians_Size_Albedo_Color.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trans-neptunian object
You will never be a real planet

>> No.16144532 [View]

There's a difference between a stereotype and a norm. A stereotype about men, for example, is that they think about sex every five seconds. A norm, however, is that men are required to use the bathroom that has a stick figure without a skirt on it. Norms are enforced by society at large. It's all well and good when you don't "conform to stereotypes" but if you fall outside the norm, people are going to try to correct you.
That there is a further difference between gender identity and stereotype should be obvious from the fact that you have stereotypes specifically about trans people.

>> No.16144034 [View]
File: 37 KB, 646x600, as-recipient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare this >>16144026 pic to the one in this post. Despite men engaging with fewer people, the average woman still gets 47 messages, whereas the average man gets 1.8.

After women, non-binary people and trans-women are the next most commonly messaged categories.

>> No.16141069 [View]

They’re also just very, very fucking unhappy people. They hate biology more than they hate history, although it’s close. You see this in all areas of life, especially with trans persons.

>> No.16140679 [View]

omg how could he go against science? thats insane. I myself trust science and thats why i'm waiting for my 8th shot. By the way i'm trans dont know if that matters

>> No.16140025 [View]
File: 266 KB, 1000x2175, Screenshot_20240422_071022_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, the thing is, all the trannies in all those surveys that were included in the meta-study you're referring to are "old school" trannies. They're trannies that at all decided/realised that they were trannies and went on these medical pathways. There has been a profound change in the demographic profile AND age of incidence of dysphoria in the large increase in gender identity patients. The current "crop" of trans people aged 16-25 that are in the eye of the hurricane regarding this social storm are not represented in this data, in other words. Things have changed on the ground socially. You might as well use social attitudes about gay marriage from the 90s to make some argument about how contemporary gays behave.
Picrel, the table of studies from the metastudy you're quoting. Look at the average age that people underwent treatment. Look at the follow-up times. Half a year. A year and a half. Two years. Hardly a lifelong endorsement with no regrets felt at differential points in life.
A young woman who undergoes a double mastectomy for gender reasons may have no regrets and then, years later, become a mother and find missing the option of breastfeeding traumatic.

>> No.16139919 [View]


>Scientists at UChicago discover that trans-vaccenic acid (TVA), a fatty acid found in beef, lamb, and dairy products, improves the ability of immune cells to fight tumors.

>> No.16139412 [View]

I wish we could research alternative treatments for the disease but trannies go ballistic if you even suggest it. I don't want to be trans but I don't want to transition either, yet nobody gives a shit about people like us

>> No.16138677 [View]

Wait, it's the reps trying to shove early sexual education about gay practices and transsexuality into preschool? It's the reps shouting "stop killing trans kids" believing that giving kids puberty blockers (literally fertility killers used on past prisoners) only after psychological evaluation literally "kills" them? It's the reps encouraging barely-dressed kids to participate in pride marches dancing for money in front of LGBTQIAM+ folks, handing them money?
I thought the GOP was against this. What a bummer.

>> No.16136488 [View]

Stfu schizo

As if one guy in an entire institution somehow damns that institution oh and Money proved you can’t raise someone as the gender they’re not and so vindicated trans ideology lol you’re so stupid

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