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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3365210 [View]

looks complex :/
I think having it slightly offset with a tail would probably be easier
Yay, glad you like it
>he spelt it right
I like you

>> No.3365164 [View]

You'd have to balance this with the fact that the further from the centre the easier it is for it to tilt though.

>> No.3365137 [View]

You'll probably have it moving in one direction and then the other, but slow enough for it not to be noticeable for them. What might make a difference is adding a polystyrene tail piece.
The balloons are tied to the top, it would be difficult for the wind to make any difference. If the wind is strong enough to get underneath the balloon, it's also strong enough to blow the balloons in the same direction, thus accelerating the habitat away from the wind and making it flop back down to where it was before.

>> No.3365061 [View]

also, is the spin even a problem?

To avoid any chance of it you'd only need two tethers, but with one tether slightly off of the centre of the orbital station you shouldn't get more than a slow rock of 45 degrees or so. Definitely not going to be enough to hurt the hamsters
I think that given the large surface area of the balloons they'll probably take most of the rocking, and the habitat will be pretty much untouched.

>> No.3362310 [View]

Seven threads on the front page were anti-EK spam or anti-anti EK spam. This is beyond ridiculous now, I'm seriously having trouble understanding why these people are on /sci/.

It depends a lot on national opinions/policies on nuclear power. Thorium research seems to only just be getting back up to speed, so I can't see any major companies investing for a few years. Once there's both corporate and public interest in Thorium there should be plants within the time it takes to build one add a year.

>> No.3358635 [View]

This is something I'm intensely interested in. The answer at the moment is 1) not yet and 2) not without an external energy source.

There are bacteria that can grow into a meat-like product which feed on human feces, and urine is safe to drink two or three times (though definitely not pleasant).
You would need a source of external energy for a micronation, be it wind, solar, or tidal. Other than that, with sufficient room you could probably live entirely self sufficiently.

>> No.3355692 [View]

I think Mad Sci's going to notify the FAA.
The alternative to needing permissions is using an untethered balloon with RC popping device. Arduino boards look like the kind of thing you'd want to do that with.

>> No.3355414 [View]

Looks good, but I think you should invest in a weatherballoon and add a whole new level of science. I don't know for sure, but I'd have thought the amount of string you'd need for 95 balloons would weigh more per balloon than each balloon could support.

>> No.3349701 [View]

Hubble is no longer receiving maintenance, in part because the James Webb was going to perform the same job.

>> No.3349691 [View]

This is the first time I've been genuinely angry in months. Fucking hell, America.

>> No.3345640 [View]

Why does nobody care that OP never specified a timescale?

>> No.3345212 [View]

The former, I agree with. This isn't a direct effect though, and it's circumstantial. The latter is purely social.

>> No.3345175 [View]

I wouldn't call homosexuality an illness, it's a disorder. It doesn't cause the homosexual any damage, nor does it damage society.

>> No.3345166 [View]

how so? he seems a cool guy, and I've never seen him acting like a douche.

>> No.3345151 [View]

Crap, I knew there was someone. Fetching a rusty knife.

josef is another awesome chap. He does some fiction, but like the Colonel, he also knows his shit.

>> No.3345143 [View]

He's right. For you to be a theist you need to believe god to exist. if you don't, then you necessarily lack belief in god, and are an atheist. There is no possible position in which one neither believes in or does not believe in a deity.

>> No.3345096 [View]

hell yes

I left off that he's our ocean guy and knows more about seasteading than anyone else here. He's actually on an underwater expedition in a few weeks, to the Atlantic habitat for a 24-hour period. I'm significantly Jelly.

>> No.3345074 [View]

strictly speaking, agnosticism is a subset of atheism in the traditional atheist-agnostic-theist spectrum. If you don't believe that a god exists then you are an atheist, and if you do believe that a god exists you aren't holding a neutral position.

>> No.3345012 [View]

Colonel Coffee mug is a great guy, and does scifi for us every now and then. He's also one of the oldest tripfags here.
Mad Scientist is also awesome, and is responsible for both plasticbrickautomaton.com (the cereal guy meme) and hampture.blogspot.com (goddamn underwater hampsters).
Inurdaes is like a useful version of a /b/tard, in that he has glorious links
Pascal is fabulous, and seems to be fairly well informed.
EK is an alright person but gets high/has ASPD and shitposts, meaning nobody likes her.
I'm new and not sure if I have character traits yet.

>> No.3344957 [View]

then the genie isn't giving me my wishes. I leave.

>> No.3344911 [View]

I will make my wishes in writing, as legal contracts with clauses for reversing the wishes at any point I want to.

I want exactly ten billion USD in 50 dollar notes. The notes must be identical in nature to conventional dollar bills, and be at room temperature with the traits of money at room temperature.. They must be legal, and not taken unwillfully from any person or organisation. The money is to be placed in a way that does not harm me or anyone else directly or indirectly, and also in a way that makes all notes accessible to me within 30 seconds.

>> No.3344852 [View]

What if he interprets your subconscious' urge to sex your mother rather than your conscious' urge to science things?

>> No.3344808 [View]

>he thinks belief is without evidence
Do you believe evolution to be an accurate scientific theory?

>> No.3344705 [View]

Lol, I know.
True story: Everyone on /sci/ is a troll, and all knowledge here is pulled from wikipedia.

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