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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11230235 [View]



>> No.11230228 [View]


pushing things with attrition

>> No.11229869 [View]

done guys, this is the the theory

what gets close to the center is something that going in direction of vacuum. there is a race for it and on this race what has more matter wins, unless it has matter comparable to the size of the big celestial body, in such case they would interact more and orbitate for more time.

>> No.11229866 [View]


I'm releasing the theory of gravity here.

Taking in consideration my laws that predict that:

- an elementary particle do not naturally expand in direction of vacuum
- a non-elementary particle do expand in direction of vacuum

I would say that when a particle spins it creates a vacuum around it because it PUSHES everything around. After the creation of this vacuum, it must be fulfilled and other particles are attracted to the main particle by this vacuum force. This is gravity.

Big celestial bodies like the Earth and the Sun have great gravitational fields because it have many particles and it is all spinning and creating the vacuum effect.

There is naturally a prefference to get close to the spinning particle, the particles that are in space and are not big celestial bodies seem to not have a strong gravitational field (created by this vacuum), but it is part of the gravitational effect. Matter attracts matter but as big as the matter is more particles would spin and create the vacuum effect, two vacuum spots tend to attract too. Like the black hole, two great vacuum centers can join forces because the central particles are spinning and generating this force.

>> No.11229831 [View]


Dear candidate for being one of my knights, I will explain it to you. Newtown and Einstein have old theories now I have the new one that is closer to reality or maybe that's that gravity really is.

>> No.11229776 [View]
File: 411 KB, 1000x467, tips for you loyal knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a bomb exploding and the vacuum created by it.


yeah boys yeah theory of gravity coming and real

>> No.11229744 [View]
File: 526 KB, 1024x683, gettyimages-625165394-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you take it and call me the king of the world and give me a Nobel I need some cash. Where is the Academy? I have explained Magnetism and created some laws and no one has given me any prize.

I have even advanced Math around 500 years. I have actually corrected a mistake made centuries ago. It's even known by world authorities because I have sent some letters warning about it. But someone just probably has got the letter and want to cheat a on Academy and win a Fields Medal.

Shocking. It's not because of you guys. It's too big, Academy sucks, government sucks, they are not giving me the prizes. The Math thing has pissed me off I have sent a full article and no one has given me the prize. The reason is obvious: I should be the guy selecting the winners.

>> No.11229688 [View]


I understand that is pretty cool but you haven't explained what is gravity and about magnetism. I have made an explanation about gravity and I'm changing it. Spinning theory has been putted aside by me thanks to the impossibility of creating a 3D gravity effect with it. I would make another post explaining gravity as it is today in Physics but since you are not calling me the king of the world and Owner of Physics this is gonna take at least one day. It's the most advanced theory of gravity. And no the world is not 4D or 5D it's 3D.

>> No.11229673 [View]

of the world.

>> No.11229670 [View]

You guys should explain to me the meaning of Tooker I'm kinda trying to guess. Please respect the king.

>> No.11229652 [View]

just use your degrees to find a job and be happy playing games and drinking at bars this is the good life (by the Owner of Physics)

>> No.11229131 [View]


Fucking anglos I remember last time when they wanted me to knee for their princess.

>> No.11229094 [View]


Haven't taked anything, I think that you are taking free knowledge. In case you use it to create weapons of mass destruction I would need to create a weapon called "Galaxatian Explosion" to get rid of your whole country, the name is a tribute to Japanese anime.

I would say that in case I use it the only safe humans would be those in space.

>> No.11229060 [View]

man do you believe that prima noche thing? the year has around 365 days how many women could the king fuck? keep reading the folk things

respect the king of the world please

>> No.11229014 [View]
File: 26 KB, 620x465, big hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space-time theory is wrong because its defenders don't even know the concept of time. It's a very basic and classical concept and easy to understand. Einstein couldn't understand this concept and should be punished. There is no time travelling this would be just a fallacy, something that would be said to fool someone, what happens is that a body could get developed and die at some place while on Earth you are still living and developing. It would be just a superficial sensation of time travelling if these guys meet each other once and then once again.

Stay away from my big hammer fools.

>> No.11228996 [View]

sorry wrong answer the Owner of Physics says that human knowledge is still basic and easy to learn it's actually much wrong and needs to be redesigned

>> No.11228988 [View]


relax the owner of Physics know some Biology too it's the proof that you can do it

>> No.11228951 [View]
File: 22 KB, 798x420, Star-Wars-9-Luke-Skywalker-Rumors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany was crazy (still is but less) back then, Einstein, Hitler. Hitler was a religious guy from the religion of Old Egypt who fooled Christians, Einstein has fooled everyone with space-time.

>> No.9118319 [View]

This aint no bait nigga. Relax your tits and put that brain to work

>> No.9118317 [DELETED]  [View]

This aint no bait nigga. Relax your tits and put that brain to work

>> No.9117357 [DELETED]  [View]

Don't waste too much time guys... It ain't worth it..
Not even in 3 lives would you get it right... Too many possibilities..

>> No.4906847 [View]
File: 20 KB, 475x143, AK works.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of math magic.
I lol'd hard and will repeat this line one day. This I swear.
Also I'm facepalming hard because once reading your post all that highschool math came flooding back and it clicks. Thank you anon.

As a thank you here is some /k/ knowledge (picture related) in exchange, since /adv/ has no knowledge beyond bitches and whores and white knight bullshit.

>> No.4906819 [View]

Hi, /k/ and /adv/ here. Can someone explain to me why when you go from

Why you don't then multiply?

In before troll. My math ended in highschool and It's fuzzy and I don't totally see the reasoning.

>> No.2144003 [View]

>well voting in a bourgeois democracy certainly isn't going to topple any hegemonies.
The French résistance surely didn't topple Hitler either yet it had effect. Politics is the extension of (class) war through other means. Where are you from with such an elegant command of Marxist memes?
>i fear i'm at risk of developing a case of sluggishly advancing schizophrenia
cut the defeatism or cut the 'marxist' from 'politics'
it's a common illness amongst activists of all kinds.

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