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>> No.3894514 [View]

also, the absolutely critical obstacle to anything nuclear related forever is public opinion

but instead of getting bummed out, it's probably better to brainstorm some kind of method to sway public opinion with facts.
now i'm not saying that'll be easy, but it has to be done before nuclear science can advance at any acceptable pace

>> No.3894498 [View]

>try to make nuclear energy thread
>duplicate file entry detected
the fuck?
>find this thread

i love you guys

also, UC berkeley made a neat hybrid air and salt cooled pebble bed reactor. the air cooling is a natural regulation mechanism, and kicks into overdrive during emergencies

>> No.3894464 [View]

>dyson sphere
>dyson swam, made of self-replicating components which automatically acquire asteroids for raw materials

since technically you only need to build one, or a few, and wait.

>> No.3894443 [View]

i knew texas was dumb, but really?

>> No.3894429 [View]

wait, i'm fucking dumb
the target in little boy was wrapped in neutron reflection material to reduce the critical mass (which for uranium is hueg)

superman would have to chuck that thing incredibly fucking hard to get a fission event, and even then the chain reaction wouldn't sustain itself for very long.

>> No.3894401 [View]

so a ball of like pure U235?
it's probably undergo spontaneous fission or something, but weapon's grade is 90% so maybe not

depends on the speed that superman threw it. Little boy was a gun-fission device and the uranium slug was launched by some pretty hefty shaped charges

>> No.3870039 [View]

>Stem cells from fat cells
i thought those were still kind of iffy, genetically? like, they had an uncomfortably high chance of becoming cancerous down the road

>> No.3868309 [View]

i love that image

>> No.3829000 [View]

>Are you implying that you know of other means to fund high budget pure science programs?
i do not, and i find that interesting

>> No.3828953 [View]

it's strange, we're so used to that model that trying to think of anything outside that is almost impossible

>> No.3828859 [View]

.....and then shit's over

i wonder if they're going to auction off the equipment?

>> No.3828850 [View]

shit's happening

>> No.3828739 [View]

well, SpaceX is sure picking up the slack, or at least making a very serious effort to

>> No.3828716 [View]

to be fair, a good bit of that military research is making its way to the private sector

the only problem is that it's a two-step process instead of a more efficient "design it for the civilians" one step process

i guess everyone's best bet is to spin your research into something that can kill people and get lots of grant money for it

>> No.3828699 [View]

the military budget eclipsed it i bet
i'm pretty sure heavy physics advancement in america is going to go quiet for a few decades

>> No.3828637 [View]


kirk's a real bro, but he's not really approaching this correctly. also the NRC has this fetish for cockblocking potential innovation

>> No.3820001 [View]

who said anything about breaking the lightspeed barrier
ftl neutrinos =! anything really usable for us, but it does reveal an interesting case

>> No.3818975 [View]

>Considering the evidence for ancient extremophiles that survived the impact which created the moon, i'd say life isnt that sparse, and is actually kind of an asshole about not going away

just going to point this out again
"life finds a way" is cheesy. "Life just won't fuck off already" sounds more accurate.

>> No.3818912 [View]

well, it's all guesswork at this point anyway

>> No.3815507 [View]

mixed some fabric softener with plaster of paris in a cylindrical mold a few Halloweens ago

drew oblivion runes all over my front porch and put in some nice blacklight bulbs to light it

the runes glowed bright green, looked awesome for the kids.

>> No.3815434 [View]
File: 705 KB, 1918x958, what i studied_nuclear engineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy, i love these

>> No.3813457 [View]

very little
fucking neutrinos man, they're basically mooning us

>> No.3782912 [View]

i linked that a little earlier in the thread
the data which originally suggested it has yet to be refuted in any way.

however i doubt it'll be TOO much of an upset. the equations still work, but the underlying principles might do a little squaredance. neutrinos being responsible for radioisotope decay is what's making me scratch my head

>> No.3782884 [View]


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