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>> No.16178117 [View]

Maybe in the 1900s but things were definitely better in the 50s-60s so the smart thing is to be a reactionary nowadays at least on some issues. Like the trans mental illness and identity politics garbage that's being pushed on the mainstream public conscious.

>> No.16175807 [View]

>The trans ideology is pseudoscience.
Are you a researcher in the field? Otherwise... ya know, that's like, your opinion man.

>> No.16174846 [View]

Sorry I'm re-reading my post and the 'accept these people for who they feel they are' bit is wrong
I just mean trying to treat trans people decently and using their preferred pronouns within reason

>> No.16174842 [View]

John Money is not relevant for trans healthcare
If you look at what world class researchers like Ray Blanchard think, you'll quickly realise that trans ideology is just not relevant, or at least hasn't been relevant until perhaps recently
The way that Ray Blanchard envisages trans healthcare is that you have a bunch of mentally ill people suffering from gender dysphoria
In many ways these people can be treated and are able to live their lives as normal men and women, trans researchers like Ray Blanchard and Kenneth Zucker believe that this is the optimal outcome, the latter has used this approach at his clinic for decades with a lot of success particularly with children who he has managed to cure
The interesting thing though is that these researchers have come to the conclusion that for some, transitioning is necessary and for others it's a last resort
They know that in these cases, transitioning is the only treatment that they have available to them
Because of this Ray Blanchard believes that society should make a reasonable accommodation and accept these people for who they feel they are
Ray Blanchard is against trans people in sports and bathrooms but he still thinks that normal people should treat them well and not deliberately misgender them
It's not that he thinks transwomen are actually women or transmen are actually men, he just knows the cost of their mental illnesses and think society is obliged to do a bare minimum to support them

>> No.16174829 [View]

>Rep is important

They're too pussy disprove the trans lie cause they gonna get eaten up by the press.

>> No.16174687 [View]
File: 121 KB, 900x900, 1536271658941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people take Faith based ideologues seriously? The trans ideology is pseudoscience.

Why aren't scientist questioning this ideology? Are people scared of being called a bigot, transphobe, etc etc?

Does this small minority of people somehow gained power, to the point we are living in 1984?

Why are people scared of this tiny boogey man?

>> No.16173045 [View]

>the trans atlantic slave trade
should be called "the jewish slave trade" since the jews were selling their negro slaves in europe as well as in the americas

>> No.16171524 [View]

just say youre mexican, trans, and gay

>> No.16168830 [View]

trans folx need to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

But in all seriousness, I preferred it when he was above politics. If he's going to be making political takes, at least make them seldom so each one has more weight. Seems like unfortunately he didnt have the luxury of doing his redpill phase BEFORE becoming who he is today, if he did he would be more level headed

>> No.16167434 [View]

Didn't know that planets could identify as trans.

>> No.16166996 [View]

Make it a legal requirement to label all trans fats in a food product

>> No.16166320 [View]

Who cares? They should study the difference between trans women and real women if they want to make the argument that trans women should compete in women's sports.

>> No.16164407 [View]

Now repeat the study between Women and "Trans women" (no such thing).

>> No.16162661 [View]

stands for trans lunar injection. thats the transfer path, not an orbit like leo. learn your orbits newfag

>> No.16162004 [View]
File: 455 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot from 2024-05-06 12-12-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I bring up my trans goth gf in 4)?

>> No.16159893 [View]

Search engine told me that the trans fats in yoghurt consist mostly of conjugated linoleic acid and that this substance can reduce the contents of atherosclerotic cysts.
I don't know what to believe anymore.

>> No.16159374 [View]

excessive caffeine, most stimulants, trans fats, an excess of omega-6 fatty acids

>> No.16158062 [View]

Im trans btw

>> No.16157955 [View]

>its too common to write it off as a mutation, isn't a mental illness and did not pop up last decade as a fad
Mutations can be common, mental illness is socially contructed and transgenderism could very easily fulfill the definitions for something to be a mental illness and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the recent surge in transgenderism is caused by social factors, in other words: Most people pretend to be trannies, but actually aren't.
>if its some kind of a trans gene, how did it make it through?
No, there isn't. It's the same issue with the gay gene. A gene that causes the one bearing it to forego procreation isn't going to be inherited by anyone.
>Makes no sense that some males feel miserable being male
Well, being a male isn't that awesome, really. And if being a woman is that bad, this would explain ftm, wouldn't it?
>and if it's some kind of a disorder - what happens in the womb to fuck up person's gender?
Hormonal imprinting of the brain, probably? The overlap between youth now identified as transgender and kids who would grow up to be homosexual is huge. Like 90 % of all transgender cases in adolescence turn out gay or lesbian if they forego "treatment".

>> No.16157625 [View]
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1698034505126058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so whats the evolutionary cause for some men having a female identity? its too common to write it off as a mutation, isn't a mental illness and did not pop up last decade as a fad - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history

if its some kind of a trans gene, how did it make it through? Makes no sense that some males feel miserable being male - not to mention mating and reproduction behavioral issues. and if it's some kind of a disorder - what happens in the womb to fuck up person's gender?

please refrain from /pol/ schizoposting thanks

>> No.16157591 [View]

Has this actually been confirmed to be the case for trans people, though? You may actually be making the opposite case than you want.

>> No.16155437 [View]

There has quite broadly been a push back against trans stuff from the centre of Bong politics.

>> No.16155258 [View]

I don't know but I would guess it's a mixed bag. I'm only pro trans in that I think it's retarded to harbour a general hatred for them

>> No.16155235 [View]

>gayness and transness are separate phenomena.
What proportion of trans-presenting youth at gender clinics who don't undergo an affirmative medical pathway grow up to be same-sex attracted gay and lesbian?
You pro trans folks say you love science and medicine, so someone has carried out this very basic followup survey, haven't they?

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