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>> No.11424082 [View]

All do, they just have their personalized browser porn history. Which is just my way of saying synonyms and semantics, we all want to be with those that want to build those stories with us.

KumKum the Kookaburra.

>> No.11423995 [View]

That's one of the creepiest pickup lines I've ever heard.

>> No.11423978 [View]

100% of the people I'll never meet.

>> No.11423946 [View]

Again, like the mods deleting my posts. Like a frustrated pregnant turtle I must clear out this sand and lay my clutch for future generations!

>Shits out an endless stream of retards

>> No.11423940 [View]

Do you mean as in the female orgasm is a material event and not a reaction like chemical/spiritual/neurological?

>> No.11423935 [View]

It is. Have you ever seen the average Phd paper? It is literally not that far off.

>> No.11423932 [View]

Yes, there is always a portion of the audience that is always dissatisfied with the presentation for their own reasons of not feeling like they've pandered to enough and cry like children because they aren't being handfed or intellectually-led.

Sometimes its the mods, but most of the time it is a butthurt anon.

>> No.11423917 [View]

Why do mods bother deleting the posts? It is already too late by that point. Do they even have oversight to report to? It's like we are legion male trying to win dominant screen time for our own faggot selves.

>> No.11423914 [View]
File: 31 KB, 483x635, images - 2020-02-28T173255.651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X is unsustainable because of Y perspective for Z-complex reasons as the average data stored in variable W informs our P query, until such Q term renders X as sustainable.

Morality = Sustainability of Supply/Demand
Ethics = Projections of demand outstripping supply

>> No.11423908 [View]

Pretty sure mods have their own opinions that they go off on and aren't pre-programmed by any posts on this site about how they should behave/operate.

>> No.11423898 [View]

That fucking pic got me good. That look of disgust is like fucking gold.

>> No.11423107 [View]


>> No.11423102 [View]

Being able to establish characteristic dominance over the next person from the last person who taught you something.

>I know how to breath manually. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPLY

>> No.11423003 [View]

By receiving a paycheck/salary because you can't survive or validate yourself any other way. It's the largest data set available to humanity.

>> No.11422961 [View]
File: 1.76 MB, 540x720, 1506731525270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're motor is busted or something? You can kick-start that shit with a FRACTAL MONSTER ENERGY DRINK! NOW WITH THRICE THE CAFFEINE!

>> No.11422940 [View]

Man, I'm proud to be a 4chan Elder. You guys are fucking weird, and some of you even have vaginas! Amazing.

>> No.11422931 [View]

lol cry more faggot

>> No.11422876 [View]
File: 39 KB, 800x582, r_912303_Yue4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, either we are each unique and that matters, or we are all just subscribers to some story of short/long-term inclusion and being unique is a bullshit illusion that we all need to drop so we can just enjoy these pleasure vessels we call our bodies without giving a fucking about appearances.

4chan, you now realize that there is a difference between 'our' language, 'my' language, and 'your' language, and how all those three languages are in constant flux and can only ever be influenced by your moments of silence.

>> No.11422856 [View]

Like, as a followup, what was school for MOST humans if not a massive daily 'will I be included in something today?' whether that shit be a social event or prom or being viewed as smart because of exams.

Why would we want to continue that shit as a species into the future? If anyone has hope for eternity and immortality then why not go FULL BLAST BUTTFUCK FORWARDS and just start hodling so others can catch up?

I'm here to all of Time & Space literally offering the whole shebang, everyone is invited, +1 to all truth and future youth, immortality, etc. etc.

I get that every group has their unique/different customs and immigration or etiquette, but it is ALL just 'muh temporary preference' in the end, which I get not many humans are ready to accept, but the fuck else am I supposed to do? Either damned or not, but why bother acting or doing shit as if damned anyway?

>Pic related
If I don't offer my flesh to the vultures then how would I know if I'm truly dead unless they circle?

>> No.11422821 [View]
File: 57 KB, 1641x858, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah if you expand the scope 'that' far then of course everything will be goatse.

If you look for one-word replies though or non-conjunctive shit then as a person IRL you aren't actually requiring much to stay happy and if so then why 4chan?

Most trends/behaviors are in the shitposters head, not a genuine truth of however many people read these threads vs. how many participate. No presenter/performer/teacher can truly accommodate for the sheer RANGE of that which is every audience member's opinion.

>> No.11422812 [View]
File: 50 KB, 640x640, M1uN4Vh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then allow me to shit on your face, fellow shitposter. Don't forget to inhale deeply so you remember that we all come from soil.

>copy pasta

>> No.11422781 [View]

>>11422711 (You)
>I suppose. Even though I think 4chan's influence on a young mind is harmful overall, if I had the opportunity to go back and choose to avoid this website, I don't know if I would. Despite being a cesspool, this website is a community I feel attached to and that provides a sense of belonging, and I'm not sure I would've found anything like it had I chosen not to start shitposting ten years ago. And for all the shit you can find here, there are some genuinely interesting points of view as well, that you'd be hard-pressed to find on reddit and other heavily moderated websites.

Life is harmful up until you grow a pair to stand for others or submit to others. The submission bit can be hard when so many people demonstrate a willingness to 'discard' and standing is difficult because there aren't many good examples in one life of why doing so is a good thing.

I've only been shitposting for 2 years but lurking for moar and truly view 4chan as what if we were all people locked in the same cosmic room and could never escape it or be exempt from other shitposters opinions. To me that's the best place to be for emotional or intellectual improvement because moderated websites like reddit are just language circle-jerks and require self-moderation before you feel like your words will be included instead of self-cultivation or improvisation (((bait))).

4chan has no illusions that as a thinking individual we're all as bad as each other. I get my own attempt to 'raise the floor' looks fucking weird to most but I think that as a community we, as in 4chan, have self-cannibalized ourselves enough. Getting any group of people to work together is fucking hard to show that 'together' is important and can really only start if at least one of us is willing to be the retard in the sammich or that language exchange technician or chinese room argument operator.

>> No.11422711 [View]

>is it really worth it?
Whose opinion other than your own would you REALLY want? Or are you just casting doubt on the audience like a 4chan-fag in order to get them to query their own existence/choices? It, to me, read more like you were arguing yourself out of your own position or self-attacking.

>> No.11422681 [View]

Why would you argue yourself out of your own happiness or integrity like that? If you are 'powerful' enough to convince yourself that you're wrong then technically so is everyone else.

Yes, I hate empty words robots too. People that just repeat an emotional position and never know how to move from there.

Because a human only feels like someone knows their shit because of confidence and attitude primarily. The rest is technique to bolster confidence in your private time, like doing math problems in your spare time for streamlining your own consciousness so you don't get bored or feel like you're wasting other people's time.

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