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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3424177 [View]

Guns are designed for maiming and killling, and if you can get to it without going through a locked door you're doing gun safety wrong. When my dad looked after handguns for a local shooting club they were in a safe in a locked cabinet bolted to the floor, for example. This helmet is designed for leisure.
I like the idea of a kid finding the helmet and managing to get over 21ft into water with nobody noticing.

>> No.3424152 [View]

I've just realised we all agree killing children indirectly is a small price to pay for these helmets. Not sure if disturbed or committed
I don't think you can account for stupidity beyond a certain point. If the system is basically a box with a switch on it and a helmet, you can't hold the creator responsible for only telling you to flip the switch and put the helmet on your head.
Whoops :s

>> No.3424128 [View]

You have to compile it from the source yourself, obviously.

>> No.3424121 [View]

Have you heard of the Darwin awards?
If you kill your children because you're massively incompetent, you're doing the gene pool a favour. If a parent is dumb enough to leave a gun lying around, can you blame the gun company?

>> No.3424087 [View]

wow, something actually decent. isometric tents for everyone

>> No.3424077 [View]

Give it instructions, and don't allow unsupervised children.

>> No.3424050 [View]

>Are we at a tipping point? Is it time to take back our food? The encroaching darkness of unknown health and environmental risks, seed take over, chemical toxins, and food monopoly meets with the light of a growing resistance of organic farmers, concerned citizens, and a burgeoning movement to take back what we have lost.

Organic farming is the only way to reduce chemical toxins in our food! never mind the health risk look how much room it takes per potato!

Kickstarter, I am disappoint.

>> No.3424037 [View]

but it'
s <span class="math"> OPENSAUCE [/spoiler] and it has hex in the name. Easily worth the $35 it'll cost you.

>> No.3424007 [View]

Did you see the programmable torch?

It's a torch you can change the timing for and it got $250,000

>> No.3423943 [View]

The pumps would be above surface, and I'm pretty sure that water would earth a 120V AC current anyway
The helmet would be plastic, and the only electronics would be two buzzers which'd be getting a few volts at maximum.

>> No.3423926 [View]

the day I learnt he did PBA confused and impressed me. It's like finding out that batman has an alternate life as spiderman.

>> No.3423885 [View]

one would almost certainly be safe, in my uninformed opinion. I think the chance of two failing simultaneously would be low enough for the third to be obsolete.
Also, I'd consider having a one way valve on the air pipe at the helmet end so if the pump does fail you at least have the few minutes the existing air provides you to surface.

>> No.3423855 [View]

and this is all for <$100?

>> No.3423837 [View]


>> No.3423832 [View]

Will it have a pressure gauge?
It'd probably be reassuring if it had something to indicate when pressure got dangerous, even if it was only an upside transparent tube with markings drawn in it for showing depth. You might run into trouble marketing it in the US if there's no kind of safety indicator, given the market probably wouldn't be experienced divers.

>> No.3423751 [View]

What faggotry, it's a lot more useful than anything else on there :/

I'd be tempted to email asking for another reason. There's a chance it just got read by an intern on her period.

>> No.3423728 [View]

It'd be desirable for tourism and leisure, and probably very popular in the Mediterranean.

Why did Kickstarter reject it, for safety reasons?

>> No.3423710 [View]

I'd fund you had I funds
You could always pull out the shoe polish, pretend to be poor, and register yourself on kiva,org, I suppose.

>> No.3423439 [View]

also I apologise for being shit with words.

>> No.3423430 [View]

you know, as surely as you know anything, that that universe exists and that it exists right now. Don't feel bad about the fact that photons produced by it can't be filtered out of background from an incandescent ball of plasma firing energy across the cosmos nearby by your eyes. Instead, think beyond yourself, and think as part of the organism that is humanity.

>> No.3423408 [View]

We don't know what came before the big bang, and rather awkwardly current theories suggest it is actually impossible to know.
The universe doesn't have an edge so to speak- expansion means you can never get there when you're going less than c. To us, it would seem to be a dark area with blurred light coming from stars in it, probably.

>> No.3423314 [View]

this was intended for >>3423301

>> No.3423309 [View]

lol, no. I'm saying that 6*0.5*(1+2) can also be written as 6/2/(1/3) in which case order matters.

>> No.3423290 [View]

I've genuinely never heard the word dweeb used seriously by anyone over the age of 8. Thought you should know.

This isn't calculus, it's basic arithmetic. I cannot make absolute claims, but I've always been taught to use left to right, in higher and lower maths.

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