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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8873198 [View]

its serbia. i have to be suspicious about literally everything
because i'm from croatia :/

idk how much do u know about the history between those 2 fab nations and wars we morons had

>> No.8873160 [View]

i'm a girl and i've been on 4c for years and nobody minds it

i'm a croat in serbia. everybody wants to fuck me over as many ways as possible

4c is a better place than a rl country... i bet we could even win this case faster via this site than on croatian/serbian court.
i'm fucked as fuck

>> No.8873143 [View]

so basically dont talk to anybody unless i get approved?
i'll hire my friend-journalist as my lawyer, honestly. because real layers said to let it go
and i wont. this is the last thing i want to do, clean this

>> No.8873133 [View]

i thought more like going back home and just kill myself finally though
i cant really see the point of anything anymore...and its shame how people irl dgaf. sci and subs do, prob. because i've been here for years though
i wonder if this place would notice i'm not pepeposting anymore and stuff :/ we'll see

>> No.8873115 [View]

my dad wants me to stop because of the whole ''nationality'' thing
croats and serbs dont really like each other so he think faculty will tear me apart if i push this

and that's what you get when u live in eastern europe.

>> No.8873107 [View]

you think rationally but my dean doesnt.
they'll make everything possible to avoid the whole thing or to twist it around and blame it on me of false accusations

if they go in that direction i have no other choices but to let my friend publish an article about it in newspapers and net and then sue the thief privately.

>> No.8873104 [View]


i have those on papers, its about the correlation of autopsy and clinical diagnoses on the institute for cardiovascular diseases
i went through about 300 autopsies. still have all of them

>> No.8873090 [View]


absolutely. i have all those on a flash i dont use for anything else. i have all old articles i used as ref.

but at the end of the paper u could see references. he could easily put the same ones and say he used those and not admit he basically copy pasted my paper

>> No.8873086 [View]

for more aggressive ideas pls post them here


i dont want to die before i justify this!!! u cant steal from depressed people god fffxgfkldrhjkl damn it

>> No.8873079 [View]


it was electronically, via mail

i dont know how he got it. maybe someone from the 1st congress gave him my paper, maybe my idiot mentor was in contact with his mentor...i have no idea but the thing is- its copied

>> No.8873078 [DELETED]  [View]


nah that would turn u gay my friend
ask my dean. i bet she would be pleased to do so though

>> No.8872862 [View]

1 on it
2 already did
3 -__-
4 if only

ps thanks!

>> No.8872855 [View]

& i'd appreciate if u bumped this from time to time until tomorrow 5pm serbian time if needed

>> No.8872805 [View]

* i'm aware of my retarded grammar

dont hold it too much against me

dubs b4 muggles :cheers guys:

>> No.8872786 [DELETED]  [View]

* i'm aware of my retarded grammar

dont hold it too much against me

bros 4 muggles :cheers guys:

>> No.8872772 [DELETED]  [View]

pls bump it every hour or something just in case, id appreciate is

look at it as a fight against anons

>> No.8872732 [View]


in 20-21 hours i'll know how this ends. see u then

get ur fingers crossed for me pls :) hope i wont have to come back to this topic

>> No.8872724 [View]

If the thief gets an award or they do acusse me of faking the accusations, i'll bump this topic

everything will be posted with a chatroom link too

tomorrow at 5pm serbian time i'll know how it all ends. thieves shouldnt be tolerated anywhere esp when they steal from depressed people on 4c


>> No.8872690 [View]


leaving the school? :O
bullying or something?

>> No.8872621 [View]

ask my dean to show u hers. i bet she'd do more than.............anyways next topic

>> No.8872615 [View]

i love the way you think

>> No.8872610 [View]

join my second thread

when the book of abstracts comes out, i'll post both abstracts so you can read them

also i can make a chat room and u can come and ull get a link of my work and a pic of the congress program where you can see mine & his stolen topic

this work was the only thing i was happy about and it turned to shit. i'm even more depressed now. i wish i could die already
i lost 3 kilos in those 2 days due vomitting which is the only nice thing in the whole thing i guess

sorry for whining but if u've never written a paper that got stolen while being chronically depressed and unsuccessfully treated for it, stfu & gtfo

>> No.8872565 [View]


you think that exists in serbia?

LMFAO X 10000000000000000000000000

>> No.8872563 [View]


mogu se zalit sv petru mozda...jk, pa ako debil dobije nagradu tj proglase njegovu kopiju mog rada najboljim, sve ovo ide na index.hr
kad tonem neka tonem... lik je cak i naslov iskopirao. zamisli kako je to kad slusas svoj plagijat i onda se jos komisija pravi blesavija vise nego sto vec je

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