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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5035288 [View]
File: 377 KB, 300x169, tumblr_l3dh11XMFl1qzuyl5o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a moran

>> No.5035276 [View]

>99 percent problems

>> No.5035258 [View]

there must be people that have the same goals as you but do better in your classes while taking it less serious, oh and are also more accomplished in their intellectual interests

maybe set the bar a little higher

>> No.5035254 [View]

oh okay 5 star joke brah

>> No.5035242 [View]

i don't, something about pH?

>> No.5035210 [View]

>aesthetics increasing
>side affects negligible

>> No.5035202 [View]

you're a real stick in the mud you know that?
you probably never get invited anywhere

>> No.5035193 [View]

does he even lift?

>> No.5035188 [View]
File: 19 KB, 491x404, 1342172698901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in a cutting phase right now, eating about 700 calories, mostly protons
don't really get hungry, but when i do i think about this video i saw on /fa/
i'm losing about 4 pounds a week, should be done cutting sometime before halloween

also everyone i know that is fat has shit eating habits including my unaesthetic fat brother

>> No.5035157 [View]

good luck op brah, i'm in a similar situation

>> No.5035153 [View]

godspeed op
as long as your indulgences don't get in the way of your goals i don't see the harm in them

>> No.5021319 [View]

wait you're telling me that's there's a difference between chinks and gooks?

>> No.5019596 [View]
File: 1.30 MB, 312x352, 0c7d8ce1957182396fc68048e87d40e2o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've none
lol, c'mon son

>> No.5019575 [View]

i don't know how the job market for pharmacists is like in england but here in the US it's still good, however because of the recession and cost cutting corps are no longer opening up pharmacies on every corner, and because of the increase in graduates, the salary of graduates has taken a huge hit

but they're still hiring, the job seems low stress enough, but i can't really judge how happy you'll be with it

>> No.5019558 [View]

yeah well get in line

makes sense, i insufflated a couple perk5's recently after a couple years of not doing "hard" drugs out of lack of interest
only made me a little drowsy
>fuck this gay earth

>> No.5019510 [View]

is titan a real last name?
Dr. Titan is about the most badass title i've ever heard of

>> No.5019469 [View]

why don't you guys smell like cigarettes or weed when you smoke?

>> No.5019463 [View]

you'd have to define alive
>also yes

>> No.5019437 [View]
File: 554 KB, 1530x2048, 1345905649249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /sci/, i was thinking about something just now
back in high school i used to do a lot of cocaine/pills,
for unrelated reasons i got a cavity, and i went to the dentist during senior year

he injected my gums with something, i don't know what it was, it barely had any affect, we first waited about 3 minutes for the local anesthesia to take and when he was about to start i told him i could still feel everything so he hit me with another shot
it numbed me somewhat but during the drilling i asked for another shot because it felt like i could feel the drill spin inside my tooth, but it wasn't a very sharp pain
after that i couldn't feel anything and my speech became uncoordinated

so was the drug use possibly related to my anesthesia tolerance?

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