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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5181798 [View]

Done functions, logarithms, limit values, calculus alot of proofs and such.. basically studying at the moment.

>> No.5181286 [View]

A mathematician can perhaps calculate a wavelength given the time for him, but he won't understand what is going on nearly as well as a physicsist who has both studied maths and physics.

>> No.5181279 [View]

ummm care to elaborate?

>> No.5181262 [View]

you seem autistic, just because they fight doesn't mean they are not intelligent.. in face using your body efficiently requires focus and intelligent.

You must very skinny/fat and unathletic.

>> No.5181250 [View]

The numbers are just like words, symbols that mean real things, they can differ in context, they are real symbols and have real meanings.

>> No.5181203 [View]

and shame on you for talking like this about physics, it's the god tier of science.. above all other sciences, now go back to sorting numbers for us, while we make the big ideas, narrow minded autist.

Don't get me wrong, I like maths and will learn it, but it's still a dry subject and just a tool for physics.

>> No.5181193 [View]
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Maybe for practicality, you can use maths in economics.. and calculate.

But, pure physics actually would make you understand the world pretty solidly, you'd just get the interpertation of all things and have good common sense.

If you are a dull, joyless boxworking robot, than yes go do pure maths and feel like you serve a purpose in the massive grind for money, go be a part of that beaurycrazy. But if you want general understanding, insight, knowing what the fuck is going on around you.. than it's physics.

Maths=computers, physics=creativity, insight, understanding.. what defienes to be human.

>> No.5181141 [View]

Math degrees, but also a physics degree, and a general understanding of what they were calculating.. that is they knew physics. Pure maths is idiotic.

>> No.5181126 [View]

>I have sex with personalities, and I'm hypocritically just using it as an excuse because I'm horny

>> No.5181114 [View]

exactly, summed it up perfectly.

>> No.5181108 [View]

what the fuck guys, why do I keep seeing this sexually desperate and friendless whines? it's so fucking depressing it makes me want to go do my language homework instead. Aren't we here to talk about science?

>> No.5181094 [View]

yes there is, sex.

>> No.5181092 [View]


You can't really get it unless you are as capable as the best mathematicians

>> No.5181086 [View]

most string theorists are actually just mathematicians, it's bullshit reality derived from mathematics, they made reality everything that the math said, nothing but maths.. no insight.

>> No.5181069 [View]

dude... women are evolutionary engineered to choose the male that will guarantee their childrens survival, they want a physically strong, intelligent, and secure man.

Social security, money, good looks are an indicator of good health, intelligent, and security for their children.

Love is nothing but a biological mechanism for choosing the most capable individual possible.

>> No.5181061 [View]

>disable your snooze button.

worst shitty idea ever, you'll just turn the ringing off and wake up the same evening. Make it ring like an hour before you are suppost to wake up, have it on snooze so you wake more and more up as it rings every 10 or 5 minutes, than when you know you need to get up.. you go take the shower and gtfo to school.

>> No.5181048 [View]

What do you mean? he made excellent sense, this is insight.. not autism.

>> No.5181034 [View]
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You need to be the alpha male in your given surroundings. The meaning of an alpha male changes with age and given social surroundings, as a teen you need swag and popularity and to be strong. As an adult, you'd need looks, money, charisma and confidence.

Simply aquire those things... it's all that simple, the hard part is getting those things lol.

>> No.5180995 [View]
File: 39 KB, 720x457, 388030_2582443091228_1558997962_32684222_75131648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it this way:

The brain has a system of attraction, we are hardwired to be attracted to body ratios and features of a healthy member of the opposite sex, but sometimes it goes wrong.. usually when developing so pedophilia, homosexuality, zoophilia and more might occur where this system does not work.

The thing is, none are wrong, just states of the brain or diseases, all are victims of it, but gay people tend to not be highly affected because of the ability to enjoy sex with other gay people.

Now when pedophiles form, they can't just fuck other pedophiles, it doesn't work that way, they feel the want to fuck children or humans who haven't passed puberty, a person who'd act out on this is like a man who can't have sex for social reason(maybe a priest?) but ends up raping a woman. So molesters are just as bad as rapists because they rape just because they are horny, realising they are tormenting a soul.

So in general, pedophiles are just victims of a condition(like gays etc)

molesters are rapists, who act selfishly out on their condition.

It's not wrong, it's just a condition.. maybe it's even curable with hormones, maybe their sexual system never finished developing.

>> No.5180948 [View]

I don't completely get in the modern era?

we behaved rationally at the time, we always did.. just like animals, fight or flight, eat when hungry, sleep or scavange... it was all based on logic. Today is perhaps less of such a time where there are many confusing things going on, and more tempting things.

>> No.5098159 [View]

Tesla wsa genuis, rite?

>> No.5055010 [View]

Who says you HAVE to scientifically define morality? Morality is just a distinction between good stuff and bad stuff.
Honest work is good. Taking drugs is bad.

>> No.4977769 [View]

Yes, but if you want to make it large enough to use it as an offensive weapon against a large target it will become deeply unlikely as you need a reactor essentially for each large weapon and to power other ship needs.

plus it takes time to make its way through a hull.

You need kinetic weaponary, ie, railguns.

>> No.4977750 [View]


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