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>> No.3912655 [View]

it comes off in the vacuum distillation process, and decays pretty damn fast

>> No.3912491 [View]

they usually do not
which is why i asked if that guy could throw some money my way

>> No.3912375 [View]

got a checkbook to pay for the super corrosion and temperature shift resistant power lines, and the extra cost of installation and maintenance in an environment that has a respectable chance of killing you workers?

pay up guy

>> No.3912366 [View]

actually, most light water reactors tend to have safety systems which turn the control rods into passive mechanical stabilizers, as the fuel gains heat, the control rods lower, as it cools, they rise.

however i'm not entirely sure how many reactors use something like that, or how vulnerable it is to mechanical failures

>> No.3912355 [View]

the video wasn't quite that technical, this one was

>> No.3912334 [View]

>Uh, if this alloy existed, may I have some of it, it would make the refueling/replacing/repairing prototype a lot easier, because if it was perfect, we would have used it for conventional reactors

it's pretty damn pricey for what it does, and its only real advantage is being able to tale hellish corrosion, heat, and neutron flux environments. anything short of that and it's not really necessary.
if there was a significant demand for it, the price would probably go down as multiple manufacturers got into the business of making it quick and making it cheap

>> No.3912319 [View]

those are pretty mildly radioactive, and small levels of those are all over the damn place anyway.

>> No.3909851 [View]

i must reiterate that everyone in this thread watch that presentation and understand it

>> No.3909847 [View]

the video should probably be called
>shut the fuck up and watch the whole thing you asshole

>> No.3909829 [View]

>Also, you really think 80% of the country couldn't grasp the concepts behind this?
based on what i've seen at the university level? unfortunately yes
they have a much stronger propensity to ignore things they cannot comprehend and go back to playing madden

>> No.3909586 [View]

check this video.
it goes into detail about materials to use and core geometries, cool shit

warning; science content

>> No.3909429 [View]

i really need to start doing that

>> No.3909407 [View]

meh, he just tripped over words, i'm surprised he's talking that well with basically no visible notes or prompts. sort of reminds me of Tyson in a way

>> No.3909394 [View]

relativity isn't necessarily violated by ftl neutrinos, which the article continuously seems to imply

but the explanation for the time difference makes sense, it just seems weird that such an accurate experiment would forget such a crucial observational adjustment but whatever

>> No.3909348 [View]

>mediocre major he knows is barely marketable
>complains about being out of job

i think there's a strange sense of entitlement here

>> No.3909252 [View]

no, no sleep
only realistic energy scarcity solutions

>> No.3909183 [View]

to people who understand the concepts? sure. but even remixed, the video has a somewhat high barrier of entry, it will fly over the heads of something like 80% of americans

>> No.3908987 [View]

>and the DoE said we don't have any alloys capable of handling the heat and radiation of LFTR for 20+ years of operation, which is a blatant lie.

someone should ship them a slab of hastelloy

i talked to a guy who uses the stuff from time to time, it actually strengthens itself at higher temperatures, like he'll put it on a cooled band saw to cut it, and if you run it too hard it'll hit that curing temperature and fucking DESTROY the band saw

it takes nuetron flux like a champ too, especially if you go heavy on the molybdenum

man i want to get some of that stuff and just hang it on my wall

>> No.3908965 [View]

actually after further research the "rejected due to not being bomb material producing" is sort of a half-truth
what really happened is that integral fast reactors got all the attention and funding, pushing MSR into obscurity. when the fast breeders largely failed, people just shrugged and went with light water reactors as a norm, MSR fell off the fucking map basically, since it's impossible to really push "new" nuclear technology because
1) the bad PR nuclear receives means we can barely put traditional LWRs online, let alone anything experimental
2) all the focus was on fast breeders in that time period

literally the only reason it's not in place today was due to a bad call in the 60s, and public lack of education

>> No.3908941 [View]

hey uh
wanna send some of that money my way?

>> No.3904018 [View]

well i fully suspect the people criticizing them for being lazy have no idea what they're talking about, but that's sort of par for the course in american news media

>> No.3903990 [View]

>it's their job
and then there's
>stifling innovation due to examining the worst case scenarios and assuming they will always happen, which is normally a good idea, but the nrc takes it far far far beyond what is sensible.

>> No.3903971 [View]

if the nrc says no to making a completely non functional mockup of a LFTR without any fuel or nuclear components of any kind...

it's probably time to leave the country

>> No.3903958 [View]

Faux news might swing it that way, but most of the other media organizations are (luckily) critical of authoritative action.

and of course i'd be asking the nrc if this is okay before doing anything

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