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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.2604909 [View]

yay you have a satellite launcher

aren't you special

Still no manned spacecraft or a manned rated rocket?

Then fuck off

>> No.2604891 [View]
File: 32 KB, 960x720, ISS_Hardware_Allocation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The spacecraft is an unmanned resupply spacecraft

Oh I get it you're retarded

>> No.2604310 [View]

>no country on earth will ever take you idiots seriously, end of discussion.

This is so mind bogglingly stupid I can't comprehend how a human being could write this.

Did you say that No country on earth takes the 1 world superpower seriously because I some stupid citizens?

Wow Just Wow

>> No.2604210 [View]
File: 5 KB, 156x150, 1286147527652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know the definition of going beyond earth orbit?

You can not be that stupid

I call troll

>> No.2604199 [View]
File: 649 KB, 2340x2349, Astronaut_Harrison_'Jack'_Schmitt,_American_Flag,_and_Earth_(Apollo_17_EVA-1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we can

We landed on the moon the Russians did not

We built 76% of the ISS

Also in 3 years we will have a spacecraft that Superior to the Soyuz in both Cost and amount carried to orbit. Its mostly done we just need to add a launch escape system, life support, and seats.

>> No.2604191 [View]

I never implied It was

Stop assuming things

>> No.2604169 [View]

The United States got credit for winning the Cold War.

The people of the united states got collective credit.

>> No.2604161 [View]

so have american and we have landers on FUCKING TITAN

>> No.2604156 [View]

Because Fuck Wikipedia

also note keyword "viable"

>> No.2604152 [View]

It's because I type quickly and Im not going to edit it because this is a fucking image board not a classroom

>> No.2604145 [View]

I was born here and my family goes back to at least 1836

>> No.2604137 [View]

Yeah we have states so does most everyone else there just called something else like provinces.

Germany has Bavaria for example

>> No.2604130 [View]

No I won't edit my text.

Im saying that The Russians have never gone beyond earth orbit, and when they tried their rocket exploded.

>> No.2604111 [View]

Then they are mentality challenged

A people like that would not be the dominant world superpower and have the most advanced technology in the world

>> No.2604103 [View]

And yet their Only rocket capable of going out of earth blew the fuck up all 4 times it was tested.

But no some simulation makes up for it

>> No.2604105 [View]

I didn't say mine I said OURS!

>> No.2604086 [View]


>> No.2604069 [View]

Im not asking to get credit im asking for people to not stereotype my countrymen and discount our achievements.

>> No.2604050 [View]
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

76% built and funded by NASA

also we are the only nation to land humans on another world.

Also we are only ones that have currently announced that we are going beyond earth orbit and have set dates
for it.

Then we also to count in to private sector which is planning on making fully reusable rockets, Space stations that hold 24 people by 2017, Suborbital flight affordable to the average middle class citizen, Spacecraft that land on the ground without wings, Reducing the cost to get to orbit by a factor of 10, ect..

and all you guys have is 1 rocket that launches satellites and cargo vehicles.


>> No.2603999 [View]

Insulting my Spelling and grammar is not addressing the point that I made.

It's not clever it's just avoiding responding to my point.

>> No.2603992 [View]

Exactly we provide the best Research opportunities in the world.

We are a nation of immigrants.

if you have american citizenship you are an american it does not matter where you came from.

>> No.2603987 [View]


The V2 germen rocket that Von Braun made was based on Goddard's work

The same with the soviets they use Liquid fueled engines in their spacecraft as well

and there are 3 Founders of modern spaceflight

Hermann Julius Oberth, born June 25, 1894 in the Transylvanian town of Hermannstadt, is, along with the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the American Robert Goddard, one of the three founding fathers of rocketry and modern astronautics.

>> No.2603973 [View]

Yeah thats bullshit we do more and more important science then anyone else

For example

and yesterday we launched humans into space

>> No.2603951 [View]

Iv'e never heard of it and iv'e heard people calling Americans overly religious much much more

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