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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.1258528 [View]
File: 191 KB, 314x649, Haiti_lold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1258506 [View]
File: 77 KB, 640x932, 1234997782634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread every day
>Same threads every day

How is this even possible?

>> No.1251053 [View]

Wasn't known about 5 years ago when the joke in OP's pic (and probably the pic itself) were new.

>> No.1250608 [View]

How does breathing heavily deprive the brain of oxygen? How does blowing on your thumb deprive the brain? Especially since I can hold my breath for longer than it takes to do the whole thing with no negative effects.

>> No.1243181 [View]

Stephen Hawking walks into a bar.

>> No.1242205 [View]

The fuck?

>> No.1242096 [View]

Inb4 I watch it and learn nothing new.

>> No.1241217 [View]

He's kinda OLD.

>> No.1235972 [View]

>Implying most people who do good things are actively seeking the good feeling it gives them.

>> No.1235041 [View]

Much more likely to be accepted from a tougher subject to an easier one. And if you finish, it'll be easier to go into compsci with a physics degree than vice versa.

>> No.1234968 [View]

Start with physics and switch to compsci during the course if you decide that.

>> No.1234895 [View]

When did I say selflessness doesn't? I have tried to avoid the concept of selflessness completely because it seemed an irrelevant complication.

>> No.1234784 [View]

Selfishness as a trait requires a conscious agent. If evolution were a sentient process, then you might call it selfish for making the person behave selflessly to impress women. In that case as in the reality of the situation, the person who does the act without any awareness of the esoteric selfish goal cannot be selfish because that person doesn't hold any motive in mind besides goodness. If the motive is important, then I am still right.

I ain't even mad, I'm just selflessly encouraging you to learn English, since you won't get far spelling like a 10 year old.

>> No.1234767 [View]

I didn't set out to tell you about what's wrong with selfishness; I was clearly addressing your accusation that the previous poster is selfish when acting kindly. Learn how to spell.

>> No.1234759 [View]
File: 38 KB, 576x432, 1227334318085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1234753 [View]

What's happening subconsciously doesn't decide if it's selfish or not. If a person does something to benefit another, it doesn't matter what evolutionary history is behind that behaviour, it's still non-selfish at the level of the awareness of the person.

>> No.1234743 [View]

The fact that people feel good about doing something good doesn't make the act selfish. It might make it non-selfless, but that's immaterial.

>> No.1233471 [View]

>Implying all posters are in America
>Implying OP asked for permission rather than advice

>> No.1222257 [View]
File: 32 KB, 396x396, 1250327858492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1219596 [View]
File: 108 KB, 550x391, link5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of my parents went to university and I'm in the top ten percent of students on my physics course in a university that'd probably be ranked as "top tier" in this system.

>> No.1219532 [View]

>Fucking immigrants , how would they feel if I went to their country and demanded they change their shit all of a sudden.

Not to diminish your point, but the women, gays, non-religious etc etc would all be very grateful actually.

>> No.1218942 [View]

Yes or else I will fail my test tomorrow. :(

>> No.1215182 [View]

Shut your mouth, he's so cute.

>> No.1214684 [View]

I think a hell of a lot of people have an interest in light bondage. I don't think it needs to be triggered by anything in particular...

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