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Search: trans

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>> No.16081046 [View]

The world in 2100.
I think scientific advancements will affect political ideology massively.

Transgenderism is just the first step towards trans humanism more broadly. CRISPR, genetic engineering, and all kinds of biotechnology will rapidly improve the ability for humans to augment their bodies. There will be political conflicts over this.

AI and automation will massively change the relationship between Labour and Capital. Tech will also make people go crazy.
There will be a primitivist anti-tech movement.

The Amish will rise to enormous prominence in America due to high birth rates.

>> No.16080511 [View]

i learned this in 4th grade..............

im trans btw

>> No.16079923 [View]

Breast cancer? I learned that o think last week :) I'm not trans

>> No.16079764 [View]

Saturn V has 13 launches, all of them successful. The greatest failure was Apollo 6, the second test flight, when the second and third stages lost some engines, and could not complete the trans lunar injection. It just did a highly elliptical orbit with an apogee of 22,000 km.
SLS has 1 successful launch - a trans lunar injection.
Starshit has 3 launches, all failures. In all of them had there been astronauts, they'd be dead.

>> No.16079376 [View]

Generally speaking, antiperspirant doesn't have much of a chemical mechanism, it physically blocks sweat from leaving your pores. Like anything, its perfectly fine in moderation, soap will be able to wash most of it out after a few showers. But if you use it daily for an extended period of time the residue will build up, not very comfortable or good for you. Wear antiperspirant to job interviews/parties/scenarios where you may not wash for some time (eg: a trans-continental flight). Otherwise, just wear deodorant and let your skin breathe easy.

>> No.16078933 [View]

im trans btw. if that matters.

>> No.16078692 [View]

Yeah basically 100% of the problems with “HRT” are unidirectional problems with estrogen and blocking testosterone. Being a woman is basically a disease state and estrogen is neurotoxic. So mt”f”s are fucked but trt is aside from a slight cardiovascular risk safe for both sexes.
Trans basically only works in one direction.

>> No.16076662 [View]

still more successful than all trans surgeries combined lmao

>> No.16071975 [View]
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trans btw

>> No.16070412 [View]

Close all those trans porn tabs, they're melting your brain

>> No.16070238 [View]

Oh boy, where do I even begin with this steaming pile of ignorance you just shat out?
First off, the scientific community never said COVID was the fucking Black Plague 2.0, you absolute donkey. We said it was a serious threat that required swift action, but I guess nuance is a foreign concept to someone with the reading comprehension of a concussed goldfish.
And the vaccine? It's safe and effective, you unbelievable fuckwit. But please, by all means, continue to get your medical advice from the same brainless echo chamber that probably tells you drinking bleach cures autism.
As for the rest of your asinine word vomit, I can't even begin to unpack the sheer stupidity. Trans rights have fuck-all to do with the validity of scientific research, you bigoted troglodyte. And the idea that the scientific community is pushing some grand conspiracy to make you eat bugs and give up meat? Christ on a bike, how far up your own ass did you have to reach to pull out that nugget of pure, concentrated idiocy?
But hey, if you want to dismiss centuries of rigorous research and evidence-based progress because you read some half-baked Facebook memes, go right ahead. Just don't come crying to us when you're choking on your own ignorance-fueled stupidity.
This is my scientific community, you cock-juggling thundercunt. A community of dedicated professionals working tirelessly to drag humanity kicking and screaming into a better future, despite the best efforts of smoothbrained Neanderthals like yourself.
So why don't you take your "YEAH SCIENCE BITCH" bullshit and shove it right back up the festering, puckered asshole you call a mouth? The adults are talking.

>> No.16067371 [View]

>You either support trans and gays (which is being pushed by Jews) or you support the genocide of Palestinians.
This is not an either or situation.

>> No.16067369 [View]

Trans rights are human rights

>> No.16065978 [View]
File: 186 KB, 1128x1093, quantum pedophilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rein in the Industry

Therefore, it is not only reasonable, but imperative, for legislators to rein in the transgender industry, and especially to stop the “transitioning” of children. Ulrich and other activists can fulminate about right-wing conspiracies, but it is right and just to ban the surgical and chemical mutilation of children. Many states have done so, thereby proving that gender ideology will not inevitably triumph and claim our children for its own.

This does not mean the fight is over. Indeed, we should expect gender ideologues to become more aggressive as their losses pile up. They thought time would be on their side, and that new research would vindicate them. But their time is running out, and the continued lack of evidence for “gender-affirming care” is pushing them to increasingly brazen lies and distortions as they attempt to justify their collapsing position. And they are also becoming more authoritarian in the places and institutions they do control, as they attempt to impose transgender dogma on the rest of us.

Thus, those opposed to gender ideology must not get cocky. Trans activists and their allies will keep fighting to the bitter end, especially those who have staked their reputations, livelihoods, and self-respect on radical gender ideology. Nonetheless, the end can now be envisioned, even if much work remains to achieve it.

>> No.16065977 [View]
File: 105 KB, 800x650, tran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, despite hype to the contrary, that study showed no such thing. Rather, as Jesse Singal explained after it was published in 2022, “the kids who took puberty blockers or hormones experienced no statistically significant mental health improvement during the study. The claim that they did improve, which was presented to the public in the study itself, in publicity materials, and on social media (repeatedly) by one of the authors, is false” (emphasis in original).

No Evidence Regarding Suicide

There is no good evidence that transition prevents suicide, especially for children. Those who identify as trans do have an elevated risk of suicide (though this tends to be exaggerated by activists), but this is best explained by trans-identified individuals also having a much higher rate of mental health problems and trauma — and it doesn’t help to add to these underlying issues the lie that they were somehow born in the wrong body.

This extraordinary claim — that some children are born into the wrong bodies, and therefore must be chemically and surgically reshaped into a facsimile of the opposite sex — is medically unsupported. It is ideological and sexual fantasy masquerading as medicine. There is no good evidence to support transitioning children because gender ideology is just that, an ideology masquerading as medicine. The reality of human nature does not change, even though much of the medical establishment, such as the NEJM, was shamefully eager to capitulate to a small number of aggressive activists.

>> No.16064893 [View]

Become trans and you should be ok

>> No.16064740 [View]

>look we're the good guys we're very honest and trans[REDACTED]

>> No.16064035 [DELETED]  [View]

we know that GOP shills want to try and convert Gen z/alpha to reactionary Chud ideologies.
we must clear out the fascists that have infiltrated the spaceflight community to achieve total trans rights victory!

>> No.16063764 [View]
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I actually have a fetish for cancer/developing cancer/suffering and passing away from cancer, so maybe I should look into a trans partner.

>> No.16063570 [View]
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He was advanced trans

>> No.16063087 [View]

KEK, no wonder they are full of trans people

>> No.16062594 [View]
File: 533 KB, 1060x1160, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the trans pipeline is uplifted as a "treatment" partially because HRT tweaks hormone deficits of autism (which is testosterone-weighted, via serum level and reduced count of estrogen receptors), and it is then pushed needlessly over the threshold into castration, which flips the problem.
check the research for hormonal correlates of autism.

>> No.16060344 [View]

The reason becoming a woman once you are born male is so dangerous is that it takes manhood to pursue a goal to its accomplishment, and that manhood is partially or fully being given up in the process. So unless science does much of the heavylifting, the trans is likely to have health issues and die. It is a very dangerous goal, part of the recipe remains a mystery. People who censor Any warning given about transitioning actually hate trans folks and want them to die horribly.

>> No.16059612 [View]

There is no difference between "transgender hormone therapy" and regular hormone therapy which has been used to treat a variety of hormone-related issues and provide gender-affirming care to cis people for decades before it was used to help trans people. By volume I reckon cis people are still the main recipients of such therapies. Framing it as a trans issue is disingenuous.

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