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>> No.14684595 [View]

>It's funny how people on the far right hate Einstein and relativity but if they ever bothered to learn about his views they'd find out he was extremely level headed towards Jews and judaism
It's a kiked fucking statement that solves none of the modern day problems Jews have caused, because it doesn't hold them accountable for their crimes or name them as evil. All Einstein, himself a Jew, is saying here is that Jews are hated because of
>muh culture
This is an explicitly postmodern and Enlightenmentbased philosophy that is in NO WAY contradictory to everything that the very Jews you believe he is speaking out against have promoted and pushed for the last 300 years. Within the statement is the implicit implication that Jews are simply misguided and that all blame lies on a microscopic number of nebulous and unnamed "community elders" who dictate a culture of outgroup-dislike

This is a lie twice over. First, it is a lie because it implies that Jews are evil because they were raised that way. And secondly, it supposes that Jews can change and be better, if only they were raised differently

These are two colossal and blatant lies. The nature vs nurture argument is solved, and it's BEEN solved. Nature is the PRIME determining factor in a person's intellect, character, and disposition. A Jew raised as a white man who knows nothing of his heritage and does not know he is Jewish will still be a degenerate pedophile racemixer who thinks all children should be given mandatory state-funded pornhub accounts and hormone blockers. Likewise, a white man who is raised by nonwhites will still behave like a white man, have a white man's disposition, and outshine the beasts who surround him in all regards

Jews are evil because they are an ACCURSED BLOODLINE. They are literally the Canaanites and Edomites of the Old Testament Christ himself affirms this in his ministry, and all of modern history has VINDICATED Christ's testament to the world, not disproven it.

>> No.14684591 [View]

Read "The Culture of Critique." Modern civilization evolved out of European individualism
Hyper ethnocentrism, as found in Jews, is the default in most cultures outside of Europe
Most of the higher development of mankind is attributed to individualism, because peer pressure in collectivist societies pushes everyone into the lowest common denominator, dumb and backwards
For example individualists are capable of having noble values like Justice and Truth, but for collectivists these are only temporary values to be discarded when they conflict with peer pressure from the group
Isn't it funny that real progress in physics ended in the 1970s, at the same time it became fully dominated by American Jews?
CoC has its limitations, for example the author thinks Einstein was legitimate (rather than being a serial plagiarist who was promoted by Jewish newspapers), and he doesn't realize that the real physics breakthrough of the 20th century was quantum mechanics - which Jews had nothing to do with (Dirac, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Pauli, Fermi) and continue to fight against
Atomic bombs are a grand Jewish fantasy, it turned out that supercritical fission of uranium is not physically possible so you made movies of dynamite and flash power explosions and fire bombed a couple of Jap cities
I'm focusing on physics because it's representative of the way Jews try to emulate civilization but can't create it

>> No.14684586 [View]

Start WW1, blame your pet Serb
Start WW2 because butthurt about someone winning an election in a country that doesn't belong to you.
Get rounded up because usury, theft, public manipulation, financial manipulation, raping and abusing little kids, doing trans experiments on little kids.
Make a whole bunch of retarded shit up like masturbation machines, electric insta-incineration floors, gas chambers, medical experiments on prisoners, muh 6 gorillion.
Get laws passed in a bunch of countries making it a criminal offense to question any of these retarded claims. No ash layer in Central Europe. Germany never had enough fuel to burn 6m bodies, much less fight a hyper mechanized war on two fronts and burn 6m. No ash layer. "Mass grave" sites concreted with lead-amended concrete to block ground penetrating radar. Anne Frank Diary written with a pen that wasn't invented until after her death.
Form military alliance through international banking manipulation to destroy the country that got sick of kike shit again.
Get a new country about it all, but people already live there. Steal all their shit and whine about muh terrorisms when the people you're oppressing fight back- the jew cries out as he strikes you.
Epstein. Weinstein. Rosenbergs. Einstein (thief/fraud). Keep going.
Call anyone else immoral, jew. jews can't resist the urge to accuse others of the degenerate shit your degenerate faggot vermin race came up with.

>> No.14684584 [View]

Jews are smart and good social climbers. When they are a minority in a society, they have a tendency to rise to the top of institutions and possess a lot of power. This has been true since the Egyptians and joseph.

However, once they get to the top of institutions, they don't use that power to benefit the population that has given them the power. They use it to benefit jews. This creates problems and resentment to towards them.

For example, when Benjamin franklin was successful in the USA, he used his money and power to build a bunch of libraries. When Vanderbuilt was successful he used his power to build universities and hospitals. When the krupt guy in Germany was powerful he used it to establish employee benefits like retirement and healthcare.

Compare that to what jews do when they get powerful. They do stuff to encourage gayness and transexualism. They import a bunch of 3rd worlders to lower labor prices and make the country less cohesive. They donate tons of money to isreal and encourage foreign wars that don't benefit America. They spend a bunch of time trying to force white people to give their resources to blacks that then waste them.

So basically jews use their innate skill and intelligence to get power in a society, and then instead of improving the society for the people that gave them the power, they use it to fuck those people over.

>> No.14684579 [View]

the Jew is essentially female. Real men, white, Christian men, we fuck a woman. We make her come with our cocks. But the Jew doesn't like to penetrate and thrust, he can't assert himself that directly. So he resorts to perversions. Oral sex is technically a perversion, you know that, don't you? The Jews clearly control the media and the banks. Investment banks, not the commercial ones. But the point is they carry out in those realms the same principles they display in sexuality. They undermine traditional life; they deracinate society. Deracinate... Tear out the roots. A people, real people derives its genius from the land: the sun, the sea, the soil. This is how they know themselves. But the Jew doesn't have soil. Notice the Israelis: a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer, a nomad. He has no roots, no attachments. So he "universalizes" everything. He can't hammer a nail, plow a field. He can only buy and sell, invest capital, manipulate markets. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture based on books, ideas, numbers. This is his strength. Take the great Jewish minds: Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us: communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In a mere three centuries since these guys emerged from the ghettos of Europe, they've taken us from a world built on order and reason and hurled us into a chaos of class warfare, irrational urges and relativity, a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in doubt. Why? Because it is the deepest impulse of the Jewish soul to unravel the very fabric of life until nothing is left but thread, nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.

>> No.14684578 [View]

Jews are an entry level blue pill for common people to get stuck on. Jews aren't creative they don't come up with their own concepts. Everything is spoon fed to them from the Jesuit think tanks. Einstein got all of his ideas from George Lemaitre for example.
its not his theory. he has no cited sources. its blatantly copy and pasted and stolen from his betters.


Additionally, you can look up more of this fraud in his published papers with incorrect formulas and his oxford chalk boards that they preserved without his knowledge that have basic errors in them that are direct copies of said papers. It's proof he memorized something that was incorrect and just regurgitated it onto paper and boards and does not even recognize simple mistakes.

finally, nothing was proven by him for relativity. still ignore basic physics to make it work. nothing changed for high energy which is the only reason the theory exists - everything else was covered by normal physics already. hes a fraud propped up like freud and other kikes to present the made for tv 'jews are like so the smartest guys i love jews' image they wanted.

>> No.14684575 [View]

>jewish emancipation
Which then was the cause of literally all the problems western society is facing right now, funny how that works. Jews almost assimilated peacefully into european society but just like with the MAcabees when jews were assimilating to the superior culture of the Hellenistic greeks, the rabbis saw this as genocide of the jewish people and started pushing antisemitism and jewish terrorism to drive barriers between europeans and jews.

Freudian psychology is trash and is responsible for the worst aspects of mental health/psychology/marketing/propaganda

Einsteinien atomistic science is trash and is whats keeping us from living in the Jetsons world, if we had followed along the line of the people who believed in Ether like Tesla and all the nazi scientists who were like a century ahead of everyone else. Now we know with zero point energy/higgs field, the ether exists and a non atomistic view is what we need to go back to, Einstein is still holding us back.

>> No.14684570 [View]

Jewish high IQ debunked

Nikola Tesla on Albert Einstein

On The Jews and Their Obsession with Feces




The Beautiful Chosen People

Introduction To Jewish Genetic Disorders

>> No.14684567 [View]

china hass the iron gae first . movable type and silk screening. japan has a range of modern stuff like 3d holograms, cds(every last cdrom drive and cd manufacturer paid them) blue ray, by extension many lasers made by japan not just factories to make them designed by including all the most powerful single diode ones for any color, electrical anodizing of titanium and other stuff. china picks back up and has a range of new stuff

the west has the known batch of achievos which jews are not present for. america gets most of the modern age stuff. tvs, airplanes, computers

jews were and still are not allowed to melt and pour metal. they have little in the way of patents. your best thing was made illegal. the nakita. a mini missile launcher that had a guided missile. tghey used it on some rag head and the inetrnational community freaked out becaue america thought some one might uy one on the black market and its not fair. you will notice a pattern everything america would be at a loss dealing with isnt fair. mines not fair nobody can have them. mini guided missiles that can fly though a building and make a 1180 degree turn not fair. after tghat you guys were hand shy

america had a team working on nukes . according to scientist working on the nukes which there are records einstein cant give any specifics. and they needed specifics because they were past theory. these guys end up working on quantum and destroy eistein for having stolen all the credit

>> No.14684565 [View]

'm one of the most antisemitic posters here. This is what I said ealrier in this thread: "You guys have bought into NASA bullshit as much as NPCs have bought into the Holohoax."

No Jew shill EVER denies the Holohoax.

Jews always lie. The truth is poison to them. If a Jew admits an ounce of truth, the Jew opens himself up to admitting further truths, including that he is a parasite. (See Otto Weininger.)

So if Jews are pushing space nonsense, then it's a lie. Jews have taken over science. It started happening when they pushed Einstein and the takeover was cemented after WW2. Pre-Jew science was agnostic on the shape of the earth. Early hot air balloon observations suggested a flat earth. Non-Jew science is empirical, which means it is tentative. Jew "science" is authoritarian.

Jews always lie. I don't get why this is so hard to comprehend.

>> No.14684564 [View]

Aryan German scientists did the hard yards to research the splitting of the atom to the extent it could be weaponised, then the jew scientist escaped with their research, eager to undermine his host country. All he had to do was produce it and bomb his host, fulfilling his ultimate mission. Not even conspiracy shit, but literally what happened. Einstein's role in developing the atomic bomb was like the the last guy in production line whose role was to lick the stamps, but then gets to claim the credit that he made the entire product. Same as his so called "contributions" to relativity

Nobel prize is a jew society, which is why jews make up the majority of recepients



>> No.14684562 [View]

Thecorruption ofAmericanculturebyEasternEuropeanJewsin the motionpictureindustrywasalreadyapparentin 1921,a few short years afterit had begun.In theNineteenthCentury, composerRichardWagner had criticized theJewishmonopolization and corruption of the opera. In 1921, RalphPhilip Boas, a Jew,criticized the Jewish monopolization of the motion picture and clothing industries—as didTHEDEARBORNINDEPENDENT.German Jews ownedsweatshops in Chicago and New York. German Jewsexploited Eastern European Jewish labor in theseclothing factories. The EasternEuropean Jews,descendantsof the Frankists,took theopportunityto infiltrateAmerican societywith CommunismandAnarchism bymeansofthelabor unions,whichtheyattempted to subvert—in manyinstances did subvert. Americans wereleeryof murderous Jewish Bolshevism, having witnessed the mass murdersofmillions of Russian Christians.

>> No.14684560 [View]

The effects of theEastern European Jews’ influenceon American societyappearednotonlyin the universities, but in the motion pictureindustry, which Jewsmonopolizedin theTeensoftheTwentieth Century—afact which iswidelyacknowledged andcelebrated byJews today.Theydidnot usetheir101monopolization of that industry, which was largelybuilt byThomas Edison, thenstolen from him, to promotestrongmoral values andcollegiateaspirationsin theirGentile neighborsinAmerica. Theydidnotpromote the dignityof Black Americansand encourage them to pursue higher education. On the contrary, the EasternEuropean Jews glorified crime, violence, perpetual war, and vice in the form oftobaccoandalcohol consumption. Eastern EuropeanJews createdanintenselyanti-intellectual spiritin AmericanGentileculture, whichimpacted most stronglyandnegativelyuponAmerican Blacks. Theirapartheid anti-Black mythologies becameself-fulfillingprophecies.The Jewish movie moguls degraded Blacks,while stealingtheir cultural102achievements in dance and music.The Jewish movie moguls sexuallyexploitedactorsandactressesandpromptedtheiruseofdrugs,andpromotedculturaldecadencein general. In addition, some Jews corruptlykept Blacks from reaping theprofitsoftheirown laborsandtalentsinthemusicindustry.Jews,longengaged inthe slave trade,were the first racists to fabricatereligious racialmyths which103relegated Blacksspecifically, andGentiles ingeneral, to asub-human slavestatus.These movie moguls, who weremostlyEastern European Jews, taught AmericanGentiles to loathe wealth accumulationand promoted theCommunist myth of the“working-class hero” as anidealaspirationfor American youth. Theyalso promotedtheCommunistideal of“race”mixing. Jews generallytaught theirown children tosegregateandpursuehigher education andtheprofessions.Frederick T. Gates used Rockefeller’s moneyto finance institutions of higherlearningwhich benefitted Jews

>> No.14684553 [View]

In the first place, othergroups havenot theJewish desirefor education.At one remove from the immigrant quarter, other groups donotgoto college.Success does notcometo them withgreat rapidity, norhavetheythesameracial background of learningandscholarshipwhich is, insomedegree, inevery Jew’sblood.Then,too,othergroupshavenottheJew’sadaptability.The Ethiopian cannotchange hisskin;butJewish boysand girls differ fromtheir Gentilecompanions often onlyin a racial tie so faint that insistenceuponit isbut agallingreminderofadifferencethat seems almost academic.Moreover, Jews themselves arethe mostincoherent of racial groups, varyingfrom themost cultivated, who haveacquired the most conservative traditionsof Americanism, to themostblatant, whoknow notraditionsexcept those ofoppression. And the urban environment ofEasterncolleges has afull caseofJewish types, with the more noticeable, as always, setting the standard ofjudgment oftheraceasawhole.Finally,theJewis themost successful of thenewergroups in college. Thesuccess of Jews in scholarship is a byword.Rarelya list ofhonors appears whichdoes notcontain Jewish names. Whena Jew puts his minduponachievement, heusuallysecures what he aims for.He pursues success in scholarship with an intensityand a singleness ofpurpose which make him at least noticeable. What his hand finds to do, hedoes withallhismight. Fatal gift!If onlyJews would becontent withmediocrity, the ‘Jewish problem’ might

>> No.14684549 [View]

Theybrought with theman inherited tradition of education, intellects trained for centuries in thesharpest analysisanddialectic, anaturalbent towardtheprofessions,and—what, perhaps, ismostimportant—therepressionfor yearsoftheirattempts to givethese desires and characteristics freeplay. In time theyacquired theeconomicindependencenecessarytosendtheirchildren tocollege; where financial independencewas lacking, thosechildren undertooktheburden of self-supportwith thetenacityoftherace. TherewerenoJewishcolleges founded forJewishboys andgirls,as withtheCatholics,becausetherewas no organized religious bodyto undertaketheirfounding, andalsobecause Jews have no desire forseparation in anything except race andreligion.
Now, it happened thatJewsbeganto flockto thecollegesatpreciselythetime when the collegesbeganto growunwieldyin numbers and ill-assortedin membership. Withthe turn ofthe century, the old college simplicitybega to disappear.Old buildings weresupplemented bycostlymodernedifices.The fraternityhouse and theprivate dormitorywere establishedtoeasethepressureuponthecollegebuildingfunds.Athleticsbegan todeveloptheirpresent overwhelmingimportance.Fraternities establishedhundredsof newchapters. It became necessaryto harmonizethe differences between rich andpoor, between the yearningfor scholarship and the cultivation of usefulleisure. It was thetimewhen thecolleges wereviolentlycriticized fortheirorganization, their curricula, and their student life.Added, therefore, to a burden of cares, camethe problem of racialequilibrium. Thenumberof Jews in the eastern colleges graduallyincreased,until to-dayJews would,were theypermitted, in manycases form as muchas fiftyper cent of the students. Theproblemof what to do with othergroups—negroes,Armenians, Italians—isas nothingwhen compared withtheproblem oftheJews

>> No.14684546 [View]

In 1921, Ralph Philip Boas discussed a proposedquota system meant to preventJews, asmallminorityin America, from obtainingmajoritycontrol overleadingAmerican universities.Boas employed racistapartheid argumentsfavoringJewishdomination of the universities, byattributing Jewish success in the colleges anduniversitiestothe allegedsuperiorityof the Jewish “race”. Boas largelyignored thecontrollingeffects of circumstance, religion and culture. LimitingJewish enrollmentto proportional numbers would have opened the door to more representation byBlacks and other minorities—whetheror notthosedoors wouldhave remained openis a separate issue. Boaswrote in his article, “Who Shall Go to College?”,TheAtlanticMonthly,Volume 130,Number 4,(October, 1922),pp.441-448, at 443-448
“Such methods ofadmissionhave been inuse inmanyof the larger collegesduringthelast few years, quietlyandeffectively; thereis littlereason tobelievethat theywouldhaveroused publicdiscussion,had not Harvard, withcandorworthyof hermotto, thrown her cards upon the table and invited thecountryto discuss openlythe question, Who shall go to college?[***]IIIWith the laterimmigration, however, the case wasdifferent. The greatJewish immigration, which began intheeighteen-eighties and still continuesto thelimit of thelaw,settled chieflyin theEasterncities,especially, as itchanced,inorneartheverycitieswherewerethelargestcolleges:Philadelphia, New York, New Haven,and Boston.

>> No.14684543 [View]

It is ratherembarrassingforanethnic“Saint”andnational hero to be exposed as a pervert and a plagiarist,andEinstein had become both an ethnic saint and anational herofor Jews. Bruno Thüringused thesefacts to characterize Einstein as arabidnationalist, who used his pacifisticpreachingas afront topromotehisZionistagenda. Thüringrecounted that theJüdischeRundschauquoted theZionistDavidYellin’s welcomingaddress to Einstein in the nameof Jerusalem on 15 March 1929and Einstein’s response:
“,,Du hast den Namen ,Gaon‘verdient, den das jüdische Volk seinenerwähltengeistigen Führern gibt — dies aber nicht nur wegen deinergenialen Leistungenin derWissenschaft,wiewohlwirsierecht zu schätzenwissen — noch mehraberbist du unsein Gaon, weil du die Fahne dernationalenWiedergeburt hochinderHandhältst unddiehebräischeUniversität in Jerusalem gefordert hast.‘‘Und Einstein antwortete darauf:,,Der heutigeTagistder größtemeines Lebens. Heuteistdas wichtigsteEreignis in meiner Lebensgeschichtegeschehen. Im Laufemeines Lebenslernte ich die Verirrungder jüdischen Seele, die Sünde derSelbstverleugnungdes Volks-Jüdischen kennen. Und so freue ich mich, daßIsrael seineBedeutunginder Welt wieder zuerkennen beginnt. DieseTat,die Befreiungder jüdischen Seele,wurde von der zionistischen Bewegungvollbracht.”91Einstein wrote to Paul Ehrenfest on 12 April 1926,“Idobelieve that in time this endeavor will grow into something splendid;and, Jewish Saint that Iam, myheart rejoices.”92The German Consul General in New York reported on 21 March 1931

>> No.14684538 [View]

Numerous physicists of international renownhave complained directlyto yourauthor that theirworksin oppositionto relativitytheory, and which expose Einstein’scareerof plagiarism, have been refused publication without grounds and are oftenmet withangrypersonalattacks andthreatsof retaliationas wellas reactionaryandunjustified accusationsofanti-Semitism. Somepeer reviewed journals and scientificconferences regularlyrefuse to even consider works and lectures which questionrelativitytheory, or Einstein’s originality. Even Jewishopponentsareattacked as ifipso factoanti-Semites for daringto utter a syllable oftruth about Einstein’splagiarismandthefallibilityof“his”theories.HelenDukas(Einstein’ssecretary)and Bannesh Hoffmann wrote,“EinsteinhadbecomeafigureofenormoussymbolicimportancetoJews.In1923, when hevisited Mount Scopus, the site on which the HebrewUniversitywas to rise, hewas invited to speak from ‘thelectern that haswaited for you two thousand years.’”88Dennis Overbye tells the storyofIlse Einstein’s letter to GeorgNicolai of 22May1918 in which she complains ofAlbert Einstein’s perverse sexual advancestowards her. Albert Einsteinwasconductingan incestuous and adulterousrelationshipwithher mother,Else Einstein,at the time. Albert Einstein was relatedto his cousin Elsethrough both his mother and his father. Einstein was perhapsdissuaded from his perversewishto marryIlseEinstein byhisuncleRudolfEinstein’s (Rudolf Einstein was Elsa Einstein’s fatherand Ilse Einstein’sgrandfather, as well as Albert Einstein’s uncleandfather-in-law)dowryof 100,000Marks, which Albert Einstein accepted when hemarried his cousin Else—Alberttherebycontinued to haveaccess to Ilse.Albert Einstein was behavinglike a89Frankist Jew.

>> No.14684535 [View]

In the United States inthe early1920's,scholars became increasingconcerned bytheinvasion of racistandtribalistic“Russian or PolishJews”, whohad been pouringintoAmerica sincethe 1880's.These immigrants allegedlysought to take overAmericanuniversities and to Judaize American society.Harvard Universityopened thequestion ofwhetherornot itwas in the best interests of American societyto allowJews from Poland to obtain majoritycontrol overhighlyinfluential Americancolleges anduniversities.
Frankist Jews in Poland asserted inthe 1700'sand throughout their later historythatthe Messiah had arrived in the person ofJacobFrank.Theyformedrevolutionaryanddestructivebands,whichtoreapartPolishsociety.FrankbeganadynastyofMessiahs, whose soul alleged migrated from one Messiah tothe next through theprocess of Metempsychosis. It was thedutyofthe Messiah to utterlydestroytheGentile world.
When Einstein arrived in Americain earlyApril of 1921,shortlyafter Einstein,himself, declared that anyonewho disagreedwithhimmustipso factobeanti-Semitic, the Board of Aldermen of theCityof NewYork met to vote on aproposalto grant Chaim Weizmann andAlbertEinstein the“freedom ofthe city”. AldermanBruce M. Falconer voted against the proposal and was immediatelyassaulted,threatened with severe retaliationandsmearedas an “anti-Semite”—an accusationhe emphaticallydenied.The New York Times, which was owned byaJewishpublisher named Adolph S. Ochs,published Alderman Falconer’s name,85occupation, andhomeaddress,onthefront pagetogether withthecharges of anti-Semitism, adescriptionoftheassaultagainst him, andareportofthethreats todestroyhim, as well as his denials of anyprejudic

>> No.14684533 [View]

Judaism,Jewishtribalism,andJewishracismgavetheJewsabadname, andmanyconfused theseethnic, culturalandreligious traitswith “racial”traits.However,Jewswereoften ableto intimidatemost scholarsout ofpubliclycondemningthese behaviors, andfrom publishing examples of them, and conductingresearch into theircauses.Thetribalism itselfprovided racistJews withameanstoquash most public condemnation ofJewish racism and Jewish tribalism.

Jewshavean ancienttradition ofracismand ofdeliberatelysegregating themselvesfromall other peoples.Jews evensegregateeachother intoseparatesubdivisions of SephardimandAshkenazim. Sephardimhavetraditionallyconsideredthemselvestobemore“raciallypure”thanAshkenazim, and, therefore, “racially”superior toAshkenazim. Ashkenazimhavetraditionallyviewed themselvesas“racially” superiorto Gentiles.Sincetheycannotclaim“racial”superiorityover theSephardim, theAshkenazimusetribalisticpoliticstokillthemoff.

>> No.14684531 [View]

Jews haveoftendupedGentiles with contrived “Christian” Utopian beliefs likethat of the “Rapture”. Theyhave someChristians eagerlyawaiting, and evendeliberatelyseekingtoprovokeanotherworld war andanuclear holocaust, becauseCabalisticJewshaveledthemtobelievethatthegenocideofnon-believerswillbringbackChrist. Theyaretaught byCabalist Jews,andtheseJews’agents,thattheywill beprivileged bytheirfaithin disaster,andwill bewhisked awayto safetywhiletherest ofusaremass murdered at theirbehest.TheseJews havesophisticallytiedfabricatedandfalseZionistpropagandatoChristianity
Jews havealsoduped manyGentiles withtheUtopian lieofCommunism.“Mentor”acknowledged that Bolshevismwas aJewish movement and Mentor sawBolshevism and Zionism, which in tandem fulfill JewishMessianic prophecybypolitical means, as thesalvation of mankind—meaningthesalvation of theJews—toCabalisticJews,Gentiles aresub-human.When Mentor wrote,theworld knew wellthe horrific natureof the Red Terror, which Mentor defended as ameans to an end.Mentor wanted to defendtheBolsheviks from theAllies whowerethreateningtodefendthe RussianPeople from the Jewish bankers.TheWorld’s Workpublished thefollowingarticlein March of1919, which cannoteven begintocapture the horrorsoftheJewishbankers’ Bolshevism

>> No.14684528 [View]

ofJewishMessianicprophecyandbelieved Jerusalem wouldbecomethecapital oftheworld,as was foretold andplanned byJewish“prophets”in antiquity—note that when these Jews speakof “eternal world peace”theyarereferringto theJewishprophecythattheJewishMessiah willobliteratetheGentilePeoples and rulethe world—a world which will know no more war, because theJewishMessiah will have killed off the enemies of the Jews—all Peoples but theJews will haveperished at the hands ofthe Jews. These Jews weredeceiving theGentilesinto destroyingthemselves intheeuphemisticnameof“peace”, which totheseJews meant theextermination ofnon-Jews.Remember that “eternal peace”toCabalistic Jews meant the death ofthe Gentiles and theydeliberatelytried to leadGentiles into welcomingthis fate, thisUtopia of “eternal peace”—their ownextinction.
World famousaviator Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. warned that the Jews, theBritish,andtheRoosevelt administration wereplanningaPearlHarbortypeevent,in a speech Lindbergh delivered on 11 September 1941 in Des Moines, Iowa. Lindbergh was viciously smeared in the press, so viciously, that fewdared to defendhim. After the Pearl Harbor attack, anywho might otherwise havesaid, “Itold you

>> No.14684526 [View]

TheseJewishZionistleaders,whorepresentedgreatpower,but few Jews,revealed that the First World War was an act of human sacrifice to “Moloch”, aholocaust which had strengthened the Zionistsand unified them, and which wasintendedtomake the Peoples ofthe world clamor forsmall ethicallysegregatednations. TheZionistJews planned longbeforetheFirst World Warthat if theycouldprovoke a world war, then theycould petition at the inevitable peaceconferencestheywould control to steal Palestine fromitsindigenouspopulationsonthe false andracist basis that theywere a pure race in need ofa segregated land to call their own.The Jewish nationalism ofthe Balfour Declaration and theinternationalism of theZionist League ofNations—the lossof sovereigntyof Gentilenationsand concurrentcreation of a Jewish sovereignty—werepraised byZionist leaders as the fulfillmentofJewishprophecy, which prophecycallsfor thedisappearanceofGentilegovernment and theemergenceof the Jewish nation as the exclusive ruler oftheentire world. Though the Jewishbankers’ agent President Woodrow Wilson hadfailed to unite the nations in world government after thecontrived holocaust of theFirst WorldWar,Zionist Jews intendedto tryandtryagain until the Peoples of theworld capitulated totheJudaicprophecies.Theyplanned moreworld wars and Bolsheviktakeovers in orderto soften thewill of thePeoples toprotect theirown sovereignty, such that theywouldgladlysurrender to Jewish power asa supposedmeans toend theirsuffering. As Jabotinskysaid,“ArbeitinPalästina,GoldimGaluth,Blut,wennesgilt,letzte Opferzubringen.”Oneofthemostinfluential ofZionistJews,Achad Ha’am, saw Zionismas thefulfillment

>> No.14684524 [View]

But it is thepatient—thenon-Jews—who receivethefataltreatmentofrevolution, war,economicruin andcultural degradation—alethaldoseofunneeded radiation.RacistJewishleaders regularlysacrificeafewoftheir own and walk awaywith the wealth of othernations, and thecontrivedstatus ofablamelessvictim who must remain segregatedfor the sake of self-defense
The solutiontothe problemisfor non-Jews torecognizethatthe core problemis not Jewishpeoplein general, but rather genocidalJudaismandcorrupt Jewishleadershipwho view Jewishgenocidalprophecyasaplan theymust carryout at allcosts,includingthesacrificeoflargenumbersof innocent Jews. Thesolutionis towelcomeJews in general intothe broader communityand to expose the methods andintentions of corrupt and racist Jewish leadership. Jews must in their turn abandongenocidal Judaism and abandon their virulent racism andcorrupt tribalism. Jewsmust ceaseto hypocriticallyinsist upon their own segregation, while demandingthattherest of theworld integrateinto aworld government led byJews.JewishMessianicprophecyis aplan too dangerousto ignore. It threatens todestroyhuman lifeonEarth.In the1500's,Martin Luther wrote, amongother things,
“Further, theypresume to instructGodandprescribethemannerin which heistoredeem them. Forthe Jews, theseverylearned saints, look upon God asa poor cobbler equipped with onlyaleftlastformakingshoes.This is to saythatheistokillandexterminateallofusGoyimthroughtheirMessiah,sothat theycan laytheir hands on the land,the goods, and the government ofthe whole world. And now astorm breaksoverus with curses, defamation,and derision thatcannot be expressed with words. Theywish that sword andwar, distress and everymisfortune mayovertake us accursed Goyim. Theyvent theircurses on us openlyeverySaturdayin theirsynagogues anddaily
in theirhomes.Theyteach,urge, andtraintheirchildren from infancytoremain the bitter, virulent, and wrathful enemies of the Christians.”

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