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>> No.11435658 [View]

... so? The more stock one puts in prediction instantiated the less one puts into being part of a process.

Process > Prediction

>> No.11435651 [View]

If the person will never submit to perspectives save for their own then why not just learn to identify their usual audience(s) and what they get from them and just copy? Learning a unique method for every human would just get exhausting.

Eventually YOU, the individual, are of sufficient integrity and renown for a group to submit TO.

>> No.11435646 [View]

How could I be the ONLY human that wants that shit to be different? Is it just easier for brain to fall back on mirroring animal behavior because using intellect or imagination is somehow too energy intensive?

>> No.11435607 [View]
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Oxygen is worse.

>> No.11435605 [View]
File: 16 KB, 340x260, images - 2020-03-03T143147.879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gasp* arbitrary group of humans A exclude arbitrary group of humans B in order to exert greater dominance over their existing subscribers?!

>Say it ain't so, disembodied voice eminating from my butt!

>> No.11435535 [View]

By that virtue aren't schizos just people with powerful story-link imagination? Because X for Y all Z-conjugates valid shared reality P with recurrence Q.

>> No.11435529 [View]

I don't actually think about women per se. I project narratives onto everyone but I discard ALL of them upon interaction because most humans dislike deep packet inspection.

What is it like to think about women constantly? Are they actually doing anything or is it a scenario where they are constantly trying to get your attention for some semi-unknown reason?

>Genuinely curious as I have sexually dominated all my partners and am usually the narrative generator for sexy times.

>> No.11435517 [View]
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Tru dat.
>Stay a while and listen. I have need of the quadratic-whore cube.

>> No.11435391 [View]

Herr we can see a patient chuckler, ever diligent in its eternal cycle of waiting and baiting until hypocrisy comes full circle and falls once again into its observational mating call of, "IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!"

>> No.11433954 [View]

You have to have your own bar of sanity that you don't let everyone fuck with. In our culture we just call it our silence or the weight beneath our feet.

Sometimes we just over-expose the fear of death until the person realizes that when this loaner soil vessel (our human body) goes, it'll go regardless of what we say or do. It's on loan to us from Earth. You came from it, you'll return to it, in some form or another.

Ultimately though I would say start 'distancing' things that you have to apply some magic understanding to like implant in your arm and whatnot. If it requires more than something naturally making sound (like voice/animal) then you could easily go 'my spirit guide is being retarded again' or '4chan is being a fag again lol'.

It's about separating internally the identity store of memory and the story of who you are and why your future would be built from broken bits and not from whatever your bar of sanity is.

Not all ego can be distributed, not all language can be learned.

>Super simple version: Everytime you get a voice episode, hug someone you know that will let you and don't explain why. Set it up as a ritual and just say 'need a hug!' or whatnot. Don't make up a fancy reason as to why, just do it. If you're already that far down then don't make it harder on yourself by punishing yourself for how you gotta pull yourself up.

>> No.11433945 [View]

No, I genuinely can't. If there is some entity/force/group that is out to monitor to you but doesn't have the confidence to restrain or interact with you directly then said entity/force/group has too much time/resources on its hands for it to be worthwhile in terms of focus/attention.

Some shit is just beneath notice.

I'm not a chemist so can't really comment on that side of things. As an Aboriginal Elder I have to deal with what society presents me and how that person in front of me chooses to 'proudly' and 'happily' present themselves, doesn't matter what the narrative is. It's more a body language and said person's ritual of inclusion is. Our culture is the oldest living one because a lot of our approaches are literally about the person in front of us and our want to heal it, not about how big the group of other people we can gather to talk about the problem is.

If we hadn't done it this way for this long we wouldn't have been here. Caring is... a tricky thing to translate to people online.

>> No.11433923 [View]

Personally I can't understand the disembodied voices thing. How does a 'voice' come from something that isn't a speaker, whether analog or digital? Does it just arrive as narrative in their head or is it actual audio data that can be 'louder' than other environmental audio data, confusing the listener, or is it... well, I can't actually think of other scenarios.

Keen to learn.

Unless the entire economy ran off observing you without you being aware of it, why would it be relevant? I guess I don't understand why having some group who has it out for you, good or bad, would matter if they were willing to be THAT obtuse about their interactions.

>> No.11433914 [View]

Why not attribute affordances to the narrative source?

If the information stream is coming from a subsection of a whole then just assume that it is context data attempting to enrich the primary source (which if it is your arm should be your head). Like a student that turned in homework late.

Why would it matter if people were listening in on you anyway? Is paranoia a thing for you?

Always nice to have an audience wrangler on board!
>Did you want a cookie or can't you, the poster I'm replying to, not realize when I'm trying to address you in isolation of everyone else?

>> No.11433869 [View]

Language disassociation is when the source and destination of intent and description become misattributed in the recipient's mind and without any discipline or prior narrative can just become a big chaos noise bundle of random crap. Like static on the radio.

Why not just simply let an event be recorded as 'occurred' until something else explicitly references it? Say like you ARE superman, but you only let it become relevant when others reference/celebrate it? And if they just reveal 'har har we were fooling you the whole time!' you can just shrug you shoulders and say to yourself that you guess it wasn't real.

Either way it helps keep your input and output linear, which should help with stability in general.

>> No.11433860 [View]

Who the hell would spend the time querying 4chan for these drugs SPECIFICALLY to help put down a bear? if bear is currently in pain, get vet, if American, use double-barrel shotgun or grenade.

>> No.11433847 [View]

Mine's just a placebo.

Well, how do you know what is real or not beyond what keeps you warm and your tummy to a minimum or arguments? Language disassociation is more like defragging a harddrive than people might believe and is amazingly necessary more and more these days where everything and everyone keeps screaming their messages 24/7 in each other's face and large audiences like to abuse others because that is the only way they know that they are at least included.

I personally find that shit creepy as fuck. I post on 4chan for the challenge, not because I could ever take any negative criticism here seriously. Same with the 'real-world', the number of deep connections one should have/maintain isn't that much and small-talk makes me want to punch something. I view it as buffering their youtube personality.

>> No.11433803 [View]

Humans are the things that agree that they are the weight beneath their feet/posterior (the contact point between their entity and that which exerts resistance against).

I just call them pleasure vessels because further reduction makes having a wank mighty hard.

>> No.11433799 [View]

So basically 'in oversight we trust'? Oversight is 'always' there. There has to be some observer of behavior/actions as we do not exist in a pure vacuum.

>> No.11433590 [View]

Pretty sure I only use empty sets to describe where you wouldn't WANT to be. How much time has been wasted arguing over void?

>> No.11433539 [View]

Would be better to spike him. I doubt whatever your Father is going through truly wants to be in a broken vessel that can't communicate with those it once loved.

This whole not helping others pass on is a cancer in society. PUSH OUT DA NEST!

>> No.11433530 [View]

If nobody has the emotional fortitude then why not hail mary it and just super spike him with 10 tabs of LSD? If it just gonna be a slow decline anyway, may as well.

Saying that therapy and meds will help when all they do is provide those around him an excuse to keep giving more emotional leeway is kinda duuuumb.

>> No.11433524 [View]
File: 10 KB, 253x199, images - 2020-03-02T201051.467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, the object being acted upon, literally have no faculty to objectively evaluate the intent or desire of another. It is always stochastic/inferential.

My physical nerves have opinions, my emotions are indifferent. If some group of humans want to eternally rape~torture me, how am I gonna stop them? Hell, that could be me right now. If they don't let me have a breather then technically I could never experience WORSE.


>Why your mother gotta throw up in your existence, emotionally speaking? If you put up with them for resources, be honest about that. Otherwise just fuck up and try something new. I did. Pretty fucking happy about it too.


>> No.11433519 [View]

Yeah, I really do want a place where Fame and Fortune aren't requirements and can go get fucked.

I've had it up to here with insecure groups and individuals that think 'security' fucking matters. It is a zero sum game of oneupmanship and referential circle-jerks.

That anyone anywhere wants to be taken seriously is the joke du jour. People listen to wallets first, their pain second, and hopes last.

Just here to give hope to every living/breathing thing that feels like one day soon they don't have to half-breath just to keep everyone off their backs.

>Also sick and tired of the ego of spirituality. Everyone is advertising shit, I don't see anyone taking it to the logical extreme. That's all I am doing with my Aboriginal Elder status.

>> No.11433511 [View]

Then those stories/identities/languages need CLOSURE or some way to integrate into some centralized imagination/intellect.

>You can't talk to him like you used to because obviously the identity you knew was tied emotional to other events. Ya gotta be like a sheep dog.

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