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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: trans

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>> No.16210637 [View]

I'm trans

>> No.16210536 [View]

Conservative in the US means being pro-gay marriage but not for trans kids

>> No.16209553 [View]

what about trans women though??????

>> No.16208108 [View]

Im trans btw, and GR filters me

>> No.16206840 [View]

Barely 2 days into gay month and we're already being bombarded with trans nonsense.

>> No.16202787 [View]

I was already racist and pretended to be an antiracist, trans ally etc. to get in to school so I can't help you there. I couldn't be any more racist without becoming an imminent threat to myself and others.

>> No.16202240 [View]

>Good point in saying that it's still potentially dangerous and worthwhile of concern, even if it may not be AGI. That's like the adult/wise version of the anti-AI criticism, sadly this does seem to be rare especially when you talk to people 1 on 1. This "but it doesn't have a SOUL bro" argument comes up so often. Then I look around to find AI-minded people claiming it does... and can barely find anything. There's a deep insecurity there
What? Consciousness? What the fuck has that to do with the AI problem space?
All of this is a complete (You) problem. You hang out in spaces that honestly baffle me. Why would I go on Twitter or Reddit to listen to their insane rhetoric how trans rights are human rights or how we need to establish world communism so they can be a useless fat slug?
This is the equivalent you are doing, reading takes by people who have absolutely nothing to add to the topic. Which ironically brings me to:
>The funny thing to me is that philosophy could probably help AI development quite a lot. The problem being that most philosophy you see nowadays is just masturbation, they will craft some arbitrary barrier (specifically designed to reach the emotional conclusion they desire).
How many modern philosophers have you read?
Do you know the writings of Mackie or Phillipa Foot? These are just an example.
You have not read one philosophy paper, so why would you give a strong opinion on such a topic?

>> No.16201943 [View]

No you stupid fuck. I know people who actually have aphantasia. It's not a stupid crazy rare thing, and even if only a minority of people can't imagine shit, it's useful to know that it's a real phenomena, as opposed to letting people act like it couldn't be real and everyone is just bullshitting about it and just doesn't understand what they're on about. Like what is your problem? It's not like like saying "some people are trans, and therefore gender *isn't real*".

Like, even the people in the OP image are clearly describing 'actual' aphantasia, and not the "I can't spontaneously hallucinate" version you're claiming would be a common mistake. You specifically claim these people must be stupid, then are shown otherwise, and then hanker down onto the idea that you were only saying that some people would be confused, and act like we weren't rightfully shitting on you.

Good day to you.

>> No.16200717 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 848 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-05-30_08_05_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans Girl From lgbt /40/ Here.

I'm Tired of You Sci. Get Sci Fi Too!! We Need Star Trek!! Just Read My Image & Have A Great Thread & Day.


PS:: If You Still Feel Bitter Before Or After Posting Go Get A Mocha From McDonalds. Large Mocha's Are $4 & Large Coffees Are $2. Indulge In Yourself You Got A Fun Troll Image Today. Even If You Hate Me You Got Something To Post In A Rage Thread Naow At Least. PS I'm A StarCraft UMS Map Maker & Estrogen Boosted My IQ. You Could Try Testoserone Shots If You Want To Boost Yours. :P!! :3!!


>> No.16199910 [View]
File: 155 KB, 1200x873, all out of listerine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to the weight of evidence is fresh analysis of stone knife unearthed in the US in 1971 that revealed it was made of French flint.

Professor Dennis Stanford from Washington's Smithsonian Institution, and Professor Bruce Bradley from Exeter University believe that the ancient Europeans travelled to North America across an Atlantic frozen over by the Ice Age.

During the height of the Ice Age, ice covered some three million square miles of the North Atlantic, providing a solid bridge between the two continents. Plentiful numbers of seal, penguins, seabirds and the now extinct great auk on the edge of the ice shelf could have provided the stone-age nomads with enough food to sustain them on their 1,500-mile walk.

"Across Atlantic Ice", a book by professors Stanford and Bradley presenting the case for the trans-Atlantic trek, is published next month.

>> No.16198411 [View]

Nice try AMCAS
>I love helping underserved populations
>my trans mother died of rectal cancer, which is why I got a B in Ochem
>to bravely save fat people from their own choices
>did I mention I play the clarinet, piano, and have an EMT license?

>> No.16198174 [View]

I would congratulate her on her transition and tell her that she's almost passing except for one small detail. Thanks to my elbow fetish I can immediately distinguish a trans woman from a cis woman.

>> No.16194836 [View]
File: 209 KB, 768x1020, gregory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes trans now too, she calls herself greg now

>> No.16188052 [View]

>becomes "culturally christian"
>starts hating trans folx

>> No.16187438 [View]

Dawkins doesn't say that trans people are mentally ill. He says that denying that there are two sexes is a misuse of language and science (not saying he's right about this).

>> No.16186515 [View]
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 1649103839635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fetish for intellectual humiliation. I fantasize about being mogged and ridiculed by a hot girl who is smarter than me and makes fun of my lacking knowledge of higher math and theoretical physics. Are there girls on /sci/ who know more than me? Please no trans.

>> No.16185762 [View]

it depends on how much they smell like a woman
i've seen trannies call a parrot "the trans affirming parrot" because of that

>> No.16185487 [View]

trans women are real women

>> No.16183902 [View]

>Ok. Do you hold the same definition of entitlement as the author of the paper?
You are the author fuckface. You're getting a reaction from 4chan to add onto your other online sources.

>I claimed it would more beneficial to do X being a member of group A
That isn't what you said. Once again more wordy nothingness.

>What's a tranny?
It's you.
>Maybe I am autistic
You are anon. No doubt about it.

>So far you have been an unreliable source of information.
Said the autistic sexless tranny that is a pathological liar lol.

>Sometimes, but only on videogames
And batshit insane papers that you self-post on 4chan for attention.

>Is that something that sounds like a good time to you?
Obviously not. So why do transsexuals insist on straight men fucking them?
"Claire looks for guys on the beach - Young, Trans and Looking for Love: Preview - BBC Three"

>Got anything to share with the class? Promise we wont judge, bro.
Said the sexless autistic tranny that is obsessed with hating straight white men lol.
Holy shit you're insane.

>> No.16183708 [View]

>/sci/ has repeatedly claimed that trans(wo)men are not real (wo)men. You're not allowed to suddenly claim they are now to fit your disgusting narrative.
Calm down mentally ill tranny anon.
female to male transsexuals are still biological women. /sci/ agrees with that.
I am clearly allowed to say that.
This is clearly your paper that you're shilling.

>> No.16183695 [View]

/sci/ has repeatedly claimed that trans(wo)men are not real (wo)men. You're not allowed to suddenly claim they are now to fit your disgusting narrative.

>> No.16182826 [View]

btw I'm trans

>> No.16179411 [View]

/sfg/ is trans territory, spaceflight is literally a cornerstone of transhumanism, if you're a transphobe then you shouldn't be here

>> No.16178117 [View]

Maybe in the 1900s but things were definitely better in the 50s-60s so the smart thing is to be a reactionary nowadays at least on some issues. Like the trans mental illness and identity politics garbage that's being pushed on the mainstream public conscious.

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