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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: go back to reddit

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>> No.16221372 [View]

>be reddit
>be 2016
>"I'm gonna go to 4chan and show those evil racist nazi bigots how dumb they really are"
>everyone ignores you or scores off you with gnarly zingers and makes you feel foolish
>realize you're wrong and correct your irrational lame low IQ beliefs?
>instead stay for ever
>keep on getting frustrated and angered
>8 years later still being tortured by 4chan
>still coming back every day
>doing it all voluntarily

>> No.16219296 [View]

Original sci was never like reddit. You need to go back.

>> No.16175273 [View]
File: 143 KB, 1000x563, 1675550674850239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16173807 [View]

We can claim whatever we want on the internet anon.
Now go back to your reddit and onions lattes.

>> No.16157791 [View]

you do realize that your are seriously killing the general quality by doing this constantly right. if youre going to annoy people with spaceflight focus please go back to discord or reddit.

>> No.16134911 [DELETED]  [View]

>You just say that having dealt with the issues that held you back has enabled you to go ahead. An incredibly trivial statement. Congrats
Nothing trivial about it. It is only possible by identifying and working with the root cause of the issues. It takes a lot of work. You may see it as trivial, but you strike me as someone who is unable to acknowledge their own faults, which makes your opinion worthless. There is also nothing inauthentic about it. I am who I am. Every person has desirable and undesirable traits. I utilize my strengths and work on my weaknesses because that's what a reasonable person does. If you want deep discussion, get the fuck off 4chan. But really you strike me as someone who can't handle the opinions of others.

>In some way, I would like to call you incredibly cucked because you so readily give in to whatever arbitrary social convention or norm is currently en vogue and I have no way of knowing how obsessed you've become with following them. I suppose, wearing make-up and getting the right haircut are part of the therapy sessions too? How many of the guys in your support group have colorful hair, btw?
Maybe you're the sperg, you absolute fucking retard. This has nothing to do with social conventions and everything to do with medical diagnoses. Yes, there is a lot about ASD that is not well-understood, but nonetheless there are observable, profound, and myriad differences between those who have autism spectrum disorder and those who don't. Research on the subject is ramping up & many potential causes are being identified.

Not only are you retarded, but you're too stupid to realize how stupid you sound. Therapeutic approaches to treating autism can be found in the literature, which I presume you haven't read because you're a pseud.

>Stop reddit spacing.
Make me.

>> No.16133763 [View]

You just say that having dealt with the issues that held you back has enabled you to go ahead. An incredibly trivial statement. Congrats
>That is the point, if you have it. Because by definition it means that you possess undesirable traits and deficits in many aspects of life
In some way, I would like to call you incredibly cucked because you so readily give in to whatever arbitrary social convention or norm is currently en vogue and I have no way of knowing how obsessed you've become with following them. I suppose, wearing make-up and getting the right haircut are part of the therapy sessions too? How many of the guys in your support group have colorful hair, btw?
>Just because I singled out social deficits... or that can be addressed by service
You're not authentic. That's why your post makes me angry. Pretending to be someone else you're not and having this charade covered up as "treating" your social deficits. That's what OP alludes to. No deep discussion on what it means for something to be a social deficit or how it relates to high-stakes testing or conditioning people into behaving a certain convenient way.
But... I'm not you and I won't stop you.
>tl;dr - talk about adding nothing to a discussion - kill yourself
Stop reddit spacing.

>> No.16132423 [View]

>muh qualifications
lmao at the fake schizo, time to go back to shitddit

>> No.16121047 [View]

>not knowing your meme
>know your meme
Holy shit kys literal KYM faggot reddit isnt enough, you need to go back to tumblr.

>> No.16118230 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1440x2684, 1000013046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool game.
I'm surprised they didn't put it at a reddit meme coordinate, like 69 420 lmao xD
collision with the car makes the similar fail as if you dock with the ISS wrong. When you try docking it from the left side of the car, the CAD model of the car disappears.
when you try to go back on earth it gimbal locks and the earth disappears or you get a failure because you are stranded too far away.
when you succeed, you are given a link to a hidden YouTube video and the comments are cancer.

>> No.16083656 [View]
File: 215 KB, 553x304, Solutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"election tourism" is a meme by shitlib newfags to cope with being outnumbered by shitlords. you probably think "reddit spacing" is real, don't you?

your home is waiting for you. you have to go back!

>> No.16076683 [View]

>Paragraphs are not reddit spacing
Retard, you wrote a sentence for each "paragraph", you need to go back

>> No.16031918 [View]

Hey retard. Most on /sci/ are so called "non trad" students meaning they already went to school for something else hence all the SEEETHING over entrance requirements here because chuds are forced to go back for a few classes. This bait might work on reddit or SDN but not here.

Intelligent people have no problem with med school or the MCAT or residency. What they have a problem with is all the hoops you need to go through to get in and worse needing to pay big money. This one guy here spent $40,000 on a postbacc which is 40k on undergraduate basic bitch science courses.

Time to go back to /r/20yearoldpremedsofreddit.

>> No.15979680 [View]
File: 1019 KB, 1857x666, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger-tier argumentation
fyi newfaggot, double spacing predates reddit.
i could go back to the 80's or earlier but i think the point is made.
now go neck yourself. hurry.

>> No.15978742 [View]

go to the fucking library nigger, leave your phone behind. install a thing on your laptop that blocks shit like 4chins, Reddit, Facebook etc. tell yourself you won't leave until you've done 4 hours of study. give yourself a 10 minute break every hour.

if the question is HOW do you study, I get a load of A4 paper, some fancy coloured pens and essentially rewrite the textbook or whatever revision material. YouTube videos are good too if you can find a decent channel. for medicine I used medicosis perfectionalis, that guy is actually a great lecturer, funny and relatable. after you're done, go back to your dorm and record yourself giving a lecture on everything you went over.

>> No.15974501 [View]

you know, back in my day, people would just go
>eww that's disgusting hahaha
same thing if i posted 2 girls 1 cup or something, nowadays i have schizophrenic reddit transplants trying to build a court case on how posting a smug reaction image makes me a troon.
i swear if i could go back in time and kill every single nigger who thought they were welcome here during the trump era i would.

for now i'm just content to watch you have a meltdown live.

>> No.15970899 [View]

Oh no he's from /pol/ and BEFOOORE was from reddit anon, you have to remember that little jump there. You have to be 18 or older to post here, but that wont stop you so just go back to your containment board

>> No.15964054 [View]

>lol I-incel
Oh please care explain despite the fact I never wore a swastika or said femoid unironically in my life
>What have you actually accomplished except alert people who don’t know you that you’re starting to squeak?
Save bikini bottom and prove everyone plankton was a bitchass nigger. Also give the formula back.
>Do something to change society for the better, or be quiet
Like you said before an imageboard talking about pop sci whose agenda doesn’t correlate with actual scientific data and methods to please the masses and such. Also reason why I go here and I made this thread. A lot people here are like well wise and stuff. Well not that but other boards besides /lit/ are retarded and /pol/ is basically the same as tumblr and Reddit and twitter.

>> No.15961154 [View]

>constantly misatributes "reddit spacing" when looking as proper writing structure
The absolute peak irony of summer children ruining this site.....you have to go back....

>> No.15950527 [View]

Please go back. Though what you said about no genes being unique to any one race is correct. Still, you'll feel much more comfortable in reddit

>> No.15949215 [View]
File: 45 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like this soi faggot cuck bitch then you're reddit and you need to fucking go back right now

>> No.15945599 [View]

>fuck someone called me out for trying to subvert /sfg/ again
>uhhhh call him a /pol/tard to discredit him
Go back to your thread, havent used anything other than /sfg/ for 2 years now. Also if youre referring to the reddit comment then youre actually a tranny and need to 41% yourself.

>> No.15899286 [View]
File: 153 KB, 1024x737, this is what they say openly 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you're doing is spamming "muh cosmos" and being vague for no reason. That's why you get the same copy pasted replies that you didn't read in the first place.

So, your point is (I'm guessing, since you're being a vague fag) "t-there couldve been stuff before the big bang, dood, b-bro string theory, uhh, bro" that's all you atheists do. Keep changing the goal post and arguing in bad faith. First it was steady state model, now it's "b-but wat about before the big bang. it doesnt count. the laws of physics and the creation of our fucking universe and time itself dont count. muh cosmos" just go back t𐐬 reddit.com/r/atheism if you're going to argue like this.

>> No.15892621 [View]

>Go throw your trantrum in reddit.
This level of projection is honestly pathetic. You know, I just got back only to find you still lurking here, desperate for my response, only so you could act dismissive towards it within five minutes of me posting it. You still never bothered to substantiate your hurt fee-fees in any way, either. You just feel very, very strongly that someone made an "anti-male" (lol!) post. Of course you're not going to get an explanation when it's all in your head to begin with, doofus.

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