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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: elsevier

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>> No.12691857 [View]

Excuse me friend, why would you ever spend 1k on books with Libgen still being up and running? Please don't give your money to Pearson, Elsevier or Springer; they are scum.

>> No.12688539 [View]

I've noticed a lot of hate against transpeople that I can't quite understand. I've so far chalked it up to a mixture of paranoid conspiracy theory influence and/or irrational bigotry likely resulting from poor self-confidence in one's masculinity. On the off-chance it's based on ignorance of the science, let me give some examples of why transgenderism is valid, along with transitioning being valid and effective treatment for gender dysphoria.

Here's an article about a study showing gender identity in the brain and how it can be distinct from body.

Hormone treatment and/or gender reassignment surgery improve mental health in transgender people (and reduce risk of harm)

Transition is extremely effective at reducing dysphoria and improving quality of life. This is a big meta-analysis study too, and is supported by other peer-reviewed studies as well

>> No.12643181 [View]

Spotted the elsevier shill

>> No.12609913 [View]

Tribe enabler? Elsevier is Robert Maxwell

>> No.12605744 [View]

>You may not like it
>t. Elsevier
/sci/ is pro scihub. the only people against scihub are faggot contrarians, non-STEM burger flippers, and journal big wigs kept afloat by the thousands of man hours "volunteered" by scientists

>> No.12568566 [View]

No you fucking idiot, that's why everyone supports scihub except the out-of-the-loop dickweeds like yourself, and the jews at Elsevier
cool, lemme pay my rent with prestige. Shut the fuck up you virtue signaling retard

>> No.12565675 [View]

I like that they eat the rotting flesh of corpses left behind in war.
This bird is a good scavenger which is probably why its chosen as a mascot.

It is super intelligent and survives of the papers it maneges to get a hand on. The war analogy clearly holds since science has lost the war (against elsevier and the likes) a long time ago.

Have any of you ever tried writing a creative paper? I have, and there is literally no one who fucking cares.
You can spend 6 years working on some groundbreaking theorem, share it with peers, and then get 0 replies.
Hardly any income, hardly any recognition and hardly any resulting pay off.

Seriously /sci/, If I could do it all over, I would just jump into buisness straight away.
Build a stable income stream, and spend my free time on politics trying to get out all these niggers.

>> No.12560871 [View]

go eat a bag of dicks, elsevier

>> No.12488685 [View]
File: 54 KB, 700x520, darpa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? Among all boards it is the most transhumanist around.
G: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6366/1019, https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/21/137309/the-crispr-twins-had-their-brains-altered/, www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31664-6?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867416316646%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
R: https://www .nature.com/articles/s41598-020-5 8831-9
N: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/cs/c9cs00877 b#!divAbstract, https://robotic s.sciencem ag.org/content/4/30/eaav4317.abstract, https://w ww.nature.com/artic les/s41563-020 -0685-9

>> No.12484913 [View]

are you from the site staff? thanks for all what you're doing, I've been massively downloading lots of springer / elsevier books that otherwise would have been impossible to pay.
thanks for existing. you and Alexandra go in /sci/'s walk of fame for the eternity

>> No.12479956 [View]

G: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6366/1019, https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/21/137309/the-crispr-twins-had-their-brains-altered/, www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31664-6?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867416316646%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
R: https://www .nature.com/articles/s41598-020-5 8831-9
N: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/cs/c9cs00877 b#!divAbstract, https://robotic s.sciencem ag.org/content/4/30/eaav4317.abstract, https://w ww.nature.com/artic les/s41563-020 -0685-9

>> No.12434050 [View]

>It is published in ScienceDirect which gives it more reliability.
No it doesn't, ScienceDirect is just a database for Elsevier. They host unfalsifiable humanities pieces like this in addition to hard STEM.

>> No.12420993 [View]

Yeah this was years ago and I wasn't the corresponding author. I wouldn't have even published through Elsevier in the first place, but anyway. I agree more should have been done there.

>> No.12420983 [View]

that's true but if it was anything through Elsevier then you could reprimand them or at least that one reviewer. I wouldn't let this go. I don't mean punish the chinese publisher, but rather whoever made it accessible to them. unless they yoinked it fairly.

>> No.12420945 [View]

Wasn't on arxiv so it was either just outright copied from another journal after publication or it was a reviewer. It was published so quickly we wondered if it was one of the Elsevier reviewers who gave us a review which only showed he hadn't read the paper, and then lo and behold a Chinese journal published the paper only a week or so after ours came out.

>> No.12418631 [View]

Because fuck (((Elsevier)))

>> No.12391702 [View]


>> No.12390294 [View]

Medline Crisis makes a good case against Elsevier

>> No.12389990 [View]
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Hello everyone,

Yes. I am a big fan of the Elsevier platform of digital access, and subscription based programs which will be here in the near future.
Yes. They're soon planning on rolling out a verified tier system.

- No degree ~ $5/month for unlimited articles
- In College ~ Free if your university signed up for it
- College Grad - $20/month, or $50/month for commercial purposes
- Postgraduate - Pricing plans vary from $10 to $150 a month

Also, wethey're are considering free access for high school students. Isn't it cool when great things happen. Unfortunately, the publishing industry is under attack, which means high quality research articles will soon come to an end. This is very alarming in an era of fake news, where qualtiy Peer-Reviewed Journals are the only way of making heads and tails. Anyways, I'm a real chatter, I know. Enough about this. What's everyone's favorite beverage here?

>> No.12389967 [View]

Yes, fuck Elsevier and every other faggot journal that isn't open source

>> No.12389817 [View]
File: 100 KB, 767x546, gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you hear that bigots? Science will suffer if you stop immigration. Don't let science suffer under the name of bigotry, racism, and xenophobia!


>> No.12379502 [View]
File: 52 KB, 1473x234, elsevier_shilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from their wiki

>> No.12338948 [View]


>> No.12333387 [View]

>Juan Carlos Izpisúa
Ah, bless this crazy bastard:

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