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/sci/ - Science & Math

Search: pony

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>> No.15502570 [View]

Infested by pony niggers. Be nice if faggot jannies could do their job for once.

>> No.15502058 [DELETED]  [View]

Ponies will outlast the furfags and anime fags. In the far distant future when countless humans populate the stars, wars will not be fought over religion, money, or ideology, but over the canon of pony.
Vampire horses?

>> No.15501989 [View]

somerocket(pony) stage it.

>> No.15478803 [View]

>Seriously though because it's a moving base station, it's more of a hassle for the satellites to deal with

Absolute bs, compared to the satellite moving at LEO speeds it makes fuck all difference if you are sitting still or moving at 6 knots, besides the RV version is for use while moving and that package is like a quarter of the price. People were using the regular RV model on their boats too before Elon starting jewing so it's pretty obvious you don't need the gorillion dollar special snowflake hardware either. It's a pretty shit business decision honestly because every motherfucker who lives out of their boat, which is quite a lot, would instantly pony up if the monthly connection cost was the same as the RV package, even if they were still jewing on the hardware price. With it priced as it is basically no one will buy it except the sailing influencer channels, its just too much to swallow.

30ft Bruce Roberts, bermuda sloop

>> No.15456970 [View]

The point you seemed to miss is that Trump fucked off to gold land periodically, so the controversy train slowed down long enough for people to lower their guard. DeathSentence is too stupid to do that and he's becoming a one trick pony. Everyone's starting to figure out his strategy and is moving to counter him accordingly.

>> No.15455249 [View]
File: 247 KB, 1244x1600, big ass retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I'm a fucking retard at planning, literally can't be arsed to do it. I even play chess as if it were checkers. I'm really really good at tactics, horrible at strategy. I basically have a brain that can execute and succeed in any immediate task, but there is not necessarily a strategic element at involved. I'm a fantastic problem solver, but the issue exists that I solve the problem but perhaps not strategically solved.

Most jobs I believe are in the realm of strategy. Most people are playing multi-step things. I'm a one step guy. Fucking good at the one step. I never fail when I take my one step. But I never do multi-step strategies in my life.

What type of job fits my ability to solve any issue as long as it is single step and future strategy is not a factor? I'm talking my brain is supercharged for it, anything that requires one step but would still be too difficult for 99% of people to process, I can easily solve that situation. Add a second step, but both step are much easier and wham I'm uninterested and useless. I am a one trick pony.

>> No.15442572 [View]
File: 241 KB, 290x444, github_profile_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people how they should teach courses
Nobody cares, and you're not good at math. Nobody here is good at math besides me. You're all lazy, dumb, gay pony nerds. Cloppers. Absolutely incapable of doing anything useful, if your life depended on it. You cloppers couldn't prove the Pythagorean theorem if I pointed a gun at your heads. You should all be very ashamed of this fact. Utter failures. Go have sex. Oh wait, you can't. Your autism is so advanced that it causes physical deformities. Your skin is pale and curling from lack of sunlight. Your hair is thinning or bald. Your pubes are overgrown, and your teeth are yellow. You are a disgrace of a human being.

>> No.15436702 [View]
File: 34 KB, 400x400, HsITrHj5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's some really sick folks out there... anyway here is why SpaceX are a bunch of scammers, Elon Musk lied about HLS, and why it would be okay to fuck the horses from My Little Pony if they were real

(I can't find the photo of him pointing at SLS with his mouth open, this will have to suffice.)

>> No.15428926 [View]

It's a race between government tit-suckers, boomer italians, and crypto bros. pick your pony
Charles Bolden works for Axiom, funny enough. Now that I think of it, is there a single product Axiom has shipped? All they seem keen on is signing up astronauts

>> No.15419869 [View]

It would cost a hell of a lot more than the 200 billion proposed even assuming starship most optimistic price estimates. And no one wants to pony up the money for it so it will never be built.

>> No.15408763 [View]

Diagnosis and treatment of muscoloskelettal dysfunctions falls short in traditional school medicine, there isn't really a good comprehensive evidence based diagnostic system in place to deal with the complexity of the issue outside of mutlimodal pain therapy for symptomatic relief. So shit like chiropractics, osteopathy or TCM comes into play, using their own systems to adress it, but you'd be hard pressed to call them sufficiently "evidence based", hence it's luck of the draw to a degree. Properly analyzing more complex dynamic or structural issues requires training, experience and most of all time, the skillset isn't necessarily part of your training as an ortho or PM&R, and you certainly won't get the time to do it properly in a clinical setting. That is not say it completely falls short, as it can correctly assess and treat certain issues , but if the regular treatment options don't work for you and you'll start approaching the wall of just getting pills and PT for symptomatic relief it's best to pony up the money and look elswhere for further diagnostic testing. But then again, alternative medicine is also full of quacks so be prepared for a frustrating journey

>> No.15390643 [View]

you guys really like to think there's a lot of leniency when it comes to enforcing the rule on ponies, don't you??

>> No.15390162 [View]

Why didn't you reply to my post? >>15390135
Are you jealous or afraid of my magical pony?

>> No.15390135 [View]

It's not a matter of wishing it. My proof shows that the magical pony necessarily exists whether god wants it or not. In fact, by including the axiom
Axiom 3.6: The property of gifting magical ponies to anon 15390102 on /sci/ on their 20th birthday is positive
it follows that I was gifted a magical pony on my 20th birthday

>> No.15390102 [View]

Axiom 3.5: The property of owning a magical pony is positive
By T3, God exists and owns a magical pony because god has all positive properties.

>> No.15389877 [View]

True but not, I reckon autists are just hyper obsessed with one topic, and normally give up everything else (e.g., other topics, socialising, etc), basically an academic glass cannon.

Like a knifesmith who spent all his life making and studying knives, he will be really fucking good at making knives, but he won’t have the slightest idea of any other craft.

They are basically retards though, for society, social skills are important so not having those is a disadvantage (hence why academia is a tard ranch), but moreso having a general, well-rounded set of skills is infinitely better than a one trick pony, especially for anything that isn’t exactly “do this one job X amount of times” (which is mostly automated nowadays)

>> No.15365721 [DELETED]  [View]

Every time I see a loli thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

You severely damaged pedophiles are literally the Bronies of /b/. You know, that sub-group of 4chan pedophiles who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic pedophiles are far too busy fapping to little girls and wishing that the consent age change to 3 years old.

Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

At first, I figured it was one lonely pedophiles making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over lolis. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

Is that the thrill you pedophiles get from these threads? Is it the fact that you can laugh and sing and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your sick fetish? If not, then WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FIXATION?

I'm speaking for /b/ as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you want to spend you life fapping to little girls.

Just stop already. Quit with the simulated child abuse threads. OP, delete this thread.

I am telling you this because I hate pedophiles.Cyanide is your friend.
Stay butthurt niggers

>> No.15351832 [View]


Black people constitute a separate subspecies of human that is, on average, less cognitively able than other subspecies of humans.

A German shepherd isn't a separate species from a chihuahua just because it's larger, stronger, and smarter. And there is enough cognitive variation within races that there are many blacks who are cognitively superior to the average white, and many whites who are cognitively inferior to the average black.

The very real difference in group trends does not translate to a universal hierarchy of superiority, and the fact that the average person of any race is way too fucking retarded to process this fact is exactly why we have to go through the whole retarded dog and pony show of pretending all races are exactly the same in every way except skin color.

>> No.15337180 [View]

How many times will pony porn be posted during the orbital launch of Starship?

>> No.15335972 [View]
File: 172 KB, 1000x807, history_of_science_denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh SJWs
>muh "shills"
>muh AI
>muh Trump

lmao this board has truly turned into pol 2.0.

Almost half of the posts on this board are either schizo Infowars-tier conspiracy theories and science denial, or thinly veiled white nationalist/neo-nazi race baiting about muh IQ and muh race realism.

Go back to whatever shithole alt-right corner of the internet you came from. Just go back to jerking off to My Little Pony in your mom's basement, or whatever it is that "based and redpilled" NatSoc incels like to do these days. You people are clearly too stupid to understand basic math or science, so you're insistence on constantly "debating" these issues in a simplistic and completely uninformed manner is a waste of both your time and everyone else. If you aren't actually interested in science and you hate scientists and the scientific community, then just find something else to talk about. Conversely, if you are actually interested in the science, and you're willing to question you own conspiracy theories and scientifically inaccurate views, then by all means do so, but in the case you need to engage with the actual research and be willing to trust scientists instead of just claiming that they're all part of some conspiracy to "take away our freedom".

>> No.15331831 [View]

The anti-spaceplane cabal is committing sudoku as we speak. It's like Black Pony.
>Keroxide HTOL
>eventual plan is to scale up to a reusable first stage like an unmanned Black Colt that kicks an expendable second stage out and up to orbit
>removing weight of crew, life support, etc. allows functionality with pure rocket engines rather than needing midair refueling and a mode-shifting engine

>> No.15329234 [View]

Whos the pony fag? This tranny here >>15329208?

>> No.15327067 [View]

Unreasonably long discussions of My Little Pony fanfiction taught me everything I need to know about this guy.

>> No.15324182 [View]
File: 142 KB, 640x908, san-francisco-homeless-uses-vr-headset-v0-bu566t1mou5a1-2690383583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't want to work and these faggots keep promising me robots but not delivering so how long are they gonna keep this dog and pony show going?

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